东北大学入选排行榜 2016 USNEWS 美国最具创新大学排名 - 第6名 2016 U.S.News美国研究生工程类专业排名 - 第43名 2016 U.S.News美国综合大学排名 - 第47名 2016 U.S.News美国研究生商科排名 - 第57名 2016 U.S.News美国研究生法学院排名 - 第87名 2016 U.S.News全球大学排名 - 第204名 好评项: 1 Beautiful campus 2 Campus housing-when you get a good lottery number 3 Co-op program 4 Countless new buildings and facilities 5 Feeling of diversity 6 Hockey games at Matthews Arena: full of Northeastern students wearing black and red and showing school spirit as they cheer on the Huskies! 7 The Husky Card is more valuable than gold. 8 Location, location, location! Boston is the ultimate college city! 9 Nightlife 10 Northeastern is gaining more recognition each year. 差评项: 1 Campus housing-when you get a bad lottery number 2 The cold weather 3 Difficulty in course registration and getting into the classes you need 4 Expensive off-campus housing 5 Expensive tuition 6 The NU Shuffle 7 Parking can be nearly impossible at times! 8 People confusing us for that other school in Chicago with the similar name (Northwestern!) 9 People leaving for a semester to go on co-op 10 Professors who don't speak English well, mostly in the math and science departments 东北大学的优势专业在2014全美排名:犯罪学(12)、药剂学(39)、听觉学(42)、工程学(57)、计算机科学(61); 它的突出优势为跨学科研究、地处大都市、课堂学习与实践相结合的教学方式; 东北大学的优势项目是实习项目CO-OP,与很多企业有合作关系,学生有机会在波士顿或美国当地,或世界其他地区找到很多实习工作,积累实习经验; 东北大学向国际学生提供优厚的奖学金计划,本科生平均获得15000左右美金的金额。