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克莱姆森大学(Clemson University),成立于1889年,位于美国南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森市。学校共分为五个学院:农林与生命科学学院、建筑艺术与人文学院、商业和行为科学学院、工程与科学学院、卫生教育与人类发展学院。克莱姆森大学致力于成为美国顶尖的公立大学,如今已跻身公立大学20强。学校共有本科生16,931人,研究生4,372人,师生比例为16:1。 州内学费大约为$13,054,州外学费大约为$30,488(2013年数据)。2018年USNews美国大学排名中位列第67位。克莱姆森大学最好的学系是电子工程,计算机工程的研究院课程,更是全美规模最大。化学系方面,自从总值12,000,000美元的全新实验室兴建完成后,更壮大了声势。大学的农科是历史最悠久和最优秀的学科。此外,建筑系也很有名气,挑选学生十分严格。如果学生成绩优异,可获选为荣誉学位生。克莱姆森大学的学生很强势,也很有激情。从体育场到课堂,到实验研究室,各种场合他们都想成为赢家。学校的本科教育有严谨而富有挑战的课程,正是这样的课程让克莱姆森大学的学位价值和投资回报在本州排名第一。在克莱姆森大学,研究生院的目的是倡导卓越的研究和学术,为学生提供最高水平的教育和训练,让他们有能力在学术界、政府部门、非盈利部门、商界和工业等领域就业。在研究生阶段,学校提供37个博士学位、65个硕士学位和1个教育专门学位。这些学位的内容涉及66个研究领域。研究一直是克莱姆森大学教育的重要部分,尤其是机械艺术与科学系的实验教学与培训驰誉美国。该校每年为约140名优秀研究生提供奖学金与助学金。值得一提的是,商业与公共事务学院是该校比较有影响和特色的学院。其教育宗旨是培养具有全球竞争力和企业家精神、致力于社会进步与发展的合格的领导人才。



克莱姆森大学 Clemson University 排名多少

克莱姆森大学QS世界排名:在2020年QS世界排名中,克莱姆森大学排第701-750名,在2019年QS世界排名中,克莱姆森大学排第701-750名,在2018年QS世界排名中,克莱姆森大学排第701-750名,在2017年QS世界排名中,克莱姆森大学排第701名以上。克莱姆森大学的QS世界排名情况每年都在发生变化,从近年的排名情况来看,学校排名保持比较稳定。克莱姆森大学申请条件:大学本科毕业且取得学士学位,GPA达到3.9,TOEFL要求80,SAT总分 1204,ILETS单项成绩要求不低于6.5分,SAT写作部分420以上,阅读500以上,平均总分1783;申请研究生课程,最低GPA需达到3.0分以上,TOEFL总分要求不低于79分,IELTS总分要求不低于6分。


克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)是一所顶级公立研究型大学,位于美国南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森市,是美国二十所顶尖的公立大学之一。克莱姆森大学成立于1889年,共分为五个学院:农林与生命科学学院、建筑艺术与人文学院、商业和行为科学学院、工程与科学学院、卫生教育与人类发展学院。克莱姆森大学博士托福要求克莱姆森大学博士托福要求达到79以上,其次学校博士申请还要求至少取得正规院校授予的相关专业硕士学位,并且GPA要求不低于3.0,211或985大学的毕业生可以适当降低标准,雅思分数要求达到7.0分,申请者还需提交LAST成绩,最好有相关领域的工作经验。克莱姆森大学排名情况2011年,《普林斯顿评论》将克莱姆森大学列为最佳与社区和睦相处的学校榜单的第1位;学生最快乐的学校的第2位;最适合运动员的学校的第2位;运动普及率最高的学校的第3位;校际运动最受欢迎的学校的第8位;最佳职业服务学校的第9位。2012年,著名美国理财杂志Smart Money将克莱姆森大学列为最高性价比学校的第7位。



