我查到了09年的真题“不方便粘网址,怕说是广告,呵呵,你自己搜一下就可以!”楼上的这话说了快2000次了,你自己根本不知道是什么网址才是真的吧,不懂装懂,真丢人。2009年吉林大学940英语专业基础部分考研试题吉林大学 公共外语教育学院 2009 英语专业基础 部分试题吉林大学 公共外语教育学院 940 英语专业基础 (2009)Part One: Linguistics (70 points)I.Please define the following terms with illustrative examples on the Answer Sheet. (15 points)1.Code switching2.Duality3.Distinctive features4.Contrastive analysis5.ParoleII.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with correct expressions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (15 points)……III.Find the ONE mistake in each of the following statements, and then write down the wrong word(s) and the corrected word(s) in each statement on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)……IV.Write your answers to the following 5 questions on the Answer Sheet. (30 points)1.Concerning the relation of linguistics to foreign language teaching, please discuss briefly various linguistic views and their significance in language learning and teaching.2.How do you react to a person who says, “I don’t got none.”? What is the basis of your reaction?3.Draw tree diagrams to reveal the differences in sentential meaning in the sentence “The father of the boy and the girl will arrive soon.”4.Describe the changes that have occurred in Chinese terms of personal address since 1978 and discuss the cultural implications of these changes.5.What is compounding? Identify the difference between a hotdog and a hot dog.第二部分:现代汉语(30分)一、填空。(10分)……二、指出下列句子的句类(主谓句和非主谓句及其小类)。(2分)1.我在学校门口看小学生匆匆忙忙回家吃饭。2.你把那杯茶端给我喝。三、给下面带下划线的汉字注音,并注明声调。(1分)揩油 召唤 暖和 校样四、在下面句子的空格处填上适当的结构助词。(2分)1.问题彻底__________ 解决了。2.彻底__________ 解决问题是不容易的。3.问题还没有得到彻底__________ 解决。4.问题解决__________ 不彻底。五、对下列病句加以改正。(9分)1.参加者慈云东湖的八名男运动员和三名女运动员,均由优秀选手组成。2.敌人发现你们了,这里不能久住,今晚六点出发凤凰山。3.这次在工厂最后一天的劳动,是同学们最紧张、最愉快、最有意义的一天。六、下列文句都用了什么修辞?(6分)1.时间是勤奋者的财富,创造者的宝库; 时间是懒惰者的包袱,浪费者的坟墓。2.是云?是雾?是烟?还是沙漠中常见海市蜃楼的幻影?还是翻译同志眼尖,脱口而叫着:“骆驼!骆驼!”3.那笛声里,有故乡绿色平原上青草的香味,有四月的龙眼花的香味,有太阳的光明。Part Three: Survey of English and American Literature (50 points)I.The following statements are based on the history and works of both English and American literature. Choose the best one among the four given choices to complete the statements.……II.Fill in the blanks with proper expressions to complete the following statements according to the text books. (10 points)……III.Answer the questions followed by each of the following selections. (10 points)(1)I met a traveller from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,And Wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold commandTell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias,king of kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"Nothing besides remains. Round the decayOf that colossal wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away.1.What is the title of the above poem?2.Who is the writer of the poem?3.Give a brief account on the above poem.(2)(选段我就不打出来了,是A Portrait of a Lady的第六章中间选的一些文字,有省略)1.Who is the author of the above selection?2.What technique(s) is/are applied in the writing of the novel?3.Explain briefly the significance of the selection.IV.Explain the following literary terms and discuss the topics briefly and explicitly. (20 points)1.Renaissance2.Transcendentalism3.What do you know about Hemingway’s literary creation?4.Give a brief account of the relationship between English literature and American literature.5.State briefly the characteristics of contemporary literature.我的考研真题是在考研, 教育网上找到的,因为现在很多院校的真题都已经不卖了,所以我们只能借助网络,他们上面的真题比较全,还是免费的,我很喜欢他们的网站。和你一起分享:各院校历年考研专业课真题汇总不方便粘网址,怕说是广告,呵呵,你自己搜一下就可以!希望这些经验对你有帮助!