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9月参加雅思考试的勇士们 首要面对的一大难题就是: 雅思口语新题! 何为变题? 每年1、5、9月为雅思口语变题季 包括 Part1、Part2、Part3 雅思口语话题会淘汰30%~40%旧题 并补充相应数量的新题! 变题季的题目无非就是以下3种 1. 新题—— 全新题,出现频次一般较高,重中之重! 2. 旧题回库—— 去年或者是考过的题,回归到了题库,那就意味着9~12月会继续考,后期备考学生们要留意了。 3. 重点老题—— 为各大考场出现频次极高的题,要重点准备~ 9~12月雅思口语完整题库 新题+保留旧题 都get了吗??? 还没有拿到的烤鸭不要急走一波! 你没有看错哦,是 口!语!题!库! 有了这份雅思口语题库 接下来你们的 雅思口语分数将会直线飙升! 全部! 免费! 送给你! 换题季初期只要好好准备 抽到原题的几率敲大呦 Part1 1.Haircut (1)Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? (2)How long have you had your current haircut? (3)How often do you have a haircut? (4)Do you like having your hair cut? (5)What’s your last haircut? 2.Jeans (1)Do you wear jeans? (2)How often do you wear jeans? (3)Do you like wearing jeans, why? (4)Why do you think jeans are popular? (5)Do you spend a lot on jeans? 3.Voice (1)Do you like your own voice? (2)Has your voice ever changed? (3)Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it? 4.Concentration (1)When do you need to be focused? (2)What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused? (3)What do you do to help you concentrate? (4)Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? 5.Walking (1)Do you walk a lot? (2)Do you walk more often than in the past? (3)Do you think people will take a walk more often or not? 6.Languages (1)What languages can you speak? (2)Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language? (3)Will you learn other languages in the future? Part2&3 1.科技产品 Describe an important technological proct you bought You should say: What it is How you use it Why you bought it And explain why you think it is important (1)What do you think is the most important equipment in the workplace? (2)Which technological proct do you think is most useful at home? (3)Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future? (4)Do you think some technological procts make people lazier? Why? 2.人工智能 Describe a proct or application which is based on artificial intelligence You should say: What it is What it is used for How it is used And explain what you think of it (1)How will artificial intelligence affect our lives? (2)Will artificial intelligence have emotions in the future? 3.去过的城市 Describe a city you once went to with your family You should say: What the city was Why you went there What the city was like And explain how you felt about it (1)What kind of city do you like? (2)What are the advantages of living in a city? (3)Why do many people nowadays prefer living in the suburbs? 4.教老年人 Describe a time when you taught an older person something new You should say: When it happened Who you taught Why you taught this person And explain how you felt about it (1)Do you think old people know more things than young people? (2)Is it easy for old people to use new technology? (3)Why do some old people refuse to use new technology? (4)What are the advantages and disadvantages for old people to use smart-phones? 5.开车旅行 Describe a journey that you went on by car You should say: When was is Where you went Who you were with And how you felt about the journey (1)Do you think cars are a daily necessity? (2)What will cars look like in the future? (3)Is driving a skill that everybody must learn? (4)What are the downsides of having a car? ......... 篇幅有限,小秘书就不一一贴出来了 获取完整版请添加朗阁小秘书微信号 打call 打call 打call 领取方式 获取完整PDF版请关注“北京朗阁培训中心”微信公众号,添加朗阁小秘书为好友,回复“口语”,即可免费领取!

长难句分析 考研英语 06年真题句子

这句话怎么分析句子结构呢,我想知道launched .......和that........分别充当什么句子成分回答:1)launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods inan elegant atmosphere.过去分词短语作定语,修饰其前的“a culture of consumption”;2)该过去分词短语中的 that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere 是一个限定性定语从句,修饰限定其前的先行词stores;3)vast arrays of 是个固定词组,意为:大量的;一大批;各式各样的;4)请参考下面的英译汉:人们融入了19世纪的百货商店所倡导的"消费文化",这些百货商店有优雅的环境,提供各式各样的商品.欢迎!launched by the 19th-century department stores 做的是a culture of consumption的后置定语,是用来修饰限定a culture of consumption。that offered……这的that从句是department stores 的定语从句,department stores 是先行词,that指的就是department stores 。 希望可以帮助到你,考研1号提供。


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:水瓶小猪笑哈哈2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析Section I Use of EnglishDirections:  Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET l. (10 points) The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected inMexicowas declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic_____1_____ by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert _____2_____an emergency meeting with flu experts inGenevathat convened after a sharp rise in cases inAustralia, and rising_____3_____inBritain,Japan,Chileand elsewhere.But the epidemic is "_____4_____" in severity, according to Margaret Chan, the organization's director general, _____5_____ the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the _____6_____ of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global_____7_____in late April 2009, when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths_____8_____healthy alts. As much ofMexico Cityshut down at the height of a panic, cases began to _____9__