德国可以申请的英语授课的计算机硕士,TU MUNICH 慕尼黑工大 Informatics;TU Berlin 柏林工大 1 Computer Science 2 Information Systems; RWTH亚琛工大 1 Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering2 Software Systems EngineeringLMU 慕尼黑大学 Software Engineering;伯恩大学 Computer Science (M.Sc.); 柏林自由大学 Data Science MSc 达姆斯塔特工业 Information and Communication Engineering MScDistributed Software Systems MSc 德累斯顿工业 Distributed Systems Engineering (M. Sc.); Nanoelectronic Systems (M. Sc.) 斯图加特 Information Technology MSc; Computer Science MSc