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我是怎样开展英语教研活动的How do I carry out English teaching and research activities我是怎样开展英语教研活动的How do I carry out English teaching and research activities

语文教学研究 是什么级别的刊物

语文教学研究 不是国家核心期刊也不是省级,只是一般类型的期刊《语文教学研究》创刊时间是2006年1月,不具备核心期刊条件。G62/63初等/中等教育类核心期刊表序号 刊名 序号 刊名 序号 刊名1 课程、教材、教法 9 数学通报 17 化学教学2 普教研究 10 数学通讯 18 历史教学3 学科教育 11 高三数理化(改名为:高中数理化) 19 思想政治课教学4 上海教育 12 中学语文教学 20 中学地理教学参考5 北京教育 13 语文教学通讯 21 生物学教学6 天津教育 14 中小学外语教学 22 外国中小学教育7 中小学管理 15 中小学英语教学与研究8 班主任 16 物理教学I2中国文学类核心期刊表文学理论序号 刊名 序号 刊名 序号 刊名1 文学评论 8 文艺争鸣 15 文艺理论与批评2 文艺研究 9 新文学史料 16 名作欣赏3 文学遗产 10 中国文学研究 17 小说评论4 当代作家评论 11 中国现代文学研究丛刊 18 当代文坛5 文艺理论研究 12 明清小说研究 19 文学自由谈6 红楼梦学刊 13 民族文学研究7 鲁迅研究月刊 14 通俗文学评论HO/2语言学/汉语/中国少数民族语言类核心期刊表序号 刊名 序号 刊名 序号 刊名1 语文建设 7 语言与翻译 13 语言研究2 中国语文 8 方言 14 辞书研究3 修辞学习 9 语言教学与研究 15 语言文字应用4 古汉语研究 10 语文研究 16 演讲与口才5 汉语学习 11 汉字文化6 民族语文 12 世界汉语教学


你好!读音如下:教研jiàoyán教改 jiàogǎi祝你生活愉快!望采纳!谢谢!


I also teach out at the community college in Henderson


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:每天十块钱go西安文理学院外国语言文学系教案2014年~~2015年第1学期课程名称旅游英语I教研室名应用英语教研室授课对象2012级英语4班授课教师张薇职称职务副教授教材名称《旅游英语教程》2014年8月31日旅游英语1课程教案授课题目(教学章节或主题):|Unit 1 Service|授课类型 | 讲授|授课时间|第1-3周第1-4 节|教材分析:|1.本单元主题为服务业。|2.单元设置为阅读为基础,听说训练为重点。|3.结构由课文、对话、相关链接、专业词汇与课后习题五部分组成。|教学目的与要求:|通过对专题内容的集中训练,学生能够掌握专题所需的基本语言知识与技能。|重点与难点: |1.掌握服务业的定义与特点。|2.学会填写护照申请表和预订机票。|3.了解交通业的专业词汇。|教学内容与过程(设想、方法、手段)|1. 利用多媒体课件介绍背景知识、进行词汇学习。|2. 学生快速阅读课文并做内容与结构分析。|3. 教师讲解语言点与难重点,帮助学生理解全文。|4. 学习情景对话并组织学生进行口语练习。|5. 实用文写作的范文学习与练习。|6. 课堂完成课后习题,校对答案并讲解。|7. 答疑解惑,布置写作和调研作业。|思考题、讨论题、作业:| 1. What are services?|2. What are the characteristics of service compared to goods?|3. What is the basic structure of the Text A?|参考资料(含参考书、文献等):| 《新编旅游英语》|



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  英语九年级下学期探究之旅录音稿及答案  Unit 13  Our city is not big. It has a population of 200,000. There are some big stores, restaurants, and some factories. People do different kind of jobs. Some work in the hospitals. They are doctors and nurses. Some clean the streets. They are cleaners. And some work in the parks and gardens. They are gardeners. In the morning they hurry to work. The traffic is busy. Many people go to work by bike. I go to school very early too. I like the city. It’s very beautiful.  听力部分  I 1 The girl is eating now. (C)  2 Today is Wednesday. (C)  3 The boy is very full. (C)  4 Mike is running in the rain. (A)  5 Emily goes to school at ten o’clock. (C)  II 1 When is China’s Tree Planting Day? (B)  2 Did you see the FIFA World Cup last year? (A)  3 Were these high building built not long ago? (C)  4 What is the best season to visit China? (C)  5 Are these young men going to be sent to the farm? (A)  III 1 He stood up and pointed the mountains far away. (C)  2 The only problem is that we don’t have enough time. (B)  3 What a fine day today! Let’s go to the Great Wall. (C)  4 The rain stopped from going to the farmers’ market. (A)  5 It’s hard work, but it’s very important. (C)  IV 1 The increasing population may be the greatest problem of the world.  2 The world’s population is growing faster and faster at present.  3 Do you know what the most expensive car in the world is like?  4 Many people are waiting outside to see the biggest car show this year.  5 At the beginning of 21st century, the world’s population has passed six billion.  笔试部分  I 1---5 ABCCB 6—10 ADBDA 11---15 CBDAC  II A) 1---5 BDCBA 6---10 BDBDA  B) 1---5 AABCC 6---10 CDABA 11---15 DCCAA  III A) 1---5 DCCCC B) 1---5 CBADD  IV 1 better 2 rather 3 repair 4 sure 5 below  6 searching 7 reached 8 worth 9 coming 10 whether  V One possible version:  Last Saturday thirty students of Class Two went to see a film. When they went out of the cinema, I interviewed them about the film. They said that it was not a very good film. Half of them didn’t like it. They said it was not good. Ten of them said it was OK, and only five students said it was good.  