你好!Kansas State University 建筑设计学院The College of Architecture, Planning, and Design 概况:五年制本硕连读5-year Professional Architecture degree program now leads to a Master’s Degree. 本科和研究生阶段的专业都位居前十,该校毕业生毕业后不管是在建筑技巧、设计作品以及沟通技能上,都在行业内的领先企业广受好评。K-State architecture graates ranked fifth in communication skills and in design, while K-State’s landscape architecture graates were ranked first in construction methods and materials, second in security design principles and third in design.专业方向:Architecture、Interior Architecture and Proct Design、landscape architecture、Regional and Community Planning• bachelor of interior architecture/design programs - first; • master of interior architecture/design programs - second; • bachelor of landscape architecture program - second; • master of landscape architecture program - eighth; and • master of architecture program - eleventh 申请须知:1、该系下分建筑、规划和设计三个方向,学生需要在申请时注明是哪个方向2、材料首先邮寄到录取办公室,但需要经过系上评估才能发录取,只有注明申请方向的申请材料才会得到系上的评估3、截止日期为2月1日,所有的材料必须在这个时间之前邮寄4、建筑系只招收秋季入学5、虽然学校是我们的合作院校,可以宽松录取,但建筑系的录取是竞争很激烈的,建议学生有一定的语言能力,最好能够提供一些素描或者是设计作品Iowa State University 院系: Department of Architecture 专业:Bachelor of Architecture degree, NAAB认证,五年制本科,1年pre-professional Core Design Program+4年professional Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree program. 本科和研究生项目在室内设计、建筑设计、景观设计方面都名列前十。 申请要求: 高中的课程要求如下 4年英语English, 3年数学math (包括代数algebra, 几何geometry,和高等代数advanced algebra各一年), 3 年 science (包括以下三门课程中的两门各一年:生物biology,化学 chemistry, 物理and physics), 2年社会科学1 学期立体几何 trigonometry 1 学期分析几何analytic geometry 1年物理physics 1年studio art classes. 第一年设计课程的学习对于能否继续进入建筑专业学习的重要参考之一,建议准备些设计作品portfolio其他录取条件参照国际学生的录取要求,GPA83分以上,低托福,建议在3月1日前申请Miami U 院系:The Department of Architecture and Interior Design 专业:This is a four-year pre-professional program that prepares you for the two-year Master of Architecture program (accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board) offered at Miami. Miami has established this "four-plus-two" system to ensure that undergraate students gain much more than a strictly technical or vocational ecation. Instead, you will graate with a well-rounded liberal arts ecation plus research skills and design training that make you competitive and marketable to graate schools as well as in professional practice. About 80 percent of our graating seniors go on to master's programs at Miami or other universities. 特点:NAAB认证,本科建筑专业排名前10,4年制本科+2年制研究生,大多数学生学完本科后会继续研究生学位学习,注重studio 学习,暑假期间为学生提供internships申请须知: 1、材料评估由录取办公室Office of Admission 和建筑系 the Department of Architecture共同完成2、只提供fall semester录取,截止日期2月1日3、录取要求提供素描或设计作品4、雅思6.0以上,IBT72,GPA80分以上University of Oregon 概况:The University of Oregon architecture school, founded in 1914, was the first school to adopt completely two basic elements of the ‘modern’ movement in architecture ecation. These are affiliated with all the allied arts (painting, crafts, sculpture, etc.), rather than with engineering, and a non-competitive indivial approach to learning."专业:Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) 5年制本科建筑专业学习,有机会获得Portland Urban Architecture进修学习, 申请要求: 1、 只录取秋季,截止日期1月15日2、 成绩要求:IBT90,高中GPA3.25,SAT Critical Reading/Verbal 550, SAT Math 550, SAT Writing 550, SAT Total 1100 or 1650 (depending on whether the old or the new SAT test is used. 3、申请时需同时向admission office和建筑系提交申请,提交两份网申4、must provide three specified letters of recommendation and a portfolio of creative work that include two assigned exercises and an essay.希望我的回复对你有帮助,谢谢!信息请关注我们的官网!本科:康奈尔,雪域大学,莱丝,加州理工,南加建筑学院,卡耐基梅隆, 德克萨斯大学研究生:密歇根大学,哈佛,耶鲁,哥伦比亚,麻省理工,康奈尔,辛辛那提大学,宾大,华盛顿大学,UC-伯克利,德克萨斯大学这些建筑的TOP SCHOOLS除了托福成绩, 都需要GRE成绩。托福成绩要求一般都在90-100另外还要准备个人设计的作品。