每年都有很多考生问老师,怎么提高写作?除了阅读,考研英语中占分值最大的就是写作。对于各位考研学子,大家无论学习阅读还是写作,首先要弄清楚一个问题,什么叫做好句子?好句子绝不仅仅是把主谓宾或者主系表堆砌在一起。好句子具有一些特点。如果同学们能够把握这些特点,那么相信大家一定能够提升作文句式的表达。下面万学海文英语老师跟大家分享一下好句子的特点。特点一:整体性句子的整体性:即能表达单独的、完整的思想。Eg. Born in a small town in South China in the early 50s, he grew up to be a famous musician.【分析】这个句子表达了两层思想:1. Born in a small town出生在一个小镇 2. grew up to be a musician.长大成为了音乐家。这个句子应该分成两句来写。除此之外,还需要增加一些信息来连接两层思想。【提升】He was born in a small town in South China in the early 50s. In his childhood he liked to sing. Later he entered a music conservatory. In the 70s, he grew up to be an accomplished musician.特点二:连贯性句子的连贯性:即能清晰地连接句子的各个部分,没有虚假的平行结构,没有指代不请的代词,没有不清晰的句内关系。Eg. Upon entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!”【分析】这个句子从语法来讲是正确的,但是句内关系不清楚,到底谁进入了教室?【提升】When the teacher entered the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!”Eg. Elizabeth and I enjoy walking, to ski, travel and teaching university students.【分析】这个句子的连贯性较差,可以利用平行结构来体现连贯性。【提升】Elizabeth and I enjoy walking, skiing, traveling and teaching university students.特点三:准确性句子的准确性指句子内部没有不准确的,不必要的词。Eg. He returned in the early part of the month of August.【分析】这个句子感觉有故意写长之嫌,需要精简。【提升】He returned in early August.特点四:重点突出好的句子应该重点突出,词的选择,词的重复都有助于句子的重点突出。Eg. When the bank robbers entered the bank they yelled, “don’t move!”【分析】这个句子比较平淡,可以修改一下动词。【提升】When the bank robbers rushed into the bank they yelled, “don’t move!”特点五:语法正确,句式多变句式多变指句子长短结合。如果全篇都是复杂的长难句,文章读起来会晦涩难懂,并且有挑衅阅卷人之嫌。反之,全篇都是短句,感觉有侮辱阅卷人之感。Eg. Daisy, who was the first-year student of college, would go to a par near her school every day in morning, she would bring a small recorder with her, in park she would find quiet corner and listen to a tape of English stories.【分析】这个句子不仅仅存在语法问题,另外还有完整性,准确性问题。【提升】Daisy, a first-year college student, enjoys studying in the park near her school. Each morning she brings a small recorder, finds a quiet corner in the park, and listens to a tape of English stories.如果同学们在写句子的时候,注意以上五点,相信大家一定能够写出正确,完整,准确的英文句子。