Unit 14  Last Sunday, the weather turned cold suddenly. I got up late because there was no school. After a quick breakfast, my mother said, “Let’s go shopping today and I’ll buy you a jacket.” Then she took me out to the biggest shop. There were many kinds of jackets on sale. But I like Snoopy Jacket better. The salesgirl was very patient. I tried several jackets and at last I chose a sky blue one with a hat. As soon as I got home I got a telephone call. It was the salesgirl. She told me that I had left my bag there.  听力部分  I 1 What are you going to do next Sunday? (A)  2 What had he done before he came here? (B)  3 What did they use to do in the morning? (C)  4 What do you think of the suit? (C)  5 What time shall we meet at the airport? (A)  II 1 John and I are looking for a pair of leather tennis shoes. (A)  2 I’ll see what kind of shoes there are in my shop. (B)  3 She wants to take pictures with her new camera. (B)  4 You can order anything you want to buy on line. (C)  5 She enjoyed the visit so much that he took a lot of pictures. (C)  III 1 M: Excuse me. What’s under the tree?  W: It’s Lucy’s new bike.  Q: What’s under the tree? (C)  2 W: Excuse me. Would you like something to drink or something to eat?  M: Well, I’d like just a cup of tea.  Q: What does the man want? (A)  3 W: Which sweater do you like, the blue one or the red one?  M: The red one, please.  Q: Which sweater does the man like? (B)  4 M: What time shall we go to the park?  W: What about eight o’clock?  M: OK. See you then.  Q: What time will they go to the park? (C)  5 W: Your T-shirt is very nice. What’s it made of?  M: I think it’s made of cotton.  W: Is it made in Shanghai?  M: No, it’s made in Tianjin.  Q: Where’s the man’s T-shirt made? (C)  IV It was late at night. The traffic was usually bad at the moment in the city. Miss Smith wanted to be on time to her friend’s house. She was afraid because it was raining, and the traffic in the rain was worse than usual. Miss Smith also had bad eyes. She didn’t think she look beautiful when she wore glasses, so she didn’t wear glasses any more. She was trying to read the road signs, but she could not see them. The first thing she did was that she started to drive slowly. The second thing she did was that she turned on the radio. When she listened to the radio, she did not feel afraid or alone. She drove to her friend’s house the next morning when the traffic was good. The third thing she did was the best idea. She did not want to lose time, but she really wanted to make herself safe.  1---5 CBCBC  笔试部分  I 1---5 DBBEE 6---10 AAAAD 11---15 BBCCA  II 1---5 BCCDA 6---10 ACBDD 11---15 DBACA  16---20 CBAAC  III 1---5 ACBCA 6---10 BCACD 11---15 CAABB  IV A) 1---5 BAADD  B) 1---5 DAACC  V One possible version.  Look at the map of my school. When you come into the school gate, you will see a tall teaching building in the middle of the school. There are two flowerbeds on either side of the main road. On the left, there is a library building. On the right there is an office building. A big playground is behind the teaching building. You can find a computer room next to the playground. You can see many trees around the school. My school isn’t big but it’s beautiful.  Unit 15  I’m Kate. I like animals very much. I have a cat. I feed her every day. I often “talk” to her when I am happy or sad. As she is my best friend, I have never hurt her. I always feel sad or worried when she is ill. Every day I do some cleaning for her no matter how busy or tired I am. The cat bring me not only “trouble” but also happiness. I feel very happy when I am together with her.  