哇噻,这是哪家中介这么不负责任啊?为了减少自己的工作量就不帮你搞定语言课?!强烈鄙视!你上课不会延迟的,人家写的很清楚是pre-sessional course放心,英语课在开学之前进行,这是一个很常见的状况。建议你直接抛开中介,自己和学校联系(找contact detial里面的信息)写封信,语气诚恳地问人家。To whom it may concern,I am writiting to you concerning my conditional offer of the MSc in international banking and financial studies. My IELTS' over all score is 6.0, which according to your requirement, I have attened either the 11 weeek course or the 16 week course to improve my English and academic writting skills in order to follow my subject with the faculty of business. However I would kindly ask for your advise on the type of course I should be taking. Even though my over all IELTS score is 6.0, my writting score is only 5.0, should I take the 11 week course or the 16 week course. Also, when and how should I begin this course? Lastly, what kind of time frame would you suggest me to initiate my visa process to make sure my timely arrival to Southampton?Scincrely yours,XXX熬了一夜,刚准备睡,看到了你的帖子义愤填膺!兄弟,加油!打倒黑心中介!我这个信你看着改改,是不是符合你的要求就给学校管事儿的部门直接发了。学校不错,恭喜!谢谢你。艾玛太感动了连模版都给我写好了,学渣好心酸。中介应该不是为了减少自己工作量才不让我申的,因为说不能申的老师只是负责帮我选校和具体进程,帮我网申和文书的是另一个老师。主要是我确实在网上查不到有人参加过这个前5周online的网络授课。嗯,网上也不是啥都有的,所以写信问问。一来解决问题,二来增进和学校的联系,练习和学校打交道。一举两得;)放心大胆地发吧!南安很不错的,加油!