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秋季班:9月 冬季班:1月 春季班:5月英语预科班:每年开6期,每期8周。开课时间为1、3、5、6、8、10月入学申请18岁以上,高中毕业,托福560分以上(或计算机考试220分),雅思6.0。如托福成绩未达标或无托福成绩者,可先参加英语预科班。攻读硕士学位的学生需有本科学历和学士学位, 良好的大学本科成绩,TOEFL83分/IELTS7.0分,部分专业需提供GRE成绩。






官网的可靠些,尽量考6.0吧。。。当然是越高越好啦 一般加拿大的大学6.0足够的 澳洲5.5 US每个学校不一样


南阿尔伯塔理工学院(Sait)有会计本科专业 读。读完毕业都能申请到三年的工作签证。只是读完出来很难找工作。现在calgary满大街都是会计毕业的。加拿大皇家山大学(Mount royal university (MRU)。我正在MRU 读大学。我读的是science专业。不过我有朋友在读会计专业的。两个学校都有会计本科的专业。而且两个学校毕业都能申请三年的工作签证。只是MRU是一个大学,而sait是一个大专。不过两个你都能读一个degree(本科的四年专业)。其实找工作这个问题和学校没有什么关系。而是整个城市的就业问题。现在会计在calgry是供过于求,都很难找到工作,而且找到的工作都只不过是15-20块一小时的工作。不值得啊。其实我本来也是文科生。在中国读大学的时候读的是经济学专业,来到calgary再重新读的大学。读的是理科,而不读文科。因为在国外文科实在太难读了。英文不好,文科是需要大量的论文和演讲。所以我只能放弃文科,而选择理科了。还有一个问题就是。MRU 比SAIT难读。SAIT相对来说比较容易读。可是还是很难读。要做好上学好,考试期间每晚不能睡的准备了我是文科生,而且我是转学分过去的,只能学会计,学不了石油。我也想学石油呀...这两个大学出来的本科生哪个好就业呢?两个大学录取的都是本科会计专业。


  途径一:语言(根据学生语言情况)+研究生文凭(1~2年)  加拿大大学的硕士学位申请要求极高,国际留学生直接申请加拿大的硕士课程成功率不高,而硕士文凭课程的申请只需要专科或以上学历,成绩良好即可。  优势:录取门槛低,课程含金量高。非常适合毕业后想在加拿大找到好工作,以后想移民的学生。担保金额较少,可以走SPP计划,提高成功率。  劣势:研究生文凭的就业目的较强,需要较好的学习计划,和语言成绩,不太适合大龄或毕业时间较长的学生。  推荐院校:公立学院  途径二:研究生预科(4~12个月)+硕士课程(1~2年)  定义:加拿大的研究生预备项目是专为那些在北美大学就读研究生感兴趣的国际学生设计的。提高学生英语的总水平和学术技能,引导学生如何比较实际地考虑研究及缩小研究范围,选择学校、研究领域及擅长该领域的指导老师;以及向适合学生情况的大学的研究生院提出申请。除了培养这些技能,还会将重点放在研究、阅读和写作技能的培养上,已满足顺利完成硕士和博士课程的需要。  优势:适合本科毕业,非要去加拿大读硕士课程,目前又无法达到硕士直接录取要求的学生。学习计划较为合理,但是资金担保相对较多。  劣势:该课程只是预备课程,不能保证学生读完预科后的学习计划,完全需要学生重新申请。  推荐院校:约克大学、圭尔夫、UBC等  途径三:硕士双录(语言+1~2年硕士主课)  优势:适合本科毕业,有一定语言基础,但是又未达到直录硕士的条件的学生。学习计划明确,资金担保适宜,签证率较高。  劣势:相对来讲提供双录的学校的排名不是太高,要求学生不要挑学校。  推荐院校:温哥华岛大学、湖首大学、西安大略大学Cultureworks等  途径四:直申硕士(1~2年)  优势:适合本科毕业,成绩、语言等本身条件优秀的学生,学习计划合理,可以申请学生直录计划(GIC签证),签证率较高。  劣势:加拿大硕士申请要求本科学生专业对口,除部分商科外,基本上要求相关专业背景,语言要求较高。  推荐院校:所有开设硕士课程大学  途径五:申请转学分或攻读第二学位(根据语言情况、课程描述及学校评估而定)  优势:适合国内本科在读或本科毕业,对于国内院校、所学专业不是很满意,或者国内成绩不是太理想的学生。也适合直申硕士困难,又没有相关背景的学生。  劣势:转学分需要学生提供较详细的课程描述,审理周期较长,需要学生教好的语言成绩,转多少学分不确定。资金担保要求较高。学习计划非常重要,直接影响到签证率。  区别:攻读第二学位和转学分课程在某种意义上有相似的地方,就多数院校来讲这两种课程都需要提供课程描述,原则上来讲对于北美的学生就读第二学位课程,一般是2年的课程,不需要相关专业背景,但是需要有学士学位证。但是某些学院如南阿尔伯塔理工学院、北阿尔伯特理工学院等开设的某些应用学士学位课程,2年制,是可以接受大专毕业的学生。  推荐院校:CBU、毕索大学、阿尔格玛大学、南阿尔伯塔理工学院等公立大学及学院。  注:学习计划的安排有其合理性,不能一概而论,具体情况根据学生自身条件和家庭条件而定。留学详情可以咨询一下津桥留学哦!