听力部分  I 1 May I ask you some questions? (B)  2 What animal do you like best? (C)  3 What do you like best about your job? (A)  4 Where does an animal doctor usually work? (A)  5 Where can we find the information about the vet? (A)  II 1 To be a doctor for animals is rewarding. (B)  2 To help animals is helping people. (C)  3 A pet can make you laugh when you feel lonely. (A)  4 There’s a doctor from England who wrote many books about animals. (A)  5 To be a scientist is my dream. (C)  III Mum: Hi, Sam! It’s eight o’clock now. Get up quickly. It’s time for breakfast.  Sam: OK, Mum. I’m getting up now. What do we have for breakfast today?  Mum: Sandwiches, bread and milk.  Sam: are they chicken sandwiches and vegetable sandwiches?  Mum: Chicken sandwiches.  Sam: Great! They are my favourite.  Mum: Wash your hands before you eat.  Sam: OK, Mum. But where’s Dad?  Mum: He’s sleeping.  Sam: Why? It’s so late now. It’s half past eight. Dad is too lazy.  Mum: No, Sam. He slept rather late last night because he went to the station to meet his friend. Do not wake him up. Let him sleep a little more.  Sam: OK, Mum.  1---5 CCBCA  IV Dear Mike,  How is everything with you? I hope things are going well. There’s not much news here. I just go to work every morning and come back home in a tall building every night. New York is full of people, but I don’t really know any of them. I don’t like the city, but the work I’m doing now is quite interesting, and the pay is quite good.  What are you doing ring the Christmas holiday? If you don’t have any ideas, I hope you can visit New York. Come and stay in my home. It’s quite large, and it’s quite near the cinemas, museums and shops.  Write soon, and say you can spend the holidays here.  Yours,  Linda  1---5 AACCB  笔试部分  I 1 small 2 draw 3 angry 4 stay 5 slept  6 drink 7 works 8 wash 9 match 10 understand  II 1---5 BCADD 6---10 BBDBC 11---15 ABBCC  III 1 least, break/ rest 2 seemed, tired  3 Wherever, experience 4 matter, climb  5 It, impossible  IV A) 1---5 BCDBC 6---10 ABDAA  B) 1 new 2 other 3 on 4 tried  5 shortest 6 know 7 asked 8 bck  9 gave 10 second  V A) 1---5 BBCCD  B) 1---6 FFFTFT 7---10 DCBA  VI One possible version.  I agree with Maria Smith. Zoos play a really important part in protecting wild animals. Most wild animals are well fed in the zoos according to their habits. People can get some knowledge about wild animals when they visit the zoos. Their sense of protecting the wild animals is promoted when they pay for their visits. With the money the zoos can do more for the animals. It is true that there are some weak points of the zoos. Zoologists are thinking of new ideas of protecting the wild animals. Zoos will become larger and will be moved out of the cities. In these large zoos, animals do not have to live in cages. They are free. People can also visit them. They can get along well. They can be friends.  Unit 16  I like English very much and I am good at it. But when I began to learn English, I almost gave up because it was too hard to remember the words and expressions. When I came across the tenses I felt it even harder for me. Then I went to the teacher for help. She encouraged me and told me to remember that everything has a hard beginning. “If you keep up, you will find English will become easier and easier.” She also taught me some ways to learn English. Of course the best way is working hard and practising a lot. Since then I read English every morning and before I go to bed, I find that I have made much progress and become more interested in it.  