去美国南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森市的克莱姆森大学读研究生 需要带哪些生活用品

比较需要注意的是医药处方和医疗记录   1)入境时,必须在入关表上申明你所携带的药品。有些药物也许不允许被带进美国。   2)如果需要定期服用处方药的话,最好带一份用英语处方以及足够多的药。   3)可以带上近期的治疗记录。这样在美国需要看医生的话医生能够更加了解你,有时候也省了一些不必要的重复治疗所花费的时间或金钱。生活用品行李推荐:各型号电池转换插头背包相机个人电脑适量的换洗衣物,内衣裤,鞋,围巾,手套,帽子等正装筷子及餐具眼镜 备用眼镜 隐形眼镜常用药(外伤,感冒,胃病等常见病)手电剪刀 针钱包初期够用的洗漱用品毛巾一套字典轻便的雨伞手机及充电器(可将手机卡开通国际漫游,应付最初量一两天的,然后再停机。)闹钟 少量的书籍杂志亲,你去了么?我想问问你怎么走~~~做飞机到哪,我今年想进那的研究生,一头雾水呢。


  去美国留学在Clemson University克莱姆森大学就读是怎样一番体验,【天道教育】给准备申请克莱姆森大学的同学们翻译整理了克莱姆森大学的学生评价,看看学长学姐们是怎样一番体验。  1.Academics: Academically, Clemson provides a great selection of professors (although some are not so good) and a substantial but fair workload. Registering for classes is also simple and fair (priority is given to those in the honors college and athletes, then based on number of completed credit hours), and the library is very spacious and can handle a great number of people. The library culture is also very accommodating for those wishing to indivially study as opposed to those working on group projects as floors are separated based on noise level (collaborative zones).  学术:在学术方面,克莱姆森大学有各种不同风格的教授(虽然有一些教授不是那么好)以及公平又大量的学习量。课程注册很简单也很公平(优先权给那些在学校表现优秀学生和体育运动员,然后就依据完成学分的优先序),图书馆非常宽敞可以容纳很多人。图书馆里的氛围也非常适于那些想避开喧哗的小团体自己安静学习的人,因为那里的楼层是依据喧哗声的高地分开的。(有协作讨论区).  2.Academics: Clemson does offer wonderful academic programs and can really give you a wonderful ecation, the professors are knowledgeable and really want to help you succeed.  学术:克莱姆森大学有非常棒的学术项目,能给你很好的教育,教授都知识丰富,都想帮你取得成功。  3.Academics: There is a wide variety of internship/co-op opportunities for those in the engineering field. The career center is definitely geared towards catering to engineering students. The workload in my major is manageable although there are a few courses that will definitely challenge the student.  学术:对那些学工业领域的人来说,这里有很多实习或者合作的机会。就业中心主要就是面向工程领域的学生的。我的专业的学习压力还可以掌控,虽然有些课程很有难道,对学生来说挑战性非常大。  4.Majors: I very much enjoy the programs I take part in at school. Although they become very very difficult and hard to complete and finish. I end up working with a partner even though we are told not to, but they are too difficult to not be able to work with a partner to finish the programs. I have not looked into any internship opportunities, but I will start at the beginning of the spring semester.  专业:我很喜欢所选择的这个专业。虽然它们很难。后来我找了个搭档一起努力,虽然人们告诉我们不要这样做,但是专业课实在太难了,没有搭档根本不能一个人独立完成。  5.Majors: I love my major. I like that I can easily get into medical school with it but I also have other option. The most difficult part are the actual academics. The admissions process was no different than other majors. I would advise to work hard in high school so that you stand out to the admissions board.  专业:我爱我的专业。一开始进入医学院学学习我感觉很容易,这让我很开心。我也有其他选择。最难的是实际的学术。录取过程也不比专业课程学习简单。人们建议我高中时候努力学习,那样在录取的时候才能脱颖而出。  6.Majors: My mechanical engineering internships are awesome. start at $15-$20 an hour and you are given a ton of freedom to complete cool projects.  专业:我在机械工程方面的实习非常棒。一小时还有15—20美元的薪水,另外还有很多很多自由时间来完成那些很酷的项目计划。  7.Diversity: I've joined an international club that allowed me to meet many people from different countries - most from the Asian region. I'm not big on political beliefs and so I don't know what my friends' beliefs are either. My group of friends range from being extremely poor to extremely wealthy, but that doesn't factor into much except when we go out to dinner. There's a lot of different people that can be found on campus, you just have to look for them.  