费用包括学费和生活费。不知道你学什么专业,看看下面的信息吧。完全自费的话,斯坦福大学学费(根据专业和要求的学分有所不同):2011-12 Tuition ScheleRegular quarterly tuition for the academic year 2011-12, payable Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.See Tuition 2010-11 for rates applicable to the current academic yearNote: for current Summer Quarter (2011) tuition and refunds, see Summer Quarter Tuition, 2010-11. Summer tuition for 2011-12 (i.e., Summer 2012) will be updated ring Autumn Quarter.Tuition Category Tuition Undergraate $13,350 Graate 11-18 units $13,350 Graate 8,9,10-unit rate $8,680 Each graate unit above 18 $890 Graate Engineering $14,220 Graate Engineering 8,9,10-unit rate $9,240 Each graate Engineering unit above 18 $948 Graate School of Business (M.B.A. program—first year)* $18,400 Graate School of Business (M.B.A. program—second year)* $17,706 School of Medicine (M.D. Program—FY 2011 and beyond)* $15,248 School of Medicine (M.D. Program—FY 2010 and earlier)* $16,074 Law School $15,820 Permit to Attend for Services Only (PSO) $4,037 TGR (Terminal Graate Registration) $2,604 TMR (Terminal Medical Registration—FY 2010 and earlier) $2,411 Medical School Research Rate (FY 2011 and beyond) $3,050 *Ph.D. students in the Biomedical Sciences and in the Graate School of Business are assessed the standard graate tuition rate.TMR students who carry 1, 2, or 3 units are assessed the TMR rate of $2,411.TGR students who carry 1, 2, or 3 units are assessed the TGR rate of $2,604.Graation Quarter Tuition: $100Document feeA Document Fee of $200 is assessed once upon first admission to Stanford as an undergraate or graate student, including Law, GSB, and Medicine students. Non-degree option (NDO) students, such as summer session and non-degree seeking SCPD students, are assessed a $100 Document Fee.学费的话,参考上面,至于生活费,主要取决于地点。玉米地大学便宜点,大城市内就贵些,斯坦福大学的生活费大概一年得12,000左右。计算一年的费用,把生活费和学费加起来就行了,不知道你的专业哈,自己加一下吧。希望对你有帮助。去美国留学,读硕士的话每年要20-25万元人民币,包括学费和生活费。学生在校期间可以争取奖学金,来抵消一部分费用,还可以给导师做ta或者ra来抵消一部分。斯坦福大学(Stanford University),全名小利兰·斯坦福大学,或译作史丹佛大学,通常直接称作斯坦福大学,坐落于美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福市,是一所享誉世界顶尖的私立研究型大学。