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去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:干审科考研英语作文范文155篇(1)上大学的理由1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, care1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they’ve been away from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time they’ve had to make decisions on their own. Making these


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:华杰MBA辅导02015年考研英语一大小作文真题及范文  Part A  51. Directions:  you are going to hold a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members.  You should state reasons for your recommendation.  You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use "Li Ming " instead. Do not write the address .(10 points)  Dear friends,  I am writing to tell you about a fantastic book I have just read, as we always share the same taste of books.  The book is called Journey to the West, which tells us a story that four monks conquered multiple handicaps to achieve their final destination. Besides the touching and thrilling plot, the book also features humorous languages, thanks to the talented author.  So I recommend it to all of you as one of the favorite books that I have ever read. I am sure you will love it as much as I do. I am looking forward to discussing more with you after you read it.  Yours sincerely,  o Li Ming  Part B  52. Directions:  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.in your essay, you sho


考研英语写作复习毕竟是一个需要长期积累的过程,平时可以多阅读一些英文原版的文章,每周写上一两篇作文,看见好的句子,好的模版就顺手积累下来,聚沙成塔,积累的多了,考试时心中自然就有数。   如果要买辅导书,可以看看红宝书的写作180篇,是图画+话题形式,而且书里面强调的“三段式写法”,个人觉得比较有用。


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:度米文库2011考研英语真题大作文【篇一:考研英语历年大作文】2011年大作文:“旅途之余”——旅游与环保directions:write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.二.经典范文赏析(19分作文),(常用套话,引出画面内容)sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing, a couple of youngsters are throwing rubbish into the sea.the implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of(常用套话,引出寓意)environmental protection and public manners. on the one hand, people tend to沈阳建筑大学外国语学院刘剑锋1personal and economic interests, ignoring . environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the agenda immediately. the inappropriate public manners such as littering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problems. if we let it go as it is, the nature will take revenge on human being sooner or later.to serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must promote and .(常用套话,引出解决方案)(常用解决方案一:政府层面)change th