多样性:我参加了一个国际俱乐部,这使我认识了很多不同背景的人,其中很多都是来自亚洲的人。在政治信仰方面我不狂热,所以我也不太清楚我朋友的政治立场。我的朋友圈里,既有很有钱的人,也有很窘迫的人,但是当我们外出吃饭的时候,这种贫富差距也没造成太大的影响。学校有很多不同个性的人,你只需要去发现他们。  8.Diversity: We have a very diverse campus and most everyone accepts each other. There are many different organizations on campus that focus on diversity and being people together to learn about each other.  多样性:我们学校的多样性很丰富,每个人也都能接纳彼此。学校有很多不同的学生组织,它们都各有特色,这些组织把人们聚集起来去了解彼此学习彼此。  9.Athletics: School spirit at Clemson is definitely one of the best. You will frequently see students wearing orange, and football games are some of the biggest events on campus. Students are definitely proud to go here, and the fan support is definitely one of the best out there.  体育:克莱姆森大学的竞技体育精神绝对是最佳之一。你会经常看到学生们穿着橘色服,橄榄球比赛是学校几个最热门的体育活动之一。学生都喜欢去看比赛,这里粉丝的忠诚与狂热的支持也是最好之一。  10.Athletics: Clemson football is a HUGE part of the Clemson experience. The entire campus is alive on game day with alumni and fans flocking for events. The number of students who participate in intramural and club sports is also outrageous.  体育:克莱姆森大学的橄榄球绝对是校园生活非常重要的一部分。比赛日那天整个学校都像打鸡血了一样,粉丝和校友一起聚集在一起观看比赛。参与校内联赛,以及俱乐部比赛的学生数量也是非常庞大的。  11.Guys & Girls: The guys and girls at my school are all very nice, accommodating people. No matter what the gender type, the racial color, or anything physical, everyone likes each other and will wave to each other. So far, I have not seen any act of ignorance or bad behavior to other students around campus. The looks, dresses, or interests in clothes do not depend on what the people are in the inside. The honor code of our school has respect and that is something that us students will always go by.  男生女生:我所在是学院的男生和女生都是非常友善,非常随和的人。不论性别,种族肤色,或者任何身体上的不同,每个人都喜欢彼此,也都乐意彼此打招呼。目前为止,在学校里我还没见过针对其他学生的任何无知的或者不好的行为出现。外貌,举止,穿衣喜好这些决定不了一个人的内心。我们学校的核心守则很受大家尊重,我们学生都会遵守的。  12.Guys & Girls: Southern women know how to take care of their men!  男生女生:南方的女人知道如何照顾他们的男人!  13.Campus Food: There is plenty of variety on campus for food. You can usually find something for everyone. I like that Clemson proces it's own ice cream and sells in it's own ice cream parlor. I do think that the food can be rather expensive for what you get. Especially some of the convenient already packaged meals.  校园饮食:学校提供有各种各样的饭菜。基本上每个人都能找到合适自己口味的食物。克莱姆森能制作有自己特色的冰激凌,并在校内出售,这一点我很喜欢。但我觉得食物价格有点贵,尤其是有些打包好的便利食品。  14.Campus Food: Clemson tries very hard to get a variety of foods in the dining halls. They are updating the menu all the time to accommodate dietary needs like gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and other food allergy/ dietary restrictions. However, it does get old, and it is hard to find healthy options sometimes because everything starts to taste the same.  校园饮食:克莱姆森大学尽力使餐厅能够提供足够多样的食物。它们一直在更新菜品来尽力满足各种不同的口味,比如无麸质要求的,素食主义要求的,以及其他对某些事过敏等一些方面是食物限制。但是,很快就吃腻了,也没太多健康的食物选择,因为慢慢的每样都吃起来像一样的味道了。  15.Campus Housing: Living on campus is great since you are right in the middle of all activities. Living in the horseshoe is a great option for incoming freshman since so many freshman live in this area.  校园住宿:住校是很好的,因为你就在各种活动的中心!对新生来说,住在 horseshoe那是不错的选择,因为很多新生都住在那里!  16.Campus Housing: I lived in Holmes, and I enjoyed an excellent on-campus experience! I loved it so much, I will be returning to live on campus once again next year. I attribute my satisfaction with the people on my hall. We really had an excellent relationship. We held three hall roasts and had awesome interactions with each other throughout.  