听力部分  I 1 What's your trouble? (A)  2 How can I go to the cinema? (C)  3 How are you feeling today? (C)  4 Are you sure it's nothing serious? (B)  5 Shall I keep away from school? (A)  II 1 There's something wrong with Kate. (A)  2 His trouble is common among the boys these days. (C)  3 There are noodles and eggs for breakfast. (B)  4 I didn't sleep well last night because it was too noisy. (C)  5 I don't feel like eating now. (B)  6 It was an exciting game with a big score. (A)  7 I guess our team is winning 3-2. (A)  8 The boys’ team used to help the girls with their training. (B)  9 The boys deserved to lose to the girls in the match. (C)  10 Today is the happiest day of my life. (C)  III When David was young, he enjoyed playing football and he was very good at it. But then he went and worked in a town and there was no team for him there, so he stopped playing.  Several months later, David began to get fat. He thought, “I’ve stopped playing football, and now I’m getting fat. What shall I do?” he thought about it for a few days and decided that he should learn to play tennis.  He had a few lesson, and then played for a few months. One day David played tennis with a young girl. He played so badly that he was angry with himself. “I’ve never played so badly as this before,” he said.  “Oh,” the girl said, “you’ve played tennis before, haven’t you?”  1---5 CBACB  笔试部分  I 1---5 ABCDB 6---10 DCDAB 11---15 CCBCD  II 1 do 2 taught 3 stop 4 sure 5 carried  6 kept 7 lie 8 caught 9 moment 10 nervous  III 1 wasn’t, it 2 Has, picked 3 What, did  4 too, to 5 spend, playing 6 Both, and  7 Don’t, until/before 8 is, grown 9 What, doing  10 older/younger, than  IV 1---5 ABABC 6---10 BDBCD 11---15 ACDDA  V A) 1---5 TFTTF B) 1---5 CDDBC  VI One possible version  Li Lei was walking home when he saw two boys climbing on a going-truck. He shouted, "Don't climb the truck. It's dangerous." The boys dropped their heads and felt sorry for what they had done. A moment later the boys began to run after a wheel. Soon they were helping push the wheel.  Unit 17  One day Wei Hua was waiting for a bus at a bus stop. Suddenly she saw a purse lying on the ground. She picked it up and found a lot of money and a name card in it. She saw the telephone number on the name card and called the owner. The owner was just worrying about her purse and came to the bus stop at once. She was very happy when she got her purse back. “Thank you very much. You are a nice girl!” she said to Wei Hua.  听力部分  I 1 Do you know the man who’s smoking? (B)  2 What does the bird look like? (A)  3 Have you called the police? (C)  4 What are the boys of Class 4 doing? (B)  5 When was the last time you saw her? (C)  II 1 W: Can I help you?  M: I’d like to buy a pair of shoes.  W: Here are some nice shoes. Have a look, please.  2 W: I saw Lily at the hospital yesterday. Is her mother ill?  M: Oh, yes. Her mother is ill.  3 W: Which season do you like best, Tom?  M: Winter, because I like skating.  4 M: What time shall we start for the picnic?  W: What about 8:30?  M: All right, 8:30.  5 M: I’m going to the library.  W: Do you go there often?  M: Er… not very often, usually once a month.  Listen to dialogue 6 and answer questions 6 and 7.  6 W: Hello. Could I speak to Li Lei?  M: Speaking, please.  W: Hi, Li Lei. This is Kate. Tomorrow is Sunday. Jim and I will go boating in the park. Ill you join us?  M: That’s great. I’d love to. Where shall we meet?  W: Let’s meet at the school gate at 1:00 in the afternoon.  M: At the school gate at 1:00. OK. See you.  W: See you.  Listen to dialogue 7 and answer questions from 8 to 10.  7 M: Hi, Rose. Summer holidays are coming. What would you like to do?  W: Hello, Bill. Mother said that we are going to Nanjing to visit grandparents.  M: Your grandparents are in Nanjing? Great! My uncle works there, too.  W: Have you been there before?  M: Sure. I’ve been there three times.  W: Oh, three times? Then you must know the city very well.  M: Not very well, but I took a lot of photos there.  W: Really? Can I have a look?  M: No problem. I’ll get you some photos tomorrow.  