给你一个很可靠的信息 如果你成绩不赖(平均成绩B左右)从阿尔伯塔转的话很容易但是就是成绩和课程的认证比较头疼我不清楚他们两个学校的理工科是否完全对接如果不完全对接就很冒险 因为你转学要先退学 然后拿到通知书 这时候他才能开始评估你所学科目 和你的成绩如果UBC不完全认证你所学的科目 那么不认证的这些你就要重修而且学分不算 所以有点像蹲班……反正挺冒险的 考虑清楚吧不用退学再去申请, 当你有了30个学分以后就可以申请ubc专它的大二。 但是每个学校对课的认可不一样,所以你的学分可能不能完全专过去。然后等你收到ubc的入取书以后, 你可以看到学校收了你什么课 然后你还可以选去也可以不去, 不是说给你录取书就一定要去。下面是转学的要求, 你可以看一下If you are attending another university or college or have some post-secondary credit, let UBC be the next step in your academic career. As a UBC student, you can take everything you have learned and experienced to the next level and challenge yourself in a supportive and sustainable environment.General admission requirementsEnglish language requirementAll prospective students must demonstrate their competency in English before being admitted to UBC. Most university transfer students meet this requirement – called the English Language Admission Standard – by completing 6 credits (two half-year courses or one full-year course) of first-year university-level English that will transfer to UBC.You can also satisfy this requirement if you have completed three years of full-time ecation in Canada. Or you can meet this requirement in other ways.Post-secondary academicsYour admission to UBC is based on transferable university courses taken prior to attending UBC. Transferable university courses include those deemed to be academic in nature and are part of a recognized degree program . Transferable courses can be used for two purposes: first, to calculate your admission GPA, and second, to meet program-specific requirements. Applicants with unsatisfactory standing designated by a prior post-secondary institution within their most recent 24-30 UBC-transferable credits will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be inadmissible.Depending on the amount of transferable course credit you've taken, your admission GPA is calculated as follows:0 to 6 credits taken Admission based on high school average only 7 to 23 credits taken Admission based on high school average and university GPA calculated using all transferable credits taken 24 to 30 credits taken Admission based on university GPA calculated using all transferable credits taken More than 30 credits taken Admission based on university GPA calculated using most recent 30 transferable credits taken Degree completed Admission based on university GPA calculated using most recent 30 transferable credits taken . Advanced standing granted instead of transfer credit. Program-specific requirementsPrograms at UBC have specific requirements beyond the university’s general admission requirements. When transferring from another university, students must also present transferable credit that meets program-specific requirements. Your transfer credit counts towards both degree requirements for your degree as well as specific requirements for your intended program. This will determine the year level you are eligible for when applying to transfer.You may not transfer more than 60 credits or 50% of your UBC degree’s total credit from another institution. In some cases, high school courses may be used to meet program-specific requirements when they are not met by your post-secondary coursework.Please note that some programs may consider or may require additional information in order to make their admission decision. You may need to complete a supplemental application form or an audition, or present a portfolio.For more information, please select the program you are interested in:Program Calendar description Faculty website Applied Biology Calendar – Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems website Arts Calendar – The Faculty of Arts Faculty of Arts website Commerce Calendar – The Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration Sauder School of Business website Dental Hygiene Calendar – Dental Hygiene Degree Program Faculty of Dentistry website Engineering Calendar – Bachelor of Applied Science > Admission Faculty of Applied Science website Food, Nutrition and Health