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2016考研英语的答案 官方 2 3月才能出来 但是各大机构已经出来了 可以估分了、考研英语二的答案http://kaoyan.wen.com/285255.html 里面有各个题的 答案和详细解析,有用采纳哦


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:Joe胡婧2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)真题及答案(完整版)  (注:以下选项标红加粗为正确答案)Section I Use of English  Directions:  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)  Happy people work differently. They're more proctive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence 1 firms work, too.  Companies located in place with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper. 2 , firms in happy places spend more on R&D(research and development).That's because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking 3 for making investment for the future.  The researchers wanted to know if the 4 and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would 5 the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities' average happiness 6 by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.  7 enough, firms' investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were 8. But it is really happiness that's




对聪"明的考生来说都是无所谓的,万变不离其宗。’答 ?案:365,0"0.146"6,稳"操"胜"券,好多买过,都高"分通过了。。 范文  What is vividly revealed in the picture is that water is being reused in daily life at home. After washing rice, the water can be used to wash vegetables and then clean the mop and the toilet. What a harmonious scene it is!  It is not difficult to find that what the picture intends to express is the importance of saving and protecting resources. On the one hand, as we all know, water resource is limited and water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being. On the other hand, the phenomenon of wasting water can still be easily found anywhere in our daily life. For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it o that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious water is that we cannot afford to waste it. Water resource is not only indispensable in our daily life but also in the instry and agriculture. It is hard to imagine what the world would be like when there I is no more water.  It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention. But, this is not adequate. As is shown in the above picture, what we need is more actions to save and protect resources! First of all, social environment is shaped by the general public, and the cultivation of conservation-minded society depends on the active involvement of every member of our society, be he old or young. Accordingly, an ecation campaign should be launched to call on people from all walks of life to save and protect resources. In addition, saving and protecting resources is bound up with our daily life. We, college students, should spare no efforts to save valuable energy and natural resources such as power, water, coal, gas and so on. Only by the joint efforts of the whole society can we create a real conservation-minded society.




去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:凯程考研集训营令人期待的2016英语初试结束了,凯程教育的电话瞬间变成了热线,同学们兴奋地汇报自己的答题情况,几乎所有内容都在凯程考研集训营系统训练过,英语专业课难度与往年相当,答题的时候非常顺手,英语题型今年是选择题,阅读填空,作文。相信凯程的学员们对此非常熟悉,预祝亲爱的同学们复试顺利。英语分笔试、面试,如果没有准备,或者准备不充分,很容易被挂掉。如果需要复试的帮助,同学们可以联系凯程老师辅导。下面凯程英语老师把英语的真题全面展示给大家,供大家估分使用,以及2017年考英语的同学使用,本试题凯程首发,转载注明出处。2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)真题及答案(完整版)  (注:以下选项标红加粗为正确答案)Section I Use of English  Directions:  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)  Happy people work differently. They're more proctive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence 1 firms work, too.  Companies located in place with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper. 2 , firms in happy places spend more on R&D(research anddevelopment).That's because happiness is linked t


  考试作弊损害教育公平公正,考试违法犯罪行为严重破坏考试秩序,国家予以严厉打击惩治。  导语:  12月27日,2016年全国硕士研究生招生考试结束。当晚,教育部新闻办公室官方微博发布声明,称日前接到举报,反映有考生收到个别科目部分试题的作答与考题内容相关。教育部...  相关培训机构“老师”发送给学生的买题信息。网络截图  有网友指出,“英语二刚考完出考场的时候就听见旁边的男生说,全抄上了!我还觉得纳闷儿,现在才知道是泄题了。那我们辛辛苦苦准备这一年还有什么意义呢?”  教育部:已报公安调查将严惩  全国政协常委、复旦大学教授葛剑雄,曾在两会公开质疑研究生考试泄题事件。昨日,葛剑雄邮件回复南都记者称,“以往发生此类事时,我曾与教育部领导交换过意见。他们认为最难的是取证和适用法律,因为现在举报的人多数是匿名的,一旦正式调查,很少有人愿意实名作证。”  葛剑雄向南都记者透露,2012年研考泄题事件,还是经中央领导指示,由公安部负责侦查,最终查清是湖南省考试院下一名科长在清点试卷时偷取一份,到旁边办公室复印后将原件送回,以后将复印件卖与犯罪团伙。“即便如此,要处理传播标准答案的培训机构还很难。本回答被网友采纳




1、2016年考研初试各大学校成绩要到2月15日后会陆续出。2、建议去学习官网查看往年的公布时间即可了解大致情况,一般来说每年都差不多时间公布。3、自己多留意官网的成绩公布和查询通知。这里不能放链接,你可以在百度里直接输入“2016考研成绩查询时间汇总 ”或者“2016考研成绩查询 ”就可以出来,是比较详细的汇总,加油