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申请美国普林斯顿大学 研究生 要达到什么条件

美国普林斯顿大学研究生入学要求:IELTS:7.0分以上,TOEFL:110 ,GRE:Verbal500+, Quantitive750+, Analytical Writing4+, 大学GPA3.5+成绩要求:学习工程相关的专业需要参加一门SAT2物理或者化学,一门SAT2数学1或者数学2,另外一门自选。如果考生参加三门以上的SAT2考试,所有考试科目的成绩都会被学校参考。中间的50%的录取学生(第25和第75百分位数)分数范围:SAT总分成绩要求:2090,2360SAT数学成绩要求:720,800SAT阅读成绩要求:690,790普林斯顿大学录取学生并不仅仅依靠成绩,要看学生的能力与潜能,各种学术与非学术的兴趣,特殊技能与天资、经验、抱负和背景等因素都会纳入它的考察范围。学校评价优秀学生的指标有4项:头脑质量,包括智商、学习能力、创造力等;品格质量,包括责任感、价值观、判断力等;为学校作出贡献的能力;未来在本专业和社区起领导作用的潜力。学校的申请期限为每年的1月2日以前。


 普林斯顿大学(Princeton University 缩写为PU ),位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一。作为2014年Usnews美国大学综合排名第一的普林斯顿大学,想必是很多同学梦寐以求的学校,那么申请美国普林斯顿大学都需要哪些条件:  学习工程相关的专业需要参加一门SAT2物理或者化学,一门SAT2数学1或者数学2,另外一门自选。  如果考生参加三门以上的SAT2考试,所有考试科目的成绩都会被学校参考。  sat成绩要求:  SAT总分成绩要求:2090,2360  SAT数学成绩要求:720,800  SAT阅读成绩要求:690,790  SAT写作成绩要求:680,770  另须报考TOEFL ,高中成绩平均每门90。  研究生:IELTS:6.5分以上  TOEFL:80  GRE: Verbal500+  Quantitive750+  Analytical Writing4+  大学GPA3.5+  普林斯顿大学提供两种申请方式,一种是Single-Choice Early Action,需要于11月1日之前递交申请表;另一种是Regular Decision Program,需要于1月1日前递交申请表。


  普林斯顿大学(Princeton University 缩写为PU ),位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一。作为2014年Usnews美国大学综合排名第一的普林斯顿大学,想必是很多同学梦寐以求的学校,那么申请美国普林斯顿大学都需要哪些条件呢?下面小编详细的为大家介绍一下,希望对大家有帮助。  学习工程相关的专业需要参加一门SAT2物理或者化学,一门SAT2数学1或者数学2,另外一门自选。  如果考生参加三门以上的SAT2考试,所有考试科目的成绩都会被学校参考。  sat成绩要求:  SAT总分成绩要求:2090,2360  SAT数学成绩要求:720,800  SAT阅读成绩要求:690,790  SAT写作成绩要求:680,770  另须报考TOEFL ,高中成绩平均每门90。  研究生:IELTS:6.5分以上  TOEFL:80  GRE: Verbal500+  Quantitive750+  Analytical Writing4+  大学GPA3.5+  普林斯顿大学提供两种申请方式,一种是Single-Choice Early Action,需要于11月1日之前递交申请表;另一种是Regular Decision Program,需要于1月1日前递交申请表。








  普林斯顿大学(英语:Princeton University),又译普林斯敦大学,位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一。


