去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:yangrenfei2012第一段:barAs is vividly revealed in the bar chart, some remarkable changes have taken place in ____.如果整个图表数据是大幅度上升了:(sth)has increased alot,climbingnearly to____%in____.随后如果整个数据是大幅度下降了:in themean time,(sth)has witnessed a dramatic slump, dropping by____%from____(年)to____(年).如果相差的不是整数,就在前面写个approximately X%(大概多少的意思)如果有部分数据平稳不变:Incomparsion,(sth)has remained almost constant.如果数据只是轻微的上升:(sth)has a steady but slight increase from____(年)to____(年).如果轻微上升后开始平稳了可以加一句:andhas remained constant since then.整体数据波动平缓的the fluctuation of(sth) isralativelyslighter.pieThe pie chart apparently shows the ____(图表内容) in a certain ____.Based upon the information of the chart, one can find ____ranks the first among all brackets, responsible for ____%.Next toit are __,__,__, which account for ____%,____%,____% respectively.第二段:It is no difficultfor usto come up with some possible factors toresponsiblefor this phenomenon.Frommystandpoint, at least three contributing influences are worth considering.Atfirst,with the rising of theeconomics(th