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你的美国网友JACK正在学习中文,遇到一些困难,因此来信想你请教如何学好中文 英语作文 给他建议2011-04-06 01:36提问者: 匿名 |浏览次数:4905次问题补充:不用太多字我来帮他解答满意回答2011-04-06 10:22Hi, Jack, I heard that you met some problems in learning Chinese, I would like to share some of my experiences with you, hope it could help anyway. I remember I was started with learning 'pinyin' in the first stage of pronounciation. There is a pingyin chart, so much like alphabet chart in English, which also should be memorized, because it could help you alot in learning new words by yourself in the future. In writing, you must start with basic strokes and then write regular chinese characters. Pay attention on the proportion of the characters in horizontal and vertical directions, you could master the soul of chinese hand-writing by practicing it many many times. The most important part of Chinese learning is grammar. A sentence is a word or a group of words that makes a complete sense. We composed hundreds of sentences by using certain words or phrases, which are from daily activities, so you may have so many chances to use it after class. All in all, to do more practices and be start with basic steps scrupulously are my ideas based on my past experiences. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me!Sincerely, your friendxxx5|评论求助知友dot |四级采纳率30%擅长领域:英语考试英语翻译出国/留学学习帮助开心农场按默认排序|按时间排序 其他回答 共2条2011-04-06 09:02微笑··搁浅|三级多与中国朋友交流,多说多练,学一些中文歌,看中英文对照的电影,祝您取得进步!0|评论(1)2011-04-22 09:41刘心猪| 来自手机知道|一级I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well . Here are a few suggestions . first , it is important to take a Chinese course , as you will be able to learn from the teacher and practile with your fellow students . then it also helps to watch TVand read books , newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible .

英语作文(初三水平)给英语老师写一封建议信,一百字左右,带翻译。内容大概如下 :大家还没有完全适应

Since we are not completely get used to teacher's style of teaching. We hope teacher could speaks slower ring the lecture. For the key points of the course, we hope teacher can highlight them for a few more times and give more examples in order to help us remember those knowledge. Although the homework could be the best response of our learning process, too much home work wouldn't help more. We are looking for more communication chance with teacher and improve our English. 你说要翻译是要翻译我写的么? 基本跟你写的中文是差不多的。不过我没数字数。初三水平的问题你可以自己改改看。我已经不记得初三是什么水平了。TAT翻译你写的


English learning, including listening, speaking, reading and writing various skills training, one of the most basic should be reading ability. Now in the English exam, reading ability demanding. Read the questions in the exam scores, and has a large proportion of the score, often determines how many students grades. English reading content involves a wider range of history, about the reality of life, the article, also have the narrative of economy, science and technology, military, etc, this paper has compared to read the contents of the students interest and widely knowledge, strong ability to understand the analysis judgment.本回答被网友采纳

英语作文 建议信

去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:吆麦麦建议信(一)假定你是李华,你的朋友张柯发e-mail给你,就买什么样的英语词典想听听你的建议。请根据下列提示,用英语给他回一封120个词左右的e-mail,推荐他买电子词典。1.方便、快捷;  2.内置多部词典、能发音;3.能储存资料;4.其他……建议信(二)假设你是李华,请根据以下要点写一封信,劝说全校同学过低碳生活(live a low-carbon life)。1.陈述理由:为什么要过低碳生活? (环境质量日益恶化等)2.如何过低碳生活?提出至少三条建议。(必要时才开灯;让电器按节能方式运转;骑自行车;限制塑料袋使用;垃圾分类等)

英语作文 建议信

去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:吆麦麦建议信(一)假定你是李华,你的朋友张柯发e-mail给你,就买什么样的英语词典想听听你的建议。请根据下列提示,用英语给他回一封120个词左右的e-mail,推荐他买电子词典。1.方便、快捷;  2.内置多部词典、能发音;3.能储存资料;4.其他……建议信(二)假设你是李华,请根据以下要点写一封信,劝说全校同学过低碳生活(live a low-carbon life)。1.陈述理由:为什么要过低碳生活? (环境质量日益恶化等)2.如何过低碳生活?提出至少三条建议。(必要时才开灯;让电器按节能方式运转;骑自行车;限制塑料袋使用;垃圾分类等)

英语作文 建议信

去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:吆麦麦建议信(一)假定你是李华,你的朋友张柯发e-mail给你,就买什么样的英语词典想听听你的建议。请根据下列提示,用英语给他回一封120个词左右的e-mail,推荐他买电子词典。1.方便、快捷;  2.内置多部词典、能发音;3.能储存资料;4.其他……建议信(二)假设你是李华,请根据以下要点写一封信,劝说全校同学过低碳生活(live a low-carbon life)。1.陈述理由:为什么要过低碳生活? (环境质量日益恶化等)2.如何过低碳生活?提出至少三条建议。(必要时才开灯;让电器按节能方式运转;骑自行车;限制塑料袋使用;垃圾分类等)

英语作文 给校报的建议信

On the weekend before last, my classmates, teachers and our new foreign teacher 'Michael' went to Gaobang Mountain to pick Litter and put it in the Litter bins.I was happy because I could climb mountains with my classmates and pick the Rubbish. It was meaningful. It makes our mountains look even more clien and beautiful. I was excited, so I went there early. I had to wait for my classmates and teachers who were still on the way, while I was waiting at the foot of the mountain. Ten minutes later, we started to climb.We climbed slowly in order to pick every piece of litter and put it in the litter bins. All visitors smiled at us. Fortunately, there was not so much rubbish. We were tired. Forty minutes later, we climbed up to the top of the mountain. It was very cool on the top because the wind was strong.On the way down the mountain, we taught Michael Chinese and he learned fast. His strange Chinese made us laugh again and again. I really want to climb again, and I hope there is no litter on the mountain next time.本回答被网友采纳


Dear friend :Don't afraid .You must not beleve them .You should tell your teacher about that.You should studay hard.Don't make friends with them .I hope you will solve the question soon.Please write to me soon .Yours LiMin


The beautiful and rich xishuangbanna dai national minority autonomous prefecture is located in southeastern yunnan province borders and Laos, southern border with myanmar, southwest, state JingHongShi. Xishuangbanna is very unique subtropical scenery, this is in other areas in hard to see, and animal and plant resources are very rich, known as "the plant kingdom" and "animal kingdoms", "three kingdoms medicinal kingdom" the laudatory name, the tropical rainforest in xishuangbanna is the largest area of tropical rainforests