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申请美国研究生 生命科学类

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生物信息学(Bioinformatics)是研究生物信息的采集、处理、存储、传播,分析和解释等各方面的学科,也是随着生命科学和计算机科学的迅猛发展,生命科学和计算机科学相结合形成的一门新学科。生物信息学这个专业本来就是交叉学科的交集,它的定义是用利用应用数学、信息学、统计学和计算机科学的方法研究生物学的问题。生物信息学基本上只是分子生物学与信息技术(尤其是互联网技术)的结合体。生物信息学的研究材料和结果就是各种各样的生物学数据,其研究工具是计算机,研究方法包括对生物学数据的搜索(收集和筛选)、处理(编辑、整理、管理和显示)及利用(计算、模拟)。主要的研究方向有:序列比对、基因识别、基因重组、蛋白质结构预测、基因表达、蛋白质反应等。因为涉及的科目比较多,而且本科阶段这个专业根本只能学得很肤浅,不能建立比较系统的学习导向。就业情况1. 科技服务此类公司主要提供测序服务以及分析,类似国内的华大基因以及诺禾致源,不过在美国数量较少,而且大多会开展多重业务。优缺:工作比较程式化,更好量化工作量,从而方便管理工作时间以及评价成果。仅限于美国情况来说,很多大学都有自己的测序中心(core facility),导致市场需求有限,并且长远来看可能会被国内低成本高质量公司挤压,华大,诺禾已经基本完成在北美的布局。2. 技术创新代表公司:Illumina,Twist Bio,10X此类公司主导生物科研及应用方向的技术创新,大多处于市场的主导地位 (Illumina & 10X genomics),也有一些很成功的小规模公司(Twist Bio)。个人感觉此类公司对生物信息的发展方向影响极大,也比较受资本青睐。经验:此类公司面试考察非常全面,通常包括对生物,CS,以及统计基础知识的考查,并且需要对Ph.D. 期间主导项目进行presentation,最后还会考察面试者对公司的了解以及创意。所以对此类公司感兴趣的朋友需要巩固自己的基础知识,并适当刷题,而且要对自己的项目进行总结,最重要的是要了解对方公司以及明确自己可以带来的贡献。优缺:此类公司技术壁垒比较高,利润丰厚,薪水福利优于其他生物公司同级别职位。但是一旦被新技术替代,就会迎来阵痛期。 3. 生信平台代表公司:DNAnexus,Qiagen与第一类科技服务公司不同,有一类公司着重于为客户提供个性化生物信息分析并且拥有自己专享的数据库和平台(云计算)。此类公司基本上是B2B,市场需求较大。比如上述两家代表公司,DNAnexus提供生信分析云平台,Qiagen提供软件和数据库(IPA, Omicsoft),在行业里应用都很广泛。4. 医药公司代表公司:a. 传统大型药企(GSK,BMS,Bayer, Amgen)b. 新兴药企(Regeneron,Biogen,Agios)随着测序的日趋成熟,现在各大药厂都已经有相对完备的测序中心以及Translational Bioinformatics团队。优缺:总体感觉药厂待遇相对生物公司要好,生物信息职位工作压力相对较小。不过药企的生物信息门槛相对较高,竞争也很激烈,而且面试周期较长。5. 生物制药公司 (Healthcare)随着测序技术日渐成熟,很多公司开始尝试基于多种样式生物数据研发药物或者治疗方法。与传统药企不同,此类公司多为近年初创,规模相对小,但是点子很新颖。这些公司的前景和生物产业大前景息息相关,较难预测。6. 农业以及其他科技公司除了应用于治疗疾病,生物科技还广泛应用于农业(代表公司: Monsanto, Indigo Ag),能源产业(代表公司:Exxon)甚至化妆品行业(代表公司: 欧莱雅),上述行业公司都有生物信息职位。6. 基因检测 (DTC)代表公司:23andMe,Ancestry前面描述的公司多以B2B为主,随着测序技术发展以及成本降低,近年来很多个人级基因消费产品(Direct to consumer genetic testing)开始涌现,其中23andMe以及Ancestry是当之无愧的行业龙头。两家公司都提供对祖源地的预测,并且23andMe还可以提供疾病风险的预测。






不算敏感专业哈,现在申请此类专业的国际学生也呈逐渐上升的趋势。由于生物学是很多“生命科学”专业的基础课程,在北美大学里这个专业的录取要求非常高,而且进入专业的竞争性也非常强。很多中国学生和家长只知道这个是一个非常热门的专业,但是对这个专业以后的职业规划方向还是非常模糊。生物学专业和数学,化学,物理学科联系很紧密,同时需要的是复合型的人才。所以选择生物学方向的学生对自身的要求一向很高。1. CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS: Technologies associated with warhead and other large caliber projectiles, reactive armor andwarhead defeat systems, fusing, and arming systems.2. NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY: This section covers technologies associated with the proction and use of nuclear material for both peaceful and military applications. Included are technologies for enrichment of fissile material, for reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel to recover proced platinum, proction of heavy water for moderator material, plutonium and tritium handling, as well as certain associated technologies related to high energy physics. It includes research and poser reactors, breeder and proction reactors, fissile or special nuclear materials; uranium enrichment, including gaseous diffusion, centrifuge, aerodynamics, chemical, electromagnetic isotopic separation (EMIS) laser, isotopic separation (LIS); spent fuel reprocessing, plutonium, mixed oxide nuclear research, inertial confinement fusion (ICF), magnetic confinement fusion, plasma, nuclear fuel fabrication including mixed oxide (uranium-plutonium) fuels (MOX), heavy water proction, tritium proction and sue, electromagnetic pulse (EMP); hardening technology.3. MISSILE/MISSILE TECHNOLOGY:Technologies associated with air vehicles and missile systems. The technology needed to develop a satellite launch vehicle is virtually identical to that needed to build a ballistic missile. Technologies