到了研究生阶段,申请学校就要看申请人在乎哪个排名:综合排名,专业排名,还是想两者兼顾?总之,如果在乎综合排名,100左右应该可以(上下30-50名调整);如果更在乎专业水平,其实带专业排号的学校都不错,当然,专业排名前10的慎动。想两者兼顾,就都考虑一下吧。这是比较相关的酒店管理专业的排名,参考看看吧,希望对你有帮助。T2是二级的学校。排名 学校 地点 Hospitality专业排名T2 U of Nevada--Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 1#15 Cornell U Ithaca, NY 2T2 U of Houston Houston, TX 3T2 Florida International U Miami, FL 4#104 Florida State U Tallahassee, FL 5#79 Michigan State U East Lansing, MI 6#47 Pennsylvania State U-ParkU Park, PA 7#179 U of Central Florida Orlando, FL 8 Cal Poly Pomona 9#56 Pure U--West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN 10 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 11#111 Washington State U Pullman, WA 12 Ashland University 13 Bethune-Cookman College 14#120 U at Buffalo--SUNY Buffalo, NY 15 California State Polytechnic University-Pomona 16 Delaware State University 17T2 Georgia State U Atlanta, GA 18T2 Indiana U of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 19#94 Iowa State U Ames, IA 20#132 Kansas State U Manhattan, KS 21#183 Kent State U Kent, OH 22 Mercyhurst College 23 Missouri State University 24 New York City College of Technology 25#33 New York U New York, NY *#51 George Washington U Washington, DC *#56 Ohio State U--Columbus Columbus, OH *#69 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA *#75 U of Delaware Newark, DE *#79 U of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL *#86 Drexel U Philadelphia, PA *#94 U of Missouri Columbia, MO *#99 U of Massachusetts--Amherst Amherst, MA *#104 U of Tennessee Knoxville, TN *#111 U of South Carolina Columbia, SC *#129 U of Kentucky Lexington, KY *#132 Oklahoma State U Stillwater, OK *#132 Temple U Philadelphia, PA *#159 Texas Tech U Lubbock, TX *#159 U of Hawaii--Manoa Honolulu, HI *#191 U of North Carolina--Greensboro Greensboro, NC *T2 Central Michigan U Mount Pleasant, MI *T2 South Dakota State U Brookings, SD *T2 Texas Woman's U Denton, TX *T2 U of New Orleans New Orleans, LA *T2 U of North Texas Denton, TX * lasell colleage newton, MA * Johnson&Wales university Providence,RI * Lynn University Boca Raton,FL * San Jose State University San Jose,CA * Clifornia State University Northridge,CA * Andrew Jackson University Birmingham,AL * American International college Springfield,MA * Columbia Southern University Orange beach,AL * Rochester Institute of technolgy Rochester,NY * Schiller International University Largo,FL * Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti,MI * Southern New Hampshire University Manchester,NH * Endicott College Beverly,MA * East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg,PA * Roosevelt Unniversity Chicago,IL * Fairleigh Dickinson University,Metropolitan Campus Teaneck,NJ * Fairleigh Dickinson University,Colleage at Florham madison,NJ * Saint Joseph's College of Maine Standish,ME * Black Hills State University Spearfish,SD * 希望对你有帮助。看你想不想要奖学金,前50的有难度,下面的希望应该大点,但是这个也得看运气,教授对你有好感就要你了,要是么有,再怎么优秀也是白扯~