Calendar – Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems website Forestry Calendar – The Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Forestry website Global Resource Systems Calendar – Bachelor of Science in Global Resource Systems Faculty of Land and Food Systems website Human Kinetics Calendar – The School of Human Kinetics School of Human Kinetics website Music Calendar – The School of Music School of Music website Nursing Calendar – The School of Nursing School of Nursing website Pharmacy Calendar – The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences website Science Calendar – The Faculty of Science Faculty of Science website Social Work and Family Studies Calendar – The School of Social Work and Family Studies School of Social Work and Family Studies website Course-specific creditCourses you have successfully completed at a Canadian university will be assessed for transfer credit on a course-by-course basis at the time of admission; however, many Canadian university courses have been evaluated and approved for transfer to UBC. If a course you have taken has not been approved for transfer to UBC, you may be asked to provide a copy of the course description from your previous university’s calendar.UBC does not publish pre-approved transfer credit for Canadian university courses.Unassigned creditUBC may grant unassigned credit if course-to-course equivalence cannot be established. This may be used as "elective" credit. Elective credit may be either in a particular discipline (e.g., Economics) or faculty (e.g., Arts). There may be some unassigned credit that does not satisfy specific degree requirements. Be sure to discuss your credit with an academic advisor once you’re admitted to your program.Credit for prior learningUBC accepts credits earned via prior learning assessment (PLA), challenge credit, or the equivalent at another recognized post-secondary institution, provided that the credit is for a course that we recognize as suitable for transfer credit. The university accepts only PLA credits that are assigned to specific courses.How to apply1. Choose the programs that interest youWhatever your passion, UBC likely has a program that will allow you to pursue it. We offer a broad range of internationally recognized programs designed to spark your curiosity by exposing you to some of the brightest minds in the world.2. Confirm what is required for admissionReview our general admission requirements as well as requirements for your program of interest.3. Apply onlineApplication to UBC opens in October and closes on February 28. There is one online application for both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses, and you will need to pay a $60 non-refundable application fee. You can only submit one application, but you can specify a first and second choice.When you apply to UBC, be sure to keep important dates in mind. Admissions decisions for most programs are made in April or early May.Go to the Student Service Centre anytime to check your current application status.4. Send the required documentsAfter you submit your application, you will receive an email that lists the documents you need to send in, including your grades.If you have studied outside of Canada, we strongly encourage you to submit documents to support your application such as letters of reference, a personal statement, list of extracurricular activities, etc.Required documents must be mailed to UBC's Undergraate Admissions office as soon as possible. Please ensure your school sends your official transcript.Some programs require a supplemental application. Please refer to your program-specific requirements. In addition, consult your faculty website because deadlines and fees may apply.

中国人 可以直接申请加拿大南阿尔伯塔理工学院(sait)的石油工程专业吗

我在NAIT读石油工程, 学校只要三年高中成绩,评估后达到70%以上即可入学, 还有雅思6.5从没听说过先申请其他专业这种事, 除非你想转本科.还有楼上说的很搞笑, 石油工程主要负责油田开采, 最多跟化学沾个边角, 哪来什么alevel?我qq 381576397 麻烦您加我 我想了解一下nait的信息追答NAIT学生会QQ群:173688454

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