include rocket systems, ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles and sounding rockets and unmanned air equipment and reentry vehicles.4. AIRCRAFT AND MISSILE PROPULSION AND VEHICULAR SYSTEMS: The propulsion technologies included are associated with near-earth super and hypersonic flight propulsion systems for aircraft and missiles. Many of these technologies are al use. Technologies include liquid and solid rocket propulsion systems; missile propulsion and systems integration; indivial rocket states or staging/separation mechanism; aerospace thermal and high-performance structures; propulsion systems test facilities.5. NAVIGATION AND GUIDANCE CONTROL: These capabilities directly determine the delivery accuracy and lethality of both unguided and guided weapons. The long-term costs to design, build and apply these technologies have been a limiting proliferation factor. Technologies include those associated with internal navigation systems, tracking and terminal homing devices; accelerometers, vehicle and flight control systems.6. CHEMICAL AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING: Of specific concern is the ability to develop, proce, and disseminate toxic chemicals, biological and toxin agents. The technologies that could be applied to proce chemical and biological agents are used widely by civilian research laboratories and instry; these technologies are relatively common in many countries. Advanced biotechnology has the potential to support biological weapons research. Look for technologies associated with bacteriology (especially pathogenic), mutagens, mycology, neurotoxins, reconbiant technology, toxins, venoms, virology, precursor chemicals, toxicological research, chemical proction equipment*7. REMOTE IMAGING AND RECONNAISSANCE: Remote sensing technologies are inherently al-use; technologies can be used for civilian imagery projects or for military reconnaissance efforts. Drones and remotely piloted vehicles enhance reconnaissance abilities. These are technologies associated with remote sensing satellites; imagery systems; high resolution cameras and optics; air vehicles; remotely-piloted vehicles, drones8. ADVANCED COMPUTER/MICROELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY: Advance computers and software play a useful (but not necessarily critical) role in the development and deployment of missiles and missile systems, and in the development and proction of nuclear weapons. Advance computer capabilities are also used in over-the- horizon targeting, airborne early warning targeting, electronic countermeasures (ECM) processors. These technologies are associated with supercomputing, hybrid computing; speech processing/recognition systems; neural networks; data fusion; quantum wells, resonant tunneling; superconctivity; advance optoeletronics, acoustic wave devices, superconcting electron devices, flash discharge type x-ray systems; frequency synthesizers; microcomputer compensated crystal oscillators.9. MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY: The metallic, ceramic, and composite materials are primarily related to structural functions in aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, undersea vehicles, and propulsion devices. Polymers provide seals and sealants for containment of identified fluids and lubricants for various vehicles and devices. Selected specialty materials provide critical capabilities that exploit electromagnetic absorption, magnetic, or superconctivity characteristics.. These technologies are associated with advance