美国TOP50大学gpa要求:  哈佛大学 3.66  斯坦福大学 3.7  宾夕法尼亚大学 3.56  麻省理工学院 3.51  西北大学 3.54  芝加哥大学 3.52  加州大学伯克利分校 3.64  哥伦比亚大学 3.5  达特茅斯学院 3.52  耶鲁大学 3.52  纽约大学 3.42  杜克大学 3.44  密歇根大学-安娜堡分校 3.4  弗吉尼亚大学 3.41  加州大学洛杉矶分校 3.5  康奈尔大学 3.29  德州大学奥斯汀分校 3.43  卡内基梅隆大学 3.35  埃默里大学 3.3  北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 3.31  南加州大学 3.3  圣路易斯华盛顿大学 3.32  印第安那大学伯明顿分校 3.32  乔治城大学 3.31  俄亥俄州立大学 3.4  莱斯大学 3.4  圣母大学(诺特丹大学) 3.33  威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 3.33  范德堡大学 3.4  亚利桑那州立大学 3.36  明尼苏达大学双城分校 3.3  佐治亚理工学院 3.31  德州农工大学 3.5  杨百翰大学 3.55  华盛顿大学 3.4  加州大学戴维斯分校 3.37  波士顿学院 3.39  波士顿大学 3.32  伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校 3.4  罗切斯特大学 3.46  德克萨斯大学 3.54  普渡大学西拉法叶校区 3.32  杜兰大学 3.3  密歇根州立大学 3.24  宾州州立大学 3.35  佛罗里达大学 3.51  马里兰大学帕克分校 3.31  维克森林大学 3.2  加州大学欧文分校 3.32  爱荷华大学 3.38


