这是寡头垄断里的卡特尔模型,结论是最大利润在各自的边际成本处,查看范里安的寡头,本书最精彩的地方。选Ccartel is simply a group of firms that jointly collude to behave like a singlemonopolist and maximize the sum of their profits.Thus the profit-maximization problem facing the two firms is to choosetheir outputs Y1 and Y2 so as to maximize total instry profits:This will have the optimality conditionsp(Yi + yi ) + �� [yi + yiJ = MC1 (ynp(y + yi) + �: [y + yil = MC2 (Y2 ) 'The interpretation of these conditions is interesting. When firm 1 considersexpanding its output by 6..Y1 , it will contemplate the usual two effects:the extra profits from selling more output and the rection in profits fromforcing the price down. But in the second effect, it now takes into accountthe effect of the lower price on both its own output and the output of theother firm. This is because it is now interested in maximizing total instryprofits, not just its own profits.The optimality conditions imply that the marginal revenue of an extraunit of output must be the same no matter where it is proced. It followsthat MC1 (y1) = MC2 (y2 ) , so that the two marginal costs will be equal inequilibrium. If one firm has a cost advantage, so that its marginal cost curvealways lies below that of the other firm, then it will necessarily procemore output in equilibrium in the cartel solution.The problem with agreeing to join a cartel in real life is that there显示地不清楚,最优解 MC1 (y1) = MC2 (y2 )哦,看错了,是两家厂商的边际成本和边际收益均相等,而不是各自的边际成本等于边际收益。因为此时感兴趣的不只是各自的利润最大化,而是整个行业的利润最大化选D假设图形法、排除法解题 直接画出X、Y企业的平均成本曲线,然后一个个选项排除那该选什么?