metals and alloys; non-composite ceramic materials, ceramic, cermet, organic and carbon materials; polymeric materials; synthetic fluids; hot isostatic densifications; intermetallic; organometals; liquid and solid lubricant; magnetic metals and superconctive conctors.10. INFORMATION SECURITY: Technologies associated with cryptography and cryptographic systems to ensure secrecy for communications, video, data and related software.11. LASERS AND DIRECTED ENERGY SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY:Lasers have critical military applications, including incorporation in guided ordnance such as laser guided bombs and ranging devices. Directed energy technologies are used to generate electromagnetic radiation or particle beams and to project that energy on a specific target. Kinetic energy technologies are those used to impart a high velocity to a mass and direct it to a target. Directed energy and kinetic energy technologies have potential utility in countering missiles and other applications. Look for technologies associated with atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS), molecular laser isotope separation (MLIS); high energy lasers (HEL), low energy lasers (LEL), semiconctor lasers, free electron lasers , directed energy (DE), kinetic energy (KE) systems, particle beam, beam rider, electromagnetic guns, optoelectronics, optical tracking, high energy density, high-speed pulse generation, pulsed power, hypersonic/hypervelocity, magnetohydronynamics.12. SENSORS AND SENSOR TECHNOLOGY: Sensors provide real-time information and data; the side with superior sensors has a considerable advantage. Marina acoustics is critical in anti- submarine warfare; gravity meters are essential for missile launch calibration. Look for technologies associated with marine acoustics, optical sensors, night-visions devices, image intensification devices; gravity meters; high speed photographic equipment; magnetometers.13. MARINE TECHNOLOGY: Marine technologies are often associated with submarines and other deep submersible vessels; propulsion systems designed for undersea use and navigation and quieting systems are associated with recing detectability and enhancing operations survivability. Look for technologies connected with submarines and submersibles, undersea robots, marine propulsion systems; signature recognition; acoustic and non-acoustic detection; acoustic, ware, radar and magnetic signature rection, magnetohydrodynamics; stirring engines.6 14. ROBOTICS: Technologies associated with artificial intelligence, automation, computer-controlled machine tools; pattern recognition technologies网上找的敏感专业列表,你应该是看看第六条




生物又名生命科学 (Life science) ,研究一切生命物的结构,功能,遗传。在细胞,分子,有机体和母体层面上研究微生物,菌类,植物和动物。通过实验室课程和实地调查,学生将会对生命栖息地,活动进程,组织有一个基本的理解。一般来说本科期间,普遍设置的专业是生物或者生物化学,还没有具体细分的分支,不过有些大学生物专业下边会有不同的侧重点,比如约翰霍普金斯大学就有 BS, BA 两种学位设置,侧重点也不一样。到了研究生期间,可选的分支就会很多,非美籍申请者一般可以申请的方向包括生物,微生物,生物统计,生物工程,免疫学,神经科学,遗传学,妇女儿童健康研究,公共卫生等专业分支。 你是否适合学习生物你是否喜欢以下内容:野生动物,宠物,园艺,户外活动,动物园,昆虫,关注环境问题,疾病问题。你是否擅长以下内容:注重细节,细心,耐心,善于发现问题,解决问题,创造力,批判性思维能力,量化分析能力,空间思维能力,动手能力,记忆力。典型课程设置Genetics 遗传学Cell biology 细胞生物Microbiology 微生物Molecular biology 分子生物Developmental biology 发育生物学Immunology 免疫学Animal or plant physiology 动植物生理学Comparative anatomy and embryology 比较解剖学和胚胎学Animal behavior 动物行为Laboratory research 实验研究Invertebrates biology 无脊椎生物学Parasitology 寄生虫学Aquatic biology 水生动物生物学Environmental biology ecology 环境生物生态学Evolution 进化学


1、基础研究类基础研究类一般指深入进行生物科学方面的理论研究,为医学、农业、工业等产业提供理论支持。2、与工科等其他学科的交叉专业这类专业中最热门的当属生物医学工程(BME Biomedical Engineering)。3、应用类生物学科4、生物方向相关专业