现今的英语学习讥构是很多.好.呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家,最后我去了ABC天卞英语中心 外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听 感觉他们那里的教学模式还是有一定的独到之处的,建议你做选择的时候多比较下;地大(武汉)一般是以下题型:1、阅读理解,共篇,每篇后个选择题。主要是关于西方文化、哲学方面的内容,题材有写景、叙事及说明文,每一篇字数大概1000字左右,比例约为0%;、英汉互译,共题,根据给出的一段文字(或英文),将其翻译成英文(或中文),汉译英、英译汉各1题,比例约为0%;、作文,根据给定的英文话题作文,字数大概00字左右,比例约为0%。大作文 Part B  52. Directions:  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should  1) describe the drawing briefly,  2) explain its intended meaning, and then  3) give your comments。  You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)  (图略)文化“火锅”:既美味又营养  文字说明:佛、解构、人本、功夫、毕升、儒、礼、后现代、老舍、莎士比亚、爱因斯坦、道、仁、天鹅湖、启蒙、京剧等  真题解析  2010年考研英语(一)大作文再次考察图画作文,这已是考研写作第十二次考查图画作文这种题型,广大考生应该不会陌生。图中的火锅里,五味杂陈着诸多多元文化元素,大致可分为三类:一是古今名人,包括中国古代的印刷术发明者毕升,现代作家老舍,16世纪英国作家莎士比亚,现代物理学泰斗爱因斯坦;二是哲学概念,涵盖中国古代的儒、佛、道、仁、礼,西方的启蒙、人本、后现代与解构;以及京剧、功夫、天鹅湖等中外表演艺术。文字说明显示:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养。显而易见,本文的主题是多元文化融合这一正面观点。  2002年考研写作题目即“文化——民族与世界”,八年之后,考研写作再次考查文化交流这一话题。如果大家参加过新东方的培训,我们的写作培训教材34页和35页分别提供了2002年教育部公布的当年写作状元与榜眼:20分和18分的高分作文,其中诸多表达均可用于2010年写作。我的强化班和基础班写作讲义也提供了一篇2002年范文,第二、第三两段今年完全可以使用。拙著《2010考研英语高分写作》一书166至170页详细讲解了2002年真题,并详尽分析了三篇经典范文,考生均可使用。只要平时认真准备,将范文背诵得滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善,考场上应有喜出望外之感。  本文提纲与2008、2009年提纲完全一致,第一段为图画描述,应将图画描述一至二句,最好能够写出图中的一些术语,多多益善,展示自己的词汇基本功,末句可点出图画文字说明。第二段为意义阐释段,最好首句点出图画的象征寓意:多元文化融合,其次使用因果、举例、正反或联系现实等多种手段进行充分论证。第三段为归纳结论,可以提出自己的观点,并给出结论或建议。只要考生语言精彩(正确+变化)、结构严谨、论证充分,即可取得理想成绩。  参考范文  As is symbolically illustrated in the portrayal, there is a boiling hotpot containing various ingredients of multi-cultures. These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Shakespeare and Einstein, philosophical concepts as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, benevolence, rite, humanism, enlightenment, post-modernism and deconstruction, as well as performing arts as Peking Opera, Kong fu and Swan Lake. We are informed that the culture “hotpot” is both delicious and nutritious。  The purpose of the cartoonist is to show us that instead of being outdated and of little value in a rapidly modernizing world, cultural blending should be encouraged and maintained. On the one hand, mosaic cultures are part of the universal heritage of humanity and they are powerful means of bringing together diverse peoples and social groups. Consequently, cultural reintegration has become indispensable as a means of promoting further culture development and maintenance. On the other hand, for China, as for any other rapidly developing country, there is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization. If kung-fu, Peking Opera or goose lake ballet ever perished from the earth, it would be a tragedy of immeasurable proportions。  In my view, multi-cultures can be kept alive by the people with the time to do so, and is extremely vital in ensuring a community’s future development and prosperity. As a consequence of successful commercialization efforts, unwavering government support and growing interest overseas, the future of cultural blending looks brighter and more secure than ever before。  参考译文  如图象征性所示,一只沸腾的火锅中拥有诸多多元文化元素。这些多元文化可分为毕升、老舍、莎士比亚、爱因斯坦等国内外名人,佛、道、儒、仁、礼、启蒙、人本、后现代、解构等哲学概念,以及京剧、功夫、天鹅湖等表演艺术。文字说明显示:“文化‘火锅’,既美味又营养。”  画家的目的是告诉我们文化融合并未过时或失去价值,相反还应鼓励和保持。一方面,多元文化作为全体人类遗产的一部分,是将不同人群和社会群体融合的有力方式。因此,文化融合作为促进文化发展和保护的一种方式,已经不可或缺。另一方面,中国跟世界上其他快速发展的国家一样,年久的习俗和传统面临着消失在现代化阴影里的危险。如果京剧、功夫或天鹅湖从地球上消失,那将是不可估量的悲剧。  在我看来,如果人们能为多元文化花费时间的话,那么它就能得以保护。这对确保社会将来的繁荣和发展都至关重要。由于成功的商业努力、政府坚定不移的支持和不断增长的海外兴趣,多元文化的将来会比过去任何时候更明朗、更安全。 小作文Part A  51. Directions:  You are supposed to write for the postgraate’association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualification for applicants and the other information which you think is relevant。  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.  Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use " postgraate’association " instead。(10 points)  真题解析  2010年考研英语(一)小作文考察了告示这种题型。在2009年10月22日教育部考试中心出版的《考试大纲》和《考试分析》中并未提到告示,但从2004年考研大纲改革以来,历年教育部考试中心出版的《大纲解析》一书中均详细讲解了告示的写法。2009年8月25日出版的《大纲解析》中将小作文明确分为书信类应用文和告示类应用文两大题型,详尽分析了告示的写作方法,并提供了六篇告示范文。  这再次证明了考研写作的反押题倾向,命题者重在考查考生的实际英语水平,经常与考生预测逆向思维,反其道而行之。针对2011年及之后的考研写作复习,希望考生扎扎实实提高英语写作实力,杜绝侥幸和押题心理,对于书信、摘要、告示、备忘录、报告等大纲提及的题型均应仔细复习,以不变应万变。  大家如果参加过新东方的培训,我的强化班和基础班写作讲义中均提供了告示范文。拙著《2010考研英语高分写作》94页至99页详尽解析了告示的写法,并提供了六篇范文;118页小作文十大必背范文第九篇即告示。下面提供的参考范文即综合了该书97页和118页的两篇范文。考生平时只要认真复习,告示并不难写。  值得注意的是,近两年考研小作文考题均源于近年大学英语四级写作真题。2009年1月10日考研小作文真题源于2008年12月20日四级真题“Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags”。而2010年的考研小作文题目再次来自于2006年6月17日四级写作真题。该题如下:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a poster recruiting volunteers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1. 校学生会将组织一次暑假志愿者活动,现招募志愿者,2. 本次志愿者活动的目的、内容、安排等,3. 报名条件及联系方式。  在2009年8月25日出版的《大纲解析》中,教育部详细讲解了告示的格式:标题应放在首行正中央;日期应放在标题右下方,不应空行;正文应写1-3段,5-7句即可;落款写在中间偏后位置,与正文之间不需空行。考生无需过于紧张,即使格式错误,只要没有跑题、语言基本正确、结构比较清晰,即可取得理想成绩。  Volunteers Wanted  January 9, 2010  To improve students’ability and enrich extracurricular activities, the Postgraate’Association is recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization to be held on April 7, 2010 in Beijing. To begin with, applicants should have Chinese nationality, a strong professional spirit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. In addition, candidates must have outstanding skills at English listening comprehension and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. Finally, students with relevant professional experience are preferred. Those postgraates who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before February 1, 2010. Everybody is welcome to join in it。  Postgraate’Association  参考译文  招募志愿者  2010年1月9日  为提高同学们的能力并丰富课外活动,研究生会现招募2010年4月7日在北京举办的一次国际全球化会议的志愿者。首先,应聘者必须具有中国国籍、较强的职业精神、令人愉快的个性,年龄在35岁以下。其次,申请人需具有卓越的英文听力水平以及流利的中英文演讲能力。最后,具有相关职业经验的学生优先考虑。有兴趣参加的研究生请于2月1日之前在本班班长处报名。欢迎大家积极参加。


