金融学是经济学的一个分支,经济学的基本理论和方法是:(1)微观经济学(2)宏观经济学(3)经济计量学(统计学的发展)金融分为两大类:国际金融(偏实务)和金融工程(偏技术),你可以看看名牌高校的专业介绍及开设课程,对两者有个初步的认识~一般来说,金融硕士对本科专业没什么要求,尤其是国际金融,但金融工程由于偏数学,可能倾向于理科基础较好的学生,具体要求你可以参考要报考学校的硕士招生简章~个别公司要求本、硕专业一致(很少),但据我所知,金融领域的大公司更青睐理工科底子的学生,原因可能是(1)金融是服务业,是为各个行业服务的(哪里有钱赚,就调配资本到哪里去)。做宏观经济形势分析时可能需要一些基本的经济理论(说白了,就是一些常识,专业的只不过系统、全面一些);做行业分析时,就需要对某个行业有一定程度的了解,这时有一定行业专业背景的更占优势;不管做什么分析,无非都是基于历史和现在的信息来预测未来,预测时又分为a, 直觉经验判断 b, 数据模型预测(当前比较流行),预测模型就是一些经理理论(要知道,理论都是有适用条件的,不会一直正确;而且,基本理论就那么几条,经济学家们还莫衷一是)支撑的数学公式(或者说用数学公式表示的经济逻辑),然后写几句程序让电脑来算,这么看来,理科学生会更占优势。(2)理工科学生经过四年的专业训练,逻辑思维能力比较强,一旦了解基本的经济理论,掌握金融信息势如破竹。可以考,按报考学校的招生简章中的说明来准备附 举例 几则金融公司的招聘信息一中型券商研究所招聘宏观分析师、国际宏观分析师岗位职责: 1、宏观经济分析师将承担中国宏观经济相关研究,涉及实体经济、宏观政策和货币金融财政等领域的分析与预测; 2、国际宏观分析师将承担国际宏观经济相关研究,涉及全球宏观趋势预测、主要发达国家宏观经济与政策分析、新兴市场的跟踪和预测; 3、宏观/国际宏观分析师必须定期发布研究报告,经常与客户当面或者电话交流,并为客户研究提供必要支持。 任职资格: 1、经济学或金融学专业硕士及以上学历,博士学历(各理工科均可)优先,优秀的在读研究生亦可考虑(但必须全职工作); 2、具有良好的经济学、管理学、金融学理论基础,有较好的宏观分析技能和意识; 3、本科及硕士毕业于国内外一流大学; 4、具有较强的责任心,能承受高强度工作压力。 方正证券研究所招聘化工行业助理分析师1、具备较强的逻辑思维能力,擅长数据分析与数据支持; 2、工作认真负责,具备优秀的团队合作意识和协调能力; 3、品行良好,正直诚实,具有良好的职业道德素养; 4、化工专业硕士及以上学历,博士学历优先; 5、具有化工行业从业经验者优先; 6、有金融业相关从业或实习经历优先; 摩根士坦利金融模型组招聘Job Description: 1. Develop and Implement mathematical models of the joint dynamics of the financial factors impacting valuation and risk management of positions traded by the firm. 2. Develop, implement, estimate and calibrate under both pricing and physical measure the valuation and risk management tools and analytics used by the Desk Strats for identifying revenue position and risk. 3. Design and implement model structure to enable models and analytics to be shared globally by multiple trading desks. 4. Design, build and maintain model testing analytics to continually monitor the effectiveness and relevance of valuation and risk management models. 5. Create extensive model and model infrastructure testing cases, such as various martingale testing, boundary case testing, continuity testing, convergence testing, unexpected case testing, which can be used as unit testing, integration testing and regression testing. Work closely with CVA strats as a first line of defense to address test failures. 6. Create utilities for logging, displaying, comparing model intermediate results. Job Requirements1. Quantitative Skills: Advanced Degree (PhD or MS) in math, physics, engineering, computer science or mathematical finance and related quantitative finance fields from a top university. 2. Programming Skills: Knowledge of efficient coding and good code structure (C++ programming and statistical packages such as SAS or Matlab), and ability to integrate models into existing analytical libraries and trading systems. 3. Communication Skills: Ability to explain complex propositions in a simple and compelling manner. 4. Experience with statistical packages and higher order languages such as Matlab, R, SAS, etc., is desirable. 5. Knowledge of financial modeling and of financial instruments. 6. Experience with large data sets and the analysis of time series financial data are valuable. 7. An active interest in the financial markets and how they are influenced by external markets. 8. A team player who puts results ahead of indivial recognition.参考资料:http://bbs.uibe.e.cn/frames_my.html