有平面设计研究生专业的学校相对不多。主要还是考托福,较好的艺术类学校托福也需要90-100,GRE可以不提供。鉴于美国大学是提前一年开始申请,所以你应该在大三暑假考出理想成绩,具体费时需要根据你自己的情况来定,建议尽早准备。2012平面设计研究生专业排名如下:都是申请难度较大的~1 Rhode Island School of Design2 Cranbrook Academy of Art2 Yale University耶鲁大学4 Virginia Commonwealth University5 Carnegie Mellon University卡内基美隆大学6 Maryland Institute College of Art6 School of Visual Arts8 California Institute of the Arts9 Pratt Institute10 California College of the Arts11 School of the Art Institute of Chicago12 New School--Parsons School of Design12 Rochester Institute of Technology罗彻斯特理工学院12 University of Cincinnati辛辛那提大学15 Minneapolis College of Art and Design去美国读研的基本定位标准:参考大连留学港资料:美国研究生录取一般标准 排名 GPA IBT/IELTS GRE/GMAT 毕业学校1-20 3.6+ 100+/7.0+ 1350+/750+ 985或211(较强专业) 21-50 3.4+ 100+/7.0+ 1300+/700+ 21151-80 3.2+ 90+/6.5-7.0 1200+/650+ 81-130 3.0+ 80+/6.5+ 1100+/600+ 131- 2.75-2.8+ 80+/6.5+ 1000+/500+ 看看你大致属于哪个范围吧。要综合考虑的因素还有很多,包括专业排名,是否要奖学金,费用,国内院校背景,专业背景,论文,实践能力等等。像样的学校是需要GRE的。可以先考GRE再靠托福,一般申请时间在大四上学期(1、2月之前最好),这之前出成绩就行。可以选择的学校(t2是全美二级的学校):2011年排名 学校 地点 专业排名 Rhode Island School of Design罗得岛设计学院 1#3 Yale U New Haven, CT 2 Cranbrook Academy of Art克兰布鲁克艺术学院 2#167 Virginia Commonwealth U Richmond, VA 4#23 Carnegie Mellon U Pittsburgh, PA 5 Maryland Institute College of Art马里兰艺术学院 6 School of Visual Arts视觉艺术学院 6 California Institute of the Arts(CIA) 加州艺术学院 8 Pratt Institute普瑞特艺术学院 9 California College of the Arts(CCA)加州艺术学院 10 School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院 11 New School --Parsons School of Design帕森设计学院 12 Rochester Institute of technolgy Rochester,NY 13#156 U of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 14 Minneapolis College of Art and Design明尼亚波里艺术与设计学院 15#33 New York U New York, NY #47 U of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL #47 U of Miami Coral Gables, FL #53 U of Florida Gainesville, FL #55 Syracuse U Syracuse, NY #56 Boston U Boston, MA #75 Indiana U--Bloomington Bloomington, IN #79 Michigan State U East Lansing, MI #104 U of Tennessee Knoxville, TN #111 Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL #111 North Carolina State U--Raleigh Raleigh, NC #124 Colorado State U Fort Collins, CO #124 Ohio U Athens, OH #129 U of Utah Salt Lake City, UT #132 Temple U Philadelphia, PA #143 George Mason U Fairfax, VA #143 U of Illinois--Chicago Chicago, IL #156 Illinois State U Normal, IL #170 Bowling Green State U Bowling Green, OH #176 West Virginia U Morgantown, WV #179 Western Michigan U Kalamazoo, MI #183 Kent State U Kent, OH #183 San Diego State U San Diego, CA #183 Southern Illinois U--Carbondale Carbondale, IL t2 Florida Atlantic U Boca Raton, FL t2 Indiana State U Terre Haute, IN t2 Louisiana Tech U Ruston, LA t2 U of Houston Houston, TX t2 U of New Orleans New Orleans, LA t2 U of North Texas Denton, TX U of Massachusetts--Dartmouth North Dartmouth,MA Iowa State University of Sicence and Technology Ames,IA Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical college Baton Rouge,LA California State Univetsity,Los Angeles Los Angeles,CA City College of the City University of New York New York,NY Kean Uiversity Union ,NJ U of Baltimore Baltimore, MD U of Memphis Memphis, TN 希望对你有帮助。