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以下都是硕士专业的专业主要还是要看你所学的方向来决定。Accounting and Finance (MSc) Advanced Clinical Practice for Health Care Professionals (PGCert) Advanced Critical Care Practice Advanced Legal Studies (LLM, PG Diploma) Advanced Mechanical Engineering (MSc) Analytical and Polymer Science (MSc) Analytical Science: Methods and Instrumental Techniques AS:MIT (MSc, PG Diploma) Ancient Visual and Material Culture (MA) Arts, Enterprise and Development (MA) Behavioural and Economic Science (Science Track) (MSc) Behavioural and Economic Science (Economics Track) (MSc) Behavioural Finance (MSc) Big Data and Digital Futures (MSc/PG Diploma) Big Data & Quantitatve Methods, PAIS Biomedical Engineering (MSc) Biotechnology, Bioprocessing & Business Management (MSc) Business (MSc) Business Analytics (MSc) Business Master's - Distance Learning (MBA) Business Master's - Executive (MBA) Business Master's - Full-time (MBA) Career Development and Coaching Studies (CDCS) (MA/PG Dip/PG Cert) Career Ecation, Information and Guidance in Higher Ecation (CEIGHE) (MA/PG Dip/PG Cert) Chemistry with Scientific Writing (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Clinical Applications of Psychology (MSc) Clinical Psychology with Coventry University (DClinPsych) Coaching (MA) Communications and Information Engineering (MSc) Computer Science (MSc) Continental Philosophy (MA) Creative and Media Enterprises (MA) Culture of the European Renaissance (MA) Cyber Security Engineering (MSc) Cyber Security and Management (CSM) (MSc) Data Analytics (MSc) Diabetes (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Diabetes, Peadiatrics (MSc, PGDip, PGCert or PGA) Diamond Science and Technology (MSc)Diamond Science and Technology 1+3 (MSc to PhD) Digital Media and Culture (MA) Drama and Theatre Ecation (MA) Drama Ecation and English Language Teaching (MA) e-Business Management (e-BM) (MSc) Early Modern History (MA) Early Years Initial Teacher Training Economics (MSc) Economics (Diploma/Diploma + MSc) Economics and International Financial Economics (MSc) Ecation (FE and Skills Sector) (PG Dip) Ecational Innovation (MA) Ecational Leadership and Management (MA) Ecational Studies (MA) Endodontics (MSc) Energy and Power Engineering (MSc) Engineering Business Management (EBM)(MSc) English Language Teaching (MA/PG Dip) English Literature (MA, POG Dip) Environmental Bioscience in a Changing Climate (MSc) Film and Television Studies (MA) Finance (MSc) Finance and Economics (MSc) Financial Mathematics (MSc) Food Security (MSc) French and Francophone Studies (MAR) Gender and International Development (MA, PG Dip) German Studies (MAR) Global History (MA) Global Media and Communication (MA) Global Shakespeare (MA) Health Research (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Healthcare Operational Management (MSc) Hispanic Studies (MAR) History of Art (Diploma) History of Art (MA) History of Medicine (MA) Human Resource Management and Employment Relations (MSc) Information Systems Management & Innovation (MSc) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE) (MSc) Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions (MSc/PG Dip) Interdisciplary Biomedical Research (MSc) Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MSc, PG Dip) International Business (MSc) International Commercial Law (LLM/PG Dip) International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation (LLM/PG Dip) International Cultural Policy and Management (MA) International Development (MA) International Development Law and Human Rights (LLM/PG Dip) International Economic Law (LLM/PG Dip) International Political Economy (MA) International Politics and East Asia (MA) International Politics and Europe (MA) International Relations (MA) International Security (MA) International Technology Management (INT) (MSc) International Trade, Strategy and Operations (ITSO) (MSc) Italian Studies (MAR) Leadership for Healthcare (PG Cert) Management (MSc) Management for Business Excellence (MBE) (MSc) Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE) (MSc) Marketing and Strategy (MSc) Mathematical Sciences (MASt) Mathematics (MSc, PG Dip) Mathematics and Statistics (MSc + PhD) Mathematics of Systems (Mathematics Institute) (MSc + PhD) Mathematics of Systems (MathSys) (MSc + PhD) Mathematics of Systems (MSc) Mathematics: Interdisciplinary (MSc, PG Dip) MBA (distance-learning, full-time, Executive, Global Energy) MB ChB (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery) Medical Biotechnology and Business Management (MSc) Medical Ecation (MMedEd, PG Dip, PG Cert) Modern History (MA) Molecular Analytical Science (MSc) Molecular Analytical Sciences (MSc, PG Diploma, PG Certificate) MSc + PhD (1+3) in Molecular Analytical Sciences Orthodontics (part-time) (MSc) Pan-Romanticisms (MA) PGCE Early Years PGCE Primary PGCE Secondary Philosophy (MA) Philosophy (Taught/Research) 2+2 (MPhil) Philosophy and the Arts (MA) Political and Legal Theory (MA) Politics and International Studies (PAIS) Double Masters programme Politics and International Studies (MA in Research) Polymer Chemistry (MSc) Polymer Science (MSc) Programme And Project Management (PPM) (MSc) Psychological Research (MSc) Psychology and Ecation (MA) Public Health (MPH, PG Diploma) Public Policy (MA) Quantitative Social Research (MSc) Religions and Ecation by distance learning (MA) Renaissance, European (MA) - See The Culture of the European RenaissanceResearch in Film and Television Studies (MA)Research in Politics & International Studies (MA) Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry (MSc) Scientific Computing (MSc) Scientific Research and Communication (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Service Management and Design (SMD) (MSc) Social and Political Thought (MA, PG Dip) Social Research (MA, PG Dip) Social Work (MASW) (MA) Sociology (MA, PG Dip) Statistics (MSc, PG Dip) Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM) (MSc) Sustainable Automotive Engineering (MSc) Sustainable Crop Proction: Agronomy for the 21st Century (MSc) Sustainable Automotive Engineering (SAE) (MSc) Sustainable Energy Technologies (MSc) Theatre Consultancy (MA/PG Dip) Theatre and Performance Research (MA) Translation and Transcultural Studies (MA) Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference (MA) Tunnelling and Underground Space (MSc) United States Foreign Policy (MA) Urban Informatics and Analytics (MSc) Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece (MA) Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome (MA) World Literature (MA) Writing (MA) 大概就这些祝你成功↖(^ω^)↗


