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英语考研一主要题型有:完型填空 1篇 10分;阅读理解 4篇 40分;七选五 1篇 10分七选五是给一篇文章,有5个空,给出7段或7句话,打乱顺序,让考生选出恰当的5个并按顺序填入文章中。翻译 1篇 10分;小作文 10分;大作文 20分。扩展资料:考研英语的备考策略1、词汇:词汇的记忆是英语的核心,重要性不必多言。但是词汇记忆还是需要一定的方法的,不能死记硬背。用词汇书记忆单词是可以的,但是仅限于前期复习中。前期用单词书记单词,主要是先将单词过一遍,做个眼熟,顺便积累简单词汇。在中后期记忆单词的时候,就不能用词汇书记单词了。这个时候,在试题中积累单词是最好的记忆方式。我用的《考研真相》这本书对于真题中的生词都进行详细的解析,很便于记忆,适合我这样基础不好的人使用。2、语法:考研英语与四六级最大的区别就是,考研英语很侧重于对语法知识的考察。语法的复习方法和词汇的复习方法一样,在前期用语法书复习,中后期在试题中积累语法知识。3、文章:考研英语对于大家阅读文章的能力也有要求。大家平时就多看看专业的英文报刊(欧美媒体),然后一边提升自己的阅读速度和抓取关键信息的能力,另一方面则对于其中的词句进行积累。


推荐回答据研涂宝小编了解,考研英语的题目都来自外国的报纸与期刊,可是究竟是哪些期刊呢?如果我们知道了题目的来源在哪里,在平日做好日常积累,不仅能够开拓视野,没准在考场上就能看到自己熟悉的文章,这个寒假,有意识地去读读ta们,你也会有不一样的收获哦!出现频率较高的外文报刊 第一名...是吗 这个真的不知道 不过说今年的考研英语是真的难


首先,说一下英语的分数,如果你考普通硕士,是要考英语一!他的分值是这样安排的,第一题:完形填空,10分/20空;第二题:阅读,40分/20空;第三题:新题型,10分/5空;第四题:翻译,10分/5句话;第五题:作文(小作文10分+大作文20分)一共一百分!如果你考专业硕士,是要考英语二!翻译分数将变成15分,五句话,大作文是15分,其他不变!其次,关于国家线,建议你去研究生招考网去查一下,因为这个比较权威,而且数据比较详细。同样专业不同分数线设置也不同,考研分为ABC三类地区,沿海城市是A区,分数是比较高的,像天津,北京,上海,这些地区的分是比较高的,像B类区,就是沿海城市以外的内陆地区,次之;C类地区应该是更次之的西部地区,相对就业环境不是很好,而且学校可能也没什么名气,分数会更低,有的像内蒙或新疆地区的个别学校,还有不要英语成绩的。你的第二个问题,属于国家政策,另外关于英语各学校的政策,要看你的专业,有的学校对于部分专业,是不要英语成绩的,有的学校是很高的,比如全国的34所自主划线学校,关于这34所,你可以到网上查,在这里就不做过多说明。同样也有根据你的专业水平考试情况而定的,有的学校虽然你的英语差一点点,当然不能差很多,可是你的专业是第一,有可能来个破格之类的,或者你报的是冷门专业,可能学校考虑放宽一定的条件,这些都是不确定的。 个人建议:综上所述,感觉你还不是很清楚这些政策,同时也没有什么大的目标学校,比如什么地方的学校,专业水平,导师知名度之类的。我是今年考得,建议你: 首先想想,为什么考,有很多人,是觉得考个试试,能上不能上都无所谓,有的人就是一定要考上,要拿这个硕士学位,你要想清楚你为什么考,你的最终目的是什么。这很关键,决定了你复习时候能出多大的力,下多大的功夫。 第二,你的专业怎么样,毕竟英语政治,知识文化水平考试,进去之后还是要拼专业的,这是你上研究生的目的之所在,对吧?!衡量一下自己的文化水平和专业水平,哪个更占优势,然后再选择学校,这是你要做的第二步。 第三,你要考虑学校这一个重要因素,听你说话的口气是不想考本校,如果这样,考外校,涉及到一个重要问题,就是你要考的学校,他对自己本校的学生有没有保送名额,会不会排挤外校的考生,如果是这样,你的水平一般,或者没有什么关系,建议你不要考,因为这样的学校很有可能你考不上,而且还浪费时间。 第四:导师,这是你很在意的事情,导师分很多类型,有的是学术性的,一辈子视学术如生命,希望找踏实能做实验的导师,一辈子勤勤恳恳,默默无闻,就是还没什么成绩,(当然你知道这些人一般都是具备招研究生的资格,教授的资格在大学里就如同高中里的讲师一样,说俗一点,就是扔块石头都能砸到个教授,真的不是很值钱的)。还有一种导师呢,是和他相对的,就是很出成绩,忙于自己的事情,不太管自己的研究生,招学生是去帮他做事情的。很和社会接轨的,同样也是在学校中很有地位的,比如职位很高啦。院长啦,反正有权的这种。这是很明显的两种,你要考虑清楚,另外如果你选择的导师,你选他没有什么特别理由外,建议不要考虑“默默无闻”“普通教授”这种类型的,因为如果你上了研,毕业答辩,可能会被其他导师或者答辩组老师出难题,真的,如果你的导师很有关系,可能你不会遭太多罪,这是我的老师跟我私下说过的,具体的我也不清楚,不过人家是过来人,说的话肯定不会害咱的,你说对吧! 最后,希望你能够根据自己的情况,因地制宜,金榜题名!


