What can you tell me about yourself? 这个问题并不是要你介绍你的简历,老师是希望你能通过一件小事,了解你的处理方式,从而看出你的性格、优势,与哪位老师比较匹配等。 The following is a good example of a positive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best." What is your greatest strength 这个问题是想要了解你对你的专业、对你的学校,包括对以后的研究生生活的自信程度,让他们看到你作为研究生的优势。 I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor's thesis. What would you like to be doing five years after graation? 毕业五年之后的规划,这个问题你可以通过与学长学姐聊天或者同其他已经毕业的学生交流看看他们的做法,结合自身的优势,给出你的回答。 I hope to do my best I can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager, I am planning on that also. Why do you choose this major? 为什么选择报考专业?这个问题是老师比较喜欢的一个问题。需要你表达自己对专业的喜欢,现在开始可以多查看相关的专业文章,对专业术语了解清楚,在复试中会有加分的机会。 I major in International Trade and have great interest in it. International trade currently become increasingly important in the world of globalization, and those companies desirous to file themselves into the international market and have to confront plenty of issues. Thus, corresponding emphasis have been put on these issues in this field. But ring my college study and internship period, I have found I have many to study, so it is very necessary and urgent for me to grasp firmly and comprehensively the relevant knowledge of international trade. That is why I chose this major. Now I look forward to enriching my scope in this field in our university. Why do you change your major? 为什么跨专业?这是跨专业考研同学几乎必背的一个问题,多说报考专业的未来发展,少说原专业不合适。 I show keen interest in the (报考专业) studies, 报考方向 in particular, even though my major is 原专业. You might ask me why, well, let's tell you like this. 原专业 are too abstract, full of terms, far away from the real world. I don't mean that 原专业 is useless. But 报考专业 studies seem more challenging, and promising for my future career. My plan is like this: start my work in a 相关行业 firm and work as a 专业人士 so that I can try my best to help the clients, who they're and where they're from, whether they're rich or poor. That's why I made up my mind to change my major and applied for this law school. 一、专业知识 考研面试中对专业知识的考察更灵活,例如老师可能会问一些行业内的一些热点新闻,要求你根据自己所学的知识,来谈谈对这些热点事件的理解。 对策:由于研究生教育更加注重对学生实际能力的培养,避免纸上谈兵,因此考生一定要避免就事论事,仅仅局限于事件本身,也不能空谈理论,而是要注意将理论与实践结合起来,用理论来指导实践,或者将实践总结提升为理论。这样会给导师留下很好的印象,增加胜券。 二、研究方向 很多专业在研究生阶段对于研究方向分的非常明确,考查的内容也大相径庭,对于研究方向上的准备,考生最好的参考就是导师的研究方向。导师的研究方向反映了这阶段他关注的焦点,面试的时候他的兴趣点,也很可能与他的研究方向有关。 对策:对此,考生平时要多看相关专业领域的一些权威期刊,对所报考导师的学术观点、论文、专著应有较深的了解。这些文章在中国期刊网上一般都能找到,只需找到最近几年的文章即可,对导师的研究方向有个大体的了解。 特别提醒:如果你的观点和导师的一致或者可以在他的基础上有所创新,那他一定会对你留下不错的印象。 三、毕业论文 如果是考大学本科专业的研究生,那么很多老师都会问及考生本科的毕业论文。因为它是大学4年专业学习的一个总结,在一定程度上显示了考生的研究能力。 对于跨专业考生,本科毕业论文方向的选择会反映考生在论文上的敏感和专业上的偏好,也是导师关注的重点。 对策:在面试前一定要好好把握毕业论文的内容,一旦老师问起,不至于说不清楚。还有,考生可以将本科论文和研究生专业有结合点的地方好好准备一下,到时候有话说。这毕竟是自己大学四年的小成果,所以要加以重视。 四、发表论文及著作 有的导师在面试过程中会问考生是否有论文发表,尤其对于同等学力考生来说,可能是必须的,因此对于论文和著作这方面,也是有必要准备的。 对策:有论文和著作的,固然是好,可以提前复印一下当面给老师留下;没有的话,可以围绕自己对科研的设想具体讲述一下。大多数本科生都不会有发论文和著作的经历,所以,就要在面试前好好的准备,对以后的科研做下设想。 五、阅读的著作 请你介绍一本自己阅读过的专业书籍,这几乎是文科专业面试时的必考题。这是导师了解考生的一个窗口。 对策:这个问题考生完全可以在平时的复习中解决。阅读相关专业著作不仅可以让你在枯燥的复习中得到读书的乐趣,可以提高自己的表达能力,语言驾驭能力。而且学者们的智慧又能给自己以启迪。 总体来说,考生回答问题之前一定要理清思路,听完老师的问题后,认真的思考,把要回答的问题迅速整理出一二三点来,然后根据顺序进行简要回答。回答过程也不能过长,切记不要围绕一个问题没完没了的阐述,那样会给导师留下思路不清晰的印象。建议考生可以通过学习张爱媛老师的考研复试面试指导视频,学习一些方法技巧。因为面试不比笔试,导师更看重的是你的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力,以及临场发挥能力。