去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:中国学术期刊网浅谈绿色建筑设计摘要:建筑设计与城市具有密切联系,城市是建筑的载体,建筑是城市的主体,建筑和城市都是因人类活动而创造的空间。能为居住者提供生机盎然、自然气息深厚、方便舒适并节省能源、没有污染的居住环境即称之为绿色建筑。本文从绿色环保的角度,对绿色建筑的理念及设计绿色建筑的特点方法等进行分析和论述,提出了绿色建筑在当前城市建筑中的应用,指出能源短缺已不容忽视,节约能源势在必行。关键词:建筑设计绿色节能和谐城市abstract: architectural design and city are closely related, and the city is the carrier of architecture, the building is the main body of the city, architecture and city are e to human activity and create space. can provide habitant vitality, natural breath deep, convenient and comfortable and save energy, no pollution living environment that is called the green building. this paper, from the angle of green environmental protection, the concept of green building design and the characteristics of the green building methods are analyzed and discussed, and put forward the green building in the current application of urban construction, and points out that the energy shortage has not to be ignored, it is imperative to save energy.keywords: architectural design green en