普林斯顿大学(普林斯顿)建校年代:1746年 所在省州:新泽西州 所在城市:Princeton 学生人数:7334人 官方网址:http://www.princeton.e/中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 联系方式:地址:P.O. Box 430 Princeton University Princeton NJ 08542-0430 USA邮箱:uaoffice@princeton.e电话:(609) 258-3060传真: (609) 258-6743 国际学生参考学费:35340美元/年, 折合人民币241322元;折算汇率:1 美元 = 6.3900 人民币 Princeton welcomes applications from students around the world. We review all applications in the same manner, regardless of citizenship or country of residence.We are familiar with the ecational systems of most countries. You are, of course, welcome to provide additional information about the schools you have attended.Princeton does not accept applications for admission from students who have already enrolled in a university. We do not have a transfer admission process, and we consider anyone who has begun university elsewhere to be a transfer applicant.Before you begin preparing your application, we encourage you to review our publication How to Apply to Princeton (PDF), which contains detailed information regarding Princeton's application process, standardized testing requirements, and financial aid program.Princeton is need-blind for all applicants, U.S. citizens and non-citizens alike. Your family’s ability to pay for your university ecation is not a factor in our admission decision. Students who qualify for financial aid will receive a grant and a term-time job (7-8 hours per week) to meet their need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Loans are not required in Princeton’s aid package.Our financial aid program is entirely need-based. Princeton does not offer academic or athletic merit scholarships. Financial aid awards cover the difference between Princeton’s costs and the amount your parents are expected to contribute to your ecation. The parental contribution is based on our evaluation of your financial aid application.In addition to the applications materials required from students applying from schools within the United States, international students must submit the Common Application International Supplement. The questions on this form are better suited to the ecational systems in countries other than the United States.If English is not your native language, and you are attending a school where English is not the language of instruction, you must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in addition to the SAT or ACT, as well as SAT Subject Tests. You should instruct the testing agency to report your scores to Princeton. Students who have attended an English-medium secondary school for at least three years are not required to submit TOEFL results. To register to take the TOEFL test in your country, go to www.toefl.org.We encourage applicants attending schools outside the U.S. or Canada to complete their required standardized testing by the December test date if possible (SAT Reasoning Test or ACT, and two SAT Subject Tests, and TOEFL, if applicable). In our experience, scores from the January test date for testers outside the U.S. do not always reach us in time. However, if January is the only time you can take the test, please sit for the test in January and have your scores reported to us by the testing agency.If the SAT tests are not offered in your country, we will consider your application without SAT results. However, we will have less information to consider when evaluating your application than we will have for applicants who are able to take the required tests. In some countries where the SAT is not offered, the ACT is available. If you cannot take the SAT, but the ACT is available, please take the ACT.If your school does not have an adviser for students applying to university, please ask a school official, such as a principal, vice-principal or dean, to complete your International Secondary School Report. If the person you ask to complete a Teacher Evaluation or International Supplement form is not comfortable writing in English, they may complete the forms in another language. However, you will need to have the forms officially translated before they are submitted to the Admission Office. 参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/3738.html普林斯顿大学(普林斯顿)简介 普林斯顿大学位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国殖民时期第四所成立的高等教育学院,是美国八所常春藤院校之一。普林斯顿大学始建于1746年,虽然它最初是长老制的教育机构,但是现在已经成为非宗教大学,对学生亦无任何宗教上的要求。普林斯顿保有浓厚的欧式教育学风。创立宗旨上强调训练学生具有人文及科学的综合素养。普林斯顿大学从2001到2008年,都被USNWR评为全国第一名。2009年,排名第二,仅次于哈佛。普林斯顿大学一直是学者、科学家、作家、政治家成人成材的家园,普林斯顿提供两个主要的本科课程:文学学士(A.B.)与科学和工程学士 (B.S.E.)。前者被授予主修人文科学、社会科学和自然科学的学生;后者则授予主修工程技术专业的学生。普林斯顿提供研究生的学位(特别是博士学位),在很多学科都是最优秀的专业;包括数学、物理、经济学、历史,和哲学。但是,不像其他大学,普林斯顿并没有广泛的研究生研究学院 -- 比如,普林斯顿没有法学院或者商学院。普林斯顿最有名的专业学院是伍德罗·威尔逊公共和国际关系学院(Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs),创建于1930年,原名为公共和国际关系学院,1948年改为现名。普林斯顿也提供工程和建筑学的研究生课程。林斯顿大学分为本科部和研究生部,共有4个学院:新泽西学院、工程和应用科学院、建筑和城市设计学院、威尔逊公共和国际关系学院。32个系分别为:人类学系、艺术与考古学系、天文学系、生物化学系、生物学系、化学系、古典文化系、比较文学系、东亚研究系、经济学系、英语系、地理学系、德国语言与文学系、历史系、数学系、分子生物学系、音乐系、近东系、物理系、哲学系、政治系、心理学系、宗教系、罗马语系和语言与文学系、斯拉夫语系的语言与文学、社会学系、统计学系、化学工程系,民用工程系、计算机科学系、电机工程系、机械与航空系。普林斯顿大学还设有建筑与城市规划、国际关系两个专业学院,相当于独立的系。 标准测试:Required Tests When applying for admission to Princeton, you must submit official scores for either the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT (with Writing, where available). All applicants must also take two SAT Subject Tests. Applicants who intend to pursue a B.S.E. degree should take one SAT Subject Test in either physics or chemistry and one SAT Subject Test in mathematics (Level I or II).If you choose to take more than two subject tests, we will consider all your scores, giving the greatest weight to your two strongest scores.Score Choice Applicants are welcome to use the score choice option for standardized test score submission. Princeton will consider the highest indivial section results across all sittings of the SAT Reasoning and the highest composite score for the ACT with Writing, as well as the two highest SAT Subject Test scores. We encourage applicants to submit all official test scores as soon as they are available.Registering for Tests Visit the SAT Online Registration website to register. Use code 2672 to ensure your scores are sent to Princeton. We accept only scores submitted directly by the College Board.Visit the ACT Online Registration website to register. Use college code 2588 to ensure your scores are sent to Princeton. We accept only scores submitted directly by the ACT.Testing Deadlines Single-Choice Early Action candidates are strongly encouraged to complete their testing before the November 1 deadline. Students taking standardized tests in November should have their scores sent directly to Princeton.Regular Decision applicants must complete all SAT testing by the January test date. All ACT testing must be completed by the December test date. If you currently live outside the United States or Canada, try to complete all testing by the December test date, if possible.Substituting Other Tests for the SAT While you may submit the ACT with the Writing Test in place of the SAT Reasoning Test, you must still submit scores for the two required SAT Subject Tests.You cannot submit the College Board English Language Proficiency Test as a substitute for the SAT Reasoning Test or for one of the two required SAT Subject Tests.If you cannot meet these testing requirements, please contact the Admission Office as soon as possible.学费可以免,本科得到全奖的可能性极低,如果是博士的话几率会高许多参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/translate/index.aspx?url=&type=en