你说的3个国家,依你的资金水平,只有澳大利亚适合你,这个国家上学较另两个国家便宜,条件也宽松点.而且澳洲可以打工,打工挣的钱可以抵生活费(当然如果你努力的情况下),你要是本科去读硕士的话,一年就够了,大概十几万就够了.The same can apply to Canada.I would assume you will do an MA, or MSc or MBA, but not a PhD, you need about 20,000 Canadian dollars, about 150,000 RMB for a year, including tuition and living.Logistic is not quite an academic study though. It is affilitated with business school. UBC in Vancouver has not bad a program, but it is research based.If you register for a PhD program in business, civil engineering or even geography where you can find logistic and transportation though with different focus, you will be offered a bursary of about 18,000 to 20,000, enough to cover your survival needs. You must find a professor to supervise you and to give you the budget.In Canada, you can find a job after 6 months, provided you continue your registration at school.After graation, you can find a job, obtain a work permit and after one year, apply for landed status.本回答被网友采纳