亲,下次问的时候一定把填的空留出来,不然的人家还要来猜填哪儿,这样的话,很多人本来还想回答来着,瞬间就放弃了, 13题, 空应该是在everything后吧,考的是一个修饰everything的定语从句,一下就把B C D全排除了,很明显后面的这个从句缺主语,主语在定从中是不能省的,只能是that或which但由于是修饰的是everything,所以只能用that,这是规定的啊,然后是be going to的固定搭配。 14题,也是定从的考察,选A, B选项,定从中用whose代替its , C选项, 题目中要的是杂志的 这个形容词性物主代词,所以用whose,因为which是名词性物主代词, D选项, 空应该是在show you的后面,you后面应该跟一个宾语从句,因为show sb sth这个结构显示show是可以跟双宾语,sb和sth的,很明显后面的这个宾语从句只是缺主语,我们都知道主语必须是名词或者名词性从句,而且从所有选项中我们可以看出是要选一个主语从句,而且这个主语从句的引导词同时还做这观察的宾语,所以A选项,that可以引导主语从句,但却只能做连接词不能做从句中的成分,舍掉,如果要选A的话,必须在that前加一个what,用what来坐宾语从句的主语,that引导修饰what的定语从句,做定从中的主语。 选B,意思是。。。将会告诉你,你所观察到将怎样被应用到。。 C选项,主语从句的引导词what应当放到从句的句首,也就是you have的前面,D选项,that换成what,刚刚说了that是不能做主从中的成分,也就是observed的宾语。 再补充一点,关于如何判断是否是定语从句的, 英语和汉语不同,它的句子与句子之间是需要连词来连接的,比如什么and,but, because ,so ,thus啥的,从而来表示两句之间的关系的,并列?因果?转折?。。。。你看上面考定语从句的两道题,前后有没有这些连词?都没有吧,所以肯定是从句,再看看意思,都是修饰everything,magazines的,意思就是什么什么样的everthing,很多什么什么样的杂志的页。写了这么多,累死了,还是希望帮到你啦!第一个选A. 先行词是everything, anything, nothing等时,关系代词用that.第二个选A. B和C容易排除, D没有这样的说法。第三个选B。How引导的句子作show 的宾语从句, how 后的what you have observed作can be used 的主语。本回答被网友采纳


They crawled for the next three hours along a main road where a line of traffic was so tightly together that it is ( wedged ) almost stationary在这里指交通像被打入楔子一样静止不动,很形象Because of its excellence in quality, for the last two years, Audi car has ( conquered )Germany‘'s Touring Car Championship. conquered 指战胜对手获得旅行车冠军dominated 一直主宰旅行车冠军,可能性不大共勉2014 考研英语一阅读分析(一)文章来源http://my.tv.sohu.com/us/231057940/74386390.shtml2014 考研英语一阅读分析(二)获得信息http://my.tv.sohu.com/us/231057940/74517137.shtml简单了点吧,If I were in your shoes, I would refer those words:Q1A:What is the relationship between translation theory and practice? I am now studying translation theories, yet the more I read, the more puzzled i become. Translation itself is definitely an art, which can only approach perfection through practice and a sense of language. Then what can theory do to translation practice?Now we have the discussion on translation science in scholarly circles. Some say that translation science has already taken form. Some are against it. For linguistics or philosophy, we have no such discussions. Then what is the problem with translation?Surely translators have their own guiding principles in practice, but how can we carry out a no-bias translation study?Q2:A:Over the last 30 years, we have witnessed significant progress in the field of translation history which has become a viable independent research area within translation studies. This book aims at claiming such autonomy for the field with a renewed vigour. It explores issues related to methodology as well as a variety of discourses on history with a view to laying the groundwork for new avenues, new models, new methods. It challenges existing theoretical and ideological frameworks. It looks toward the future of history. From microhistory, archaeology, periodization, to issues of subjectivity and postmodernism, methodological lacunae are being filled.Contributors to this volume go far beyond the text to uncover the role translation has played in many different time and settings such as Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle-East and Asia from the 6th century to the 20th. These contributions, which deal variously with the discourses on methodology and history, recast the discipline of translation history in a new light and pave the way to the future of research and teaching in the field. 就这样说就可以了,To some degree, the easier your answer is , the higher the socre you will get.


考研英语真题有没有哪个是左边是文章右边是题目的资料?Is there any one on the left side of the article on the right is the material of the topic?






2015年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Though not biologically related, friends are as “related” as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is _(1)_a study, published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has__(2)_.The study is a genome-wide analysis concted _(3)__1,932 unique subjects which __(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both_(5)_.While 1% may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, “Most people do not even _(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.”The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity .Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain, for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it. There could be many mechanisms working together that _(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship” of being friends with_(14)_!One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major_(17)_factor.The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects, friends and strangers, were taken from the same population.1. [A] when [B] why [C] how [D] what2. [A] defended [B] concluded [C] withdrawn [D] advised3. [A] for [B] with [C] on [D] by4. [A] compared [B] sought [C] separated [D] connected5. [A] tests [B] objects [C]samples [D] examples6. [A] insignificant [B] unexpected [C]unbelievable [D] incredible7. [A] visit [B] miss [C] seek [D] know8. [A] resemble [B] influence [C] favor [D] surpass9. [A] again [B] also [C] instead [D] thus10. [A] Meanwhile [B] Furthermore [C] Likewise [D] Perhaps11. [A] about [B] to [C]from [D]like12. [A] drive [B] observe [C] confuse [D]limit13. [A] according to [B] rather than [C] regardless of [D] along with14. [A] chances [B]responses [C]missions [D]benefits15. [A] later [B]slower [C] faster [D] earlier16. [A]forecast [B]remember [C]understand [D]express17. [A] unpredictable [B]contributory [C] controllable [D] disruptive18. [A] endeavor [B]decision [C]arrangement [D] tendency19. [A] political [B] religious [C] ethnic [D] economic20. [A] see [B] show [C] prove [D] tell