校园住宿:我住在Holmes,我非常喜欢住校的经历。我太喜欢住校了,明年还接着住。我把自己的满意归功于和我住同一宿舍楼的人。我们的关系真的非常好,我们举行了三次烧烤活动,整个过程我们都交流的非常好。  17.Health & Safety: As soon as someone says something about a possible safety concern, a staff in the school will immediately send out mass emails to everyone and project an announcement through speakers. Campus crime is not very likely considering that there are always cops and civilians around to be on the look out. Overall I feel very safe on campus.  健康安全:只要一有人说有什么安全方面的担心,学习的工作人员就会立即给每个人发邮件,也会发布通知预警。校园犯罪现象不常见,因为总是有警察和安保人员在学校四周巡视。总之,我在学校觉得很安全。  18.Health & Safety: Campus crime is very low. There have been a few break-ins off campus, but nothing serious on campus. I feel safe walking around at night, but usually prefer to have someone with me just in case. There are the blue emergency lights to press if something does happen. Tiger Transit is also useful if you are uncomfortable walking.  健康安全:校园犯罪很少见。学校曾经发生过几次破门而入的犯罪事件,但其他没发生过什么严重的事情。我在走夜路也觉得很安全,但以防万一,更愿意有人作伴。学校有蓝警灯,有事情发生可以按灯报警。如果你觉得不安全的话,“猛虎护卫队”是不错的选择。  19.Transportation: Tiger Transit and the CatBus are both free and really great options for getting to and from Clemson and Central without a car, but they do have limited routes and times. Peak times can sometimes leave you waiting thirty minutes to get to campus or get home depending on your stop.  交通:没车的话,“猛虎护卫队”和“野猫巴士”都是免费又超级好的出行选择,但是有时候它们的线路有限制。高峰期的时候,如果你在某个站点等车去学校或者回家的话,可能要等30多分钟。  20.Transportation: There are always CatBuses on campus. There are different bus routes and it is easy to remember the schele. There are two buses that run off campus: one to Seneca and one to Anderson. After a certain time, you can call tiger transit and it will pick you up from your current location (on campus) and take you anywhere you want to go on campus. Also, there are small cars that offer free rides to students, run by other students who work here.  交通:学校的“野猫巴士”一直在运营。它们有不同的交通线路,你可以很容易就记住它们的发车日程安排。往校外发车的有两趟:一个去 Seneca,另一个去Anderson。某些特定时间你也可以打电话乘坐“猛虎护卫队”,它会去你所在的地方接你(校内),然后带你去任何地方(校内)。另外,学校也有小型私家车可以搭免费顺风,车主一般是学生。  21.Local Area: Clemson as a college-town honestly has little attraction other than of course the university itself. Attractions and shopping options are very limited, although the locals are very supportive of the students.  本地概况:克莱姆森作为一个大学城,老实说,吸引力不大。没太多有吸引力的地方也,购物选择也很有限,但是本地人对学生很不错。  22.Local Area: Its an okay area there isn't much to do and that is fine do to the fact that for the most part your always buys with homework and when your not doing homework there is usually something to do on campus events are always being put together for the students here.  本地概况:这里算ok,没太多能做的事情。很多时候你得忙于学习,即使你有空余时间不学习的时候,学校也有很多活动学生都可以参与,因此,这里还不错。  23.Party Scene: Parties can really be found on any day of the week if a person goes looking for them. Parties can be held between friends, fraternities, sports teams, and downtown at local bars. Football games are also a big time for parties and celebrations. Downtown Clemson is very strict and only allows 21 and up into the bars. The parties are very fun and can provide something fun for friends to do.  关于晚会:如果你用心找的,晚会几乎每天都有。朋友之间,兄弟会之间,体育队之间以及当地市区的酒吧里都可以开晚会。橄榄球比赛期间也是举行晚会和庆祝的大好时机。克莱姆森市区管理很严格,只允许21岁及以上的人进酒吧。晚会非常有趣,朋友之间有很多好玩的事儿可以做。




本科申请要求开学时间:每年8月、1月申请截至日:5月1日,10月1日留学费用:29720.0 美元IELTS分数要求:6分(包含圣地亚哥校区、圣马科斯校区)TOEFL分数要求:79.0