去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:辰春涛淮安信息职业技术学院毕业论文雪弗兰汽车市场营销策略分析|雪佛兰在国内市场上市之后,便迅速成为高档小车市场的主力车型。雪佛兰在短短三年时间便能迅速抢占市场,并获得了该细分市场的冠军;得益于雪佛兰品牌在中国的成功引入;得益于上海通用强大的市场营销网络和品牌战略以及营销策略;得益于中国日益成长的汽车消费市场,而其关键的成功之处在于成功的品牌战略和营销策略。本论文以雪佛兰轿车为研究对象,关注消费者价值以及轿车生产厂商与消费者之间的互动交流,将理论研究和实证研究相结合,深入研究消费者行为,目的是为了帮助雪佛兰轿车在中国市场制定有效的市场营销策略,以建立独特的竞争优势并且赢得市场。关键词:雪佛兰;营销策略;消费者行为After the Chevrolet listed in the domestic market, it quickly became a luxury car market main force vehicle. Chevrolet will occupy the market rapidly in a short span of three years, and won the champion of fractionize market; thanks to the Chevrolet brand in China successfully introced; thanks to the Shanghai general strong marketing network , but its success key in brand strategy and marketing strategies for success in the Chevrolet, the combination of theoretical research and empirical research In this thesis, the Chevrole