不知道你本科读的是设计方向还是环境工程方向。给你两个建议,一个是Manitoba大学,一个是Guelph大学。1.Manitoba大学下面有Department of Landscape Architecture这个系。具体介绍如下:The Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba offers a three-year bachelors degree in Environmental Design and two-year first professional masters degree programs in Architecture, City Planning, Interior Design and Landscape Architecture. The Master of Landscape Architecture program is the only fully accredited program in Canada between Vancouver and Toronto.这个是链接:http://umanitoba.ca/graate_studies/programs/masters/landscape_arch/index.htm2.Guelph大学也开设有该专业:master of landscape Architecture。具体介绍如下:The Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) program is structured to assist students in acquiring and mastering a professional level of design knowledge and skills. The curriculum at Guelph has three integrated streams: design theory and practice, landscape analysis and planning, and research inquiry and application. In the first two years of the MLA program, learning is centred around design studios that provide the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real life projects ranging in scale from indivial sites to entire communities and regions. Lecture courses, field studies and seminars provide additional opportunities to acquire knowledge and develop professional skills. Some students elect to participate in our international exchange programs to further develop their areas of interest and to expand their professional networks. The final year of the MLA program is focused on the indivial interests of each student and on completion of a thesis. For most of our MLA students, their thesis is the first step toward a specialized area of practice or to doctoral study in landscape architecture or a related field.这个是链接:http://www.uoguelph.ca/sedrd/LA/programmes.html#jump2希望对你有帮助。