康奈尔大学的酒店管理专业有三个方向,分别是:M.S. and Ph.D. programs(学术性)M.M.H. (专业性),以就业作为主导的学生主要是选择The Master of Management in Hospitality(M.M.H.),此专业的学习分为三个TERM,学习时间长度为12个月,学生既可以选择在康奈尔大学学习整个课程,也可以选择半年在康奈尔大学就是,另外半年在新加坡南洋理工大学酒店管理学院就读。 酒店管理研究生 [6]The MMH is a 12-month, three-semester program beginning in May. This intensive schele is designed to address the needs and timelines of both the instry and the students. → →课程为12个月,分为三个学期,开学时间为五月. Over the past three years, the average score of successful applicants on the GMAT was higher than 630. (We have just begun to accept the GRE this year). → →GMAT至少630(2013年开始接受GRE成绩替代GAMT) Your undergraate degree can be in any field, provided your grade-point average is high (the average undergraate G.P.A. for admitted MMH students has been 3.3.) In fact, only a small number of MMH students studied hospitality as an undergraate - most students come into the program with social science or traditional business degrees. → →申请没有专业限制,事实上有很多学生来自社会、科学或传统商科专业。 We look for candidates with strong supervisory or managerial skills and leadership potential. Students admitted in the past few years have typically had three years of work experience. → →看中工作经验,最好有三年以上的工作经验。 the MMH Program begins in May each year, our selection process concludes earlier than most other graate programs. Round One deadline: November 15 Round Two deadline: February 1 You must complete your application and a personal interview (on-campus or off-campus) before an application deadline in order to receive an admission decision. → →第一轮截止日期:11月15日;第二轮截止日期:2月1日。