小作文:write an inquiry letter for a jop vacancy as a accountant to work in XX。Greetings, prospective Lenovo interns! This year, our program is heading into its 10th year of bringing China's best and brightest to the nation's capital to help China’s most successful technology company improve its reach into the next generation. We expect that 2006 will be the most exciting one yet! Why, you might be asking yourself, do I want to be a part of this demanding, yet rewarding program? Check this out: You have the chance to see the inner workings of Lenovo’s marketing department from an insider’s perspective! Over the course of just three months, you can build lasting relationships with some of China’s most influential business leaders! Get access to first-class on-the-job training that is useful in a number of fields post-graation! The successful applicant will have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), and will have a working command of English. While the internship is unpaid, housing, food, and transportation are all provided.第二篇 大作文:stress in modern life。As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. Therefore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society. Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one‘s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body. Personally, I‘m in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.


对于17年考研的话,英语二阅读可以借助谭剑波的辅导书 ,阅读强化60【篇对于想要提高考研英语写作能力的同学有以下建议谭剑波2017《考研英语(二)写作高分特训》王 泉2017《考研英语(二)写作高分突破》 1.背记:背什么?背阅读理解等资料里面的成语、惯用句式或段落。背教师给的范文的框架、句型、段落。众所周知,读、写是培养书面交际能力。读、写既互相区 别,又互相联系。研究生英语入学考试的短文写作是测试考生书面表达的一般能力。要提高书面表达能力, 必须多读、多背。多读、多背是解决语言知识问题。2. 改写:所谓“改写”就是根据命题要求对背过的语言材料进行去粗取精、去伪存真的模仿练习。这是培养写作技能熟巧问题的必经之路。在这方面,考生应多做句 子、段落和短文的汉译英练习,对照答案反复推敲,悟出道理来,才能心领神会、模仿套用。至于练习英语写作,可以先练习写文章摘要、大意和小结,进而改写已 有的范文和书信,逐渐过渡到独立写作。如无老师指导,就应尽量多查语言工具书,以减少语言错误。3. 套用:练习性写作和考研写作一样,把熟练背记的词汇、成语、句型按提纲、漫画和提示的要求进行造句、组段,以便写出一篇比较规范的短文。这就叫套用。写作最后在冲刺阶段 也可以 背背模板,谭剑波2017《考研英语(二)写作考前冲刺万用魔板》目前英语二我们应该是可以看出来难度不断在加大,今年居然比英语一还难所以在英语上的复习更要重视了阅读还是建议做老蒋或者张剑的阅读,但是做完一篇必须全文翻译出来写作目前不必看,平时多背诵一些文章,如新概念


对于想要提高考研英语写作能力的同学有以下建议 推荐何凯文2017,,考研英语写作高分攻略》 1.背记:背什么?背阅读理解等资料里面的成语、惯用句式或段落。背教师给的范文的框架、句型、段落。众所周知,读、写是培养书面交际能力。读、写既互相区 别,又互相联系。研究生英语入学考试的短文写作是测试考生书面表达的一般能力。 2. 改写:所谓“改写”就是根据命题要求对背过的语言材料进行去粗取精、去伪存真的模仿练习。这是培养写作技能熟巧问题的必经之路。在这方面,考生应多做句 子、段落和短文的汉译英练习,对照答案反复推敲,悟出道理来,才能心领神会、模仿套用。 套用:练习性写作和考研写作一样,把熟练背记的词汇、成语、句型按提纲、漫画和提示的要求进行造句、组段,以便写出一篇比较规范的短文。这就叫套用。本回答被提问者和网友采纳