1---5 ACCBA 6---10 ABCBC  III More and more middle school students in Beijing are getting shorter sleeping time. Most students sleep fewer than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by school teachers, and some by parents. Also, some students don’t know how to save the time. They are not careful enough while doing their homework, so it takes them a lot of time. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or bike. It can be a long way from home to school.  Schools and parents should cut down some of homework so that the children can enjoy not less than nine hours of sleep every night for their health.  1 shorter/less 2 parents 3 careful  4 weekdays 5 nine  笔试部分  I 1---5 CABBD 6---10 BCDBA  II 1 BC 2 AB 3 BCD 4 AB 5 A  6 BC 7 AB 8 AB 9 AB 10 A  III 1---5 CDBBA 6---10 DACDB 11---15 DACDC  IV A) 1---5 CCDAD B) 1---5 BCCDB  V Hello. I found some tickets for the Magic Circus.  Yesterday morning.  In Lecture Hall II.  I found four for the 28th.  What can I do with the tickets then?/ Whose tickets are these?  VI One possible version  Good morning. Welcome to Hope Middle School. I’m a student of Grade Three. Our school is very big. There is a nice teaching building, a laboratory building, a library, and a very big playground. There are about 100 teachers and the number of students is over 1,000. We have Chinese, English, maths and other subjects and we have a lot of out-of-class activities. We love our school. Thank you.  Unit 18  听力部分  I 1 Why are you so late? (C)  2 Was anyone hurt in the accident? (C)  3 What do you think of mountain climbing? (A)  4 Which country has a larger population, China or India? (B)  5 How did you feel when you banged your head? (A)  II 1 We've just returned from a short holiday. (A)  2 I must stop writing now. (B)  3 Thank you very much for your last letter. (B)  4 They flew to Japan last month. (C)  5 We started climbing the mountain before it was light. (C)  6 I like reading English books best. (B)  7 Both John and Ann are in the library. (C)  8 I'll help to look after my sister's baby. (A)  9 Australia is a young country. (C)  10 I'm very interested in your country. (A)  III Ali was working far away from his house. He wanted to send a letter to his wife, but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day. So he could only look for someone to write late at night. At last he found a man called Collin.  Collin was already in bed. “It is late,” he said, “What do you want?” “I want you to write a letter to my wife,” said Ali. Collin was not pleased. He thought for a few moments and then said, “Does the letter have to go far?”  “What do you mean?” asked Ali.  “Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it. And if I have to travel a long way to read it to your wife, it will cost you a lot of money.”  Ali went away quickly.  1---5 CCAAB  笔试部分  I 1---5 CBCDC 6---10 BAACB 11---15 AABCA 16---20 BADCC  II 1---5 DBAAC 6---10 DABBD 11---15 CACBD  III A) 1---5 CCBDA B) 1---5 TTFFF  C) 1—5 BEDCA  IV One possible version  Hello, everyone. I am very glad to be here to say something about our school activities.  Well, we usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon. We have different kinds of activities. Some students are interested in sports. They play basketball and football. We also have some special interest groups, such as drawing, singing, dancing and so on. And now computer is very popular. On Wednesday afternoon we go to English Corner. We like speaking English there. We hope to spend more time on such activities and less tim



关于初中 现在完成时

I have had this book for five years.buy的延续性动词就是have,又因为现在完成时的构成是:主语+have/has+过去分词,所以have要变成它的过去分词had.现在完成时后面时间能直接加in+年份我是一名英语老师,请放心使用.I bought this book five years ago.中文看起来是完成时,未必翻译也一定要是完成时的,可以灵活处理.如果一定要用完成时,可译为:I have had this book for 5 years.但这句话是有歧义的,"拥有"此书,可以是买来,也可是受赠的.现在完成时后面时间能直接加in+年份么?一般不加. in+年份是个具体时间,一般是配合一般过去时态用的.