如果你的目的是想通过留学,最终获得加拿大的移民身份,建议你申请公立院校的课程,通过spp计划,免资金来源解释,方便获得签证。你如果本科毕业,可以考虑通过申请公立学院的研究生文凭,用于签证,到了当地再考虑是否转为大专课程或学士学位课程。大专课程要求通常是6分雅思,单科不低于5.5,如果你有符合要求的雅思成绩,可以直接入读大专课程,不需要就读语言课程了。即便你没有符合专业入学的雅思成绩,也可以考虑申请语言+专业的双录取,到了当地完成语言课程后,可以入读专业。大专学费是12000加元一年,生活费预计是10000加元一年,在当地完成至少1个学期专业课程后,可以申请合法的校外工作签证,打工可以解决生活费问题。完成至少2年制的大专课程,毕业后可以获得3年的工作签证,工作一年可以通过经验类别获得移民身份。1年制的课程毕业,只能申请获得一年的工作签证,需要合法工作两年后才能申请经验类移民如果你有意申请多伦多当地的公立院校,如centennial college或seneca college,我可以为你获得录取通知书1. Make sure you have good scores for the last two years of your university study.2. Get 2-3 reference letter from your professors,who can prove you have good qualities and potentials.3. Go to university website, find the departement web and research the professors there, make a list of the ones that fit your study direction and interest. Send them emails (there should be email addresses avaible from webs) and introce yourself.4. TOEFL test is a must, you have to pass it. some unveristies ask more besides TOEFL. Check it out before you apply.5. Most of universities have on-line application service. Go to their websites and register6, You should start to prepare it at Grade 3 at least.