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In nowdays ,the life of graated student seems only have something with their studies with nothing special ,which is not a good phenomenon . They only care about their studies and read the books related to their subjects and spend very little time on other active things,such as dissussing with some issues with friends or classmates ,attending some social activites or paying attention to some social or political phenomenon ,etc . If we only keep pushing ourself read the limited books for passing the exams every day ,we can't compete with others to find the good job and make much contribution to the socitey . As we can see ,the company ,the socoity and the whole contries now all is in need of the talents qualitifiled with rich abilities to deal with all kinds of problems like logical language ability ,forsight ability of unknow things and judgement ability etc . And we can only have these abilities from our pratices and our active thinking on things happened around you but not all from books .The Life of graguated stufent should be very active and meaningful with colorful activites so that graated student can be fit for the changing socities .


不需要 而且一定不要全部读一遍再翻译 很浪费时间 一些技巧和注意的地方: 1 当句子中出现指示代词时,而且所指不是本剧中时一定要找此句的前一句(不会多出这一句的),在前一句中找出所指部分并将其翻译出来 2 注意将被动句翻译成主动句 3 有的时候句子本身没有转折的关联词,但是句子有转折意味,要通过自己的理解 将加上转折的词 还有一些值得注意的地方就是做题的顺序 英语底子很好的话 建议做题顺序为 阅读 新题型 翻译 作文 完型 底子不好 建议顺序为 阅读 翻译 作文 新题型 完型




根据文章的主旨。多积累一些词汇,学一些语法!一定要攻克词汇和短语,要熟练,学一些你比较感兴趣的英语知识,上课认真听讲,下课及时做笔记,养成背单词的好习惯,经常复习以前学过的知识!英语学习起来并不是很难,只要你用心去学,相信你一定会成功的综合之前的四个选项 选个能涵盖之前四个的






拦路虎一:文不对题“文不对题”是考研英语写作中经常出现的问题之一,不少老师在阅卷时都遇到过这样的作文——内容充实,条理清晰,用词准确,却与题目规定的内容大相径庭,最后得分非常低.考研英语写作是非开放性的,不可以随意创作,考生要严格按照题目的要求来展开文章.因此,在写作时认真审题是第一步.审题不仅仅是要仔细读题目,还要准确地理解、提取题目中的信息点和内容,明确题目的要求.由于考试的时间有限,因此要求我们在考场上必须快速、准确地审题.这就需要我们在平时多看一些题目,只有通过练习才能在考试时熟能生巧.平时我们可以按照下面的步骤进行审题练习:(1)看题目,划出其中的核心词汇,找出作文内容的要点以及格式要求等.(2)想一想这道题考的是什么方面的话题,应该从哪 方面展开,可以找到什么样的论据.(3)找到范文,与自己的构思进行对照、检验.对于历年考研英语的作文真题,尤其是近几年的新题,建议大家动手练一练.仅在脑海中对作文题进行构思虽然节省时间,但是很多问题只有通过完整地写作才能发现.考试时,要为自己留下一段比较充足的时间进行审题及构思,最好简略的列一个提纲,比如一两个关键词、中文或英文,甚至是一些简单的符号、标记都行.只要能够让自己明白,起到提示自己写作思路的作用就可以了.拦路虎二:无话可说在写作中考生常常遇到的一大难题就是无话可说,难以下笔.造成这种情况的主要原因是平时积累少.纵观多年考研英语作文试题,我们可以发现,这些题目几乎从未涉及到偏、难、怪的话题,比如:2003年的话题:温室花朵经不起风雨;2005年的话题:养老“足球赛”;2006年的话题:偶像崇拜等等,只要考生在日常生活中能多看多想,在考试时就不会无话可说.我们可以通过看中文的报刊来提升自己思想的深度与广度,作为写作时的论点与素材,也可以看英文文章来丰富语言.有不少人都提倡多背文章,但是背书对很多人来说并不是一件容易的事.其实要起到培养语感、积累语言素材的作用,只要多读多看就可以了.这些文章可以是你感兴趣的小短文,也可以是英文教材中的课文.在此,笔者还向大家推荐另一类材料,那就是阅读理解的题目,这些题目中的文章内容丰富,用语规范,长短也比较适宜,尤其是历年考研英语真题中的文章.通过反复阅读,不仅有益于作文,也可以帮助我们加深对阅读理解部分出题方式的感受与体会.虽然这些文章不一定要背,但是要记住,我们对文章内容及其表达方式越熟悉,在需要时它就越能为我所用.甚至在考试时,如果我们在阅读中看到好的句子,也可以把它划下来以便在写作文时借用.当然,如果能在考前准备一些比较通用的小例子,把它记熟,对于丰富写作内容也是很有益的.但由于考研作文对文章篇幅的要求,这些例子不要太复杂,最好能够用1~2句话说清楚即可;或者就选用一些人们耳熟能详的例子,仅用简单的语言概述一下即可.比如,在使用爱迪生发明灯丝这个人们非常熟悉的例子时,我们就不必花太多笔墨讲述故事本身,而可以直接过渡到对观点的论述:We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success.拦路虎三:结构混乱结构混乱是写作最为忌讳的问题.有话可说是写作最基本的要求,但要写好作文则必须把话说到点子上,把意思表达的清楚明白.要做到条理清楚,就要求文章的结构合理.而只有在写作时理清思路,才能使作文结构清晰,从而方便评卷老师理解文章的层次.文章不分段或者分段过多都是不合理的.现行的考研英语作文题目中一般会有三条要求,考生可以对应的写三段话进行回应.一篇文章一定要有开头段与结尾段.首段不要太长,要开宗明义,明确表明自己的观点.尾段的主要作用是使文章结构完整,主要为归纳或建议.文章主体部分的每一段都应该围绕一个主题来写,每一段都要有主题句,而且主题句最好是每段的首句,这样更有利于避免一段内出现多个论点,或是出现偏题的现象,同时也可以使全文的逻辑结构更加清楚明了.良好的文章结构也可以帮助我们有话可说.每篇文章的首段和尾段、每段的首句几乎都是作为文章的结构而存在的,因此它们的内容是相对固定的.并列结构的文章可以用如下几组短语:on the one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another thing;in the first place,in the second/following/next place……in the last place;递进结构的文章可以使用以下这些短语:further/furthermore,mor/moreover,besides/still/also,what is more;转折结构则可以用这样的结构:Il is true……,But……,Also,……对于比较长的段落来说,还可以用一个结尾句来呼应首句的主题,最常用的方法就是同意转述.拦路虎四:用词贫乏,句式单一“用词”和“句式”是反映英语作文水平的重要指标,用词贫乏,句式单一,很容易让作文失去“血肉”.因此,要提高语言的驾驭能力,积累仍然是最重要的.前文提到的多读文章仍然是一个适用的好方法.当然,针对考试作文我们还要有一些提升语言运用能力的技巧.在词汇方面,建议大家多关注动词、副词以及连词.针对大家常常出现的一个问题:同一个词不断被反复使用,我们可以积累一些重点词汇的同义词.考研论坛有一个比较简单的方法,就是在word文档中输入一个英文单词,然后点击鼠标右键,在“同义词词库”中就可以看到很多表达相似意思的词汇.要想学会用一个词,就要求我们知道该词的用法与搭配.不仅动词的使用存在搭配问题,副词与连词也一样,比如:although和but不能在同一句话中连用.因此,在记单词时最好是熟悉一些例句.我们不需要花太多时同和精力在偏词、难词上,有一些很简单的小词(如:take、get等)有众多的搭配及不同的用法,如能恰当使用,一样能使文章增色不少.词汇的应用贵在准确,而不在于使用多少高级词汇.在拿不准的情况下,建议大家不要乱用不熟悉的词,以免闹出笑话.


