美国会计硕士学位。。。以下是“排名”http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graate-schools/top-business-schools/accounting首先:会计这个学科在北美可以意味着好几种不同的学位,尤其会计硕士,可以是MBA,Master of Accountancy (MAcc, MAc, MAcy), Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcy or MPA or MPAcc) , Master of Science in Accountancy (MSAcy), Master of Commerce (Accounting)你打算选择哪种?其实排名不重要,任何一个被国家任何的大学就可以了!现在很多公司不看你的学位,看你的工作能力!所谓“好学校”,最好去公立的大学。。。。This specialty program usually runs one year in length and contains from ten to twelve three semester credit courses (30 to 36 semester hours total). The program may consist of all graate accounting courses or a combination of graate accounting courses, graate tax courses and other graate business electives.Notable Universities with highly ranked Masters programs in Accounting include University of Washington [1] University of Mississippi [2] Arizona State University [3] USC Leventhal School of Accounting, Rutgers Business School: MBA in Professional Accounting [4]University of Texas at Austin,[1][2] University of Illinois, Louisiana State University, University of Wisconsin University of Florida, Northern Illinois University, University of Oklahoma, Vanderbilt University,Texas A&M University, Brigham Young University, Baylor University, Miami Universityand [5] University of Denver.