去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:i不懂人理待道 Unit 1 P241.This research seems to lend somevalidity(有力的)to the theory that the drug might cause cancer .2.In a number of developing countryies ,war has been an additionalimpendiment(障碍)to progress .3.Anthea was about to play hertrump card(王牌卡);without her signature none of the money could be released .4.Iflunked(挂科)my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college .5.I didnt want to lose mycomposure(镇静)in front of her .6.The management did not seem to consider office safety to be apriority(优先).7.For three hours a committee of state senators listened to aparade(一系列)of local residents giving their opinions.8.Thousands of lives will beatstake(在危机关头)if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.9.Brierley's book has themerit(优点)of being both information and readable .10.I think there was aconspiracy(阴谋)to keep me out of the committee .1.这项研究似乎为这种药物可能导致癌症的理论提供了一定的有效性(有力的)。2.在许多发展中国家,战争是一个额外的先决条件(障碍)的进展。3.Anthea想玩她的王牌(王牌卡);没有她的签名没有钱可以释放。4.我(挂科)二年级考试不及格,幸运的是没有被开