考研热<the craze for graate school>参考了:)~~ With ecational opportunities evolving so rapidly, the choice of a graate program requires introspection and considerable research.People entering medicine or law, whose need for degree is obvious, face new decisions about what studies will enhance their careers. Some 20 per cent of the nation's medical schools now sponsor al M.D/ M.B.A. programs. These programs prepare doctors to become involved in hospital or HMO management, or to create their own health care companies. Besides al degrees, a growing number of law schools offer certificate programs in specialty areas like alternative dispute resolution.One force that propels many people into graate school is the desire for more money. According to the Census Bureau, doctors, lawyers, and people with M.B.A. degrees earned an average of '95,148, more than twice the '40,478 earned by workers with only a bachelor's degree. Someone with a doctorate brought home '77,445, on average; someone with a master's, '51,183.The numbers are compelling, and certain professions clearly pay more handsomely than others. But researchers caution that an unknown portion of the income differential between those with a master's or Ph.D. and those with a bachelor's degree is explained by personality and ability—and that an advanced degree won't automatically make up for a lack in those areas. Because people who go on to graate school are often more driven and gifted than the average college graate. “If you sent them on an around-the-world cruise for the next few years, you might find similar income gains,” says Robert Reischauer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.Prospective students thus need to assess both their abilities and the dynamics of the job market that interests them for clues about whether immediate schooling will pay off and which type of program confers the greatest advantages.


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:启航考研总部考研英语作文开头句式20句  考研英语作文开头结尾很重要,文章的逻辑也要把我清晰,这里特别整理分享一些常用的开头句式。结尾句式和过度句式,希望能帮助写作渣们不断提升,下面是20句开头句,抓紧背一背:  2019考研英语作文开头句式20句  ►常用于开头的句式  1.With the rapidly growing popularity of …, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.  例句:With the rapidly growing popularity of computers in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.  2.Recently, sth. /the problem of…has been brought to popular attention/has become the focus of public concern.  例句:Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.  3.With the development of…, more and more people come to realize that…  例句:With the development of high ecation, more and more people come to realize that knowledge plays a role of extreme importance in modern society.  4.In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in…  例句:In the past few years, there has been a decline in the number of species.  5.