利兹大学中的语言文学学院的翻译研究中心不仅在英国当中非常出名,在世界中也享有盛誉。翻译类的入学要求:MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies - 2 Languages (IELTS7听力口语7.5,阅读写作6.5;均分80%+,通过入学测试和面试,申请时必须有符合英语成绩) MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies - Bidirectional (IELTS7听力口语7.5,阅读写作6.5;均分80%+,通过入学测试和面试,申请时必 有符合英语成绩) MA Applied Translation Studies (IELTS7,单项6.5;均分80%+,通过入学测试) 开设的课程有: PGDip Conference Interpreting - 2 Languages (9个月,无论文) PGDip Conference Interpreting - Bidirectional (双方向,9个月,无论文) MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies - 2 Languages MA Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies - Bidirectional MA Applied Translation Studies 以上为英国利兹大学中翻译专业的入学要求和课程的介绍,希望帮到你