实证经济学:是西方经济学中按研究内容和分析方法与规范经济学相对应的一个分支。是指描述、解释、预测经济行为的经济理论部分,因此又称为描述经济学,是经济学的一种重要运用方式。从原则上说,实证经济学是独立于任何特殊的伦理观念的,不涉及价值判断,旨在回答“是什么”、“能不能做到”之类的实证问题。它的任务是提供一种一般化的理论体系,用来对有关环境变化对人类行为所产生的影响做出正确的预测。对这种理论的解释力,可以通过它所取得的预测与实际情况相对照的精确度、一致性等指标来加以考察。简言之,实证经济学是或者说可以是“客观的”科学。实证经济学是客观的科学,可以通过经验的评价,对它的假设做理性的讨论。 2008实证经济学会议将在上海财经大学召开 2008 International Workshop on Empirical EconomicsTime: May 17 – May 18, 2008Organized bySchool of Economics and Institute for Advanced ResearchShanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), Shanghai, ChinaAddress: 111 Wuchuan Road, Building of School of Economics, SUFEThe workshop will provide a forum for economists from China and all over the world to exchange their ideas and methods of empirical studies, and it is hopeful to facilitate economic researches in China. The working language of the workshop will be English. Keynote Speakers and Papers:Richard Burkhauser, Cornell UniversityThe Effectiveness of Minimum Wage Increases in Recing Poverty: Past, Present, and FutureJohn N. Dinardo, University of MichiganConstructive Proposals for Dealing with Attrition: An Empirical ExamplePeter Gottschalk, Boston CollegeAre Earnings Inequality and Mobility Overstated? The Impact of Non-Classical Measurement ErrorMichael Hurd, RAND Center for the Study of AgingThe Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: Actual Spending Change in Pane DataGan Li, Texas A&M UniversityAn Empirical Study of the Credit Market with Unobserved Consumer TypesBruce Meyer, Chicago UniversityDisability, Earnings, Income and ConsumptionThe workshop also offers two supplemental short courses:1. May 14 - May 16, Michael Hurd, "The Life-Cycle Model of Consumption: Theory and Empirical Findings in the Older Population' 2. May 21- May 22, Bruce Meyer, "Econometrics of Natural Experiments