研究生:理科:生物科学、化学、计算机科学、数学、物理、心理学、统计、医学教育等工程科:各类高级工程、制造工程科目(包括工程商业管理、国际贸易战略、制造业资讯科技应用、制造系统工程、可靠性及品质学、电子商贸管理、供应工程及物流)等商科:工商管理、经济与金融、商务市场营销、商务咨询、管理科学与营运研究、企业架构研究、人力资源关系、金融数学等社会科:经济学、国际经济法、发展法学、国际政治经济、国际关系研究、国际政治与东亚区、体育与社会政治、社会学、社会性别文化学、哲学、全球一体化与发展(2002年新办课程)等文科:翻译学、社会文化比较学、文化政策与行政、创意与媒介企业、电影与电视研究、舞台研究、英国及比较文学、历史、艺术史等 教育学:英语教学、儿童英语教学、人力资源培训与发展、教育研究、教育管理、英语及多媒体教学(2002年新办课程)等研究生申请条件:商学院(WBS)要求国内985,或部分211重点大学毕业,大学四年均分82%以上;IELTS 7.0 分;商学院部分专业会要求IELTS 7.5 分,Finance以及部分相关专业要求在校成绩为均分85%以上。工程制造学院(WMG)开设商科与工程相结合的专业,国内985/211本科毕业要求均分75%-80%以上,并且只招收中国排名前200大学的学生,双非要求均分82%-85%以上,IELTS 6.5分。其他学院通常不强制限制本科院校背景,要求大学四年均分80%-85%以上。


海外院校库https://www.douban.com/group/topic/108360761/查询华威大学工程制造学院硕士预科,学名 Diploma in English Language and Engineering Management, 不过由于校本部的硕士预科08年9月才计划开设,所以主要以其认证的在北京开设的硕士预科为讨论。录取标准看起来比较宽松,要求申请者有四年本科,或者中国排名前两百名大学专科生,甚至包含HND学生,且未要求专科生有工作经验。不过从实际数据统计显示,该预科课程到目前为止,仅录取过一个专科毕业生。从语言要求来看,申请者要求具有雅思5分或者通过大学四六级,相对比较宽松。值得一提的是,此预科课程从录取,到未来毕业升学华威,均可免除雅思考试。师资方面,专业课有华威大学讲师和教授直接授课,从而使该课程的师资水平相对较强。从大学认证方面来看,该预科课程出现过被UCL录取的学生,当然,华威大学本校工程学院自己是完全承认该预科课程的。由于该预科课程完成后都会被排名前十的华威大学录取,所以学生去向方面可以得最高分。从预科毕业后可选择专业范围上来看,主要是管理和工程专业的结合课程,比如项目管理,物流,电子商务,高新技术管理,工程管理等。尽管目前读商科的学生最多,但其实华威的这些专业毕业的学生,反倒都是未来企业比较抢手和普遍待遇较高。从性价比来看,因为是在国内运行,比SOAS便宜不少,但也达到了预科学费8万9千人民币,为目前国内开设的最贵的硕士预科课程之一。另外,可选择的华威大学硕士课程学费也达到了12600英镑。看来只要是英国排名高的大学,费用都不菲。




The Department of Film and Television Studies华威大学影视专业有以下几个相关的,MA in Film and Television StudiesMA for Research in Film and Television StudiesMPhil/PhD in Film and/or Television StudiesMA in History and Film相关要求你可以在华威大学的官网查到。以其中一个专业为例,要求如下:We only consider applications from candidates who are in possession of (or about to be awarded with) a good BA Honours degree, or equivalent. For UK applicants this generally means that we only look seriously at candidates with at least a 2:1 degree.Entry to our MA programmes is not restricted to candidates who have a first degree in Film and Television Studies or a directly related discipline, and we regularly offer places to people who do not have a specialist academic background in this subject area. However, we do not offer introctory courses, and applicants must show that they have a strong commitment to the study of film and television history, aesthetics and theory, and that they have some knowledge and awareness of what this entails.Note that Film and Television Studies at Warwick is not the same as Media Studies, Communications Studies or Journalism Studies. We offer film and television courses which make more use of the kinds of methodologies employed in the study of English Literature and Art History than those practised in the sociological analysis of communications instries. You will also see that we do not offer any training in the skills of practical filmmaking.All applicants that we are potentially interested in are asked to provide us with a sample piece of written work of around 1,500-3,000 words (preferably, though not necessarily, on a film/TV-related subject) and a short (c. 200-300 words) description of the kind of research topic(s) they would be interested in studying for the mandatory 15,000 word dissertation our MA students undertake. For a speedier decision on your application, we advise you to provide us with these supplementary documents when you apply.You can fill in the MA application form online. Alternatively, email Student Recruitment for a hard copy of the application form. For further printed information about graate study in the Department of Film and Television Studies please email our Postgraate Admissions Secretary, Mrs. Heather Hares.这是对国外学生的申请条件吧?我是中国的本科生中国学生也是需要满足比如专业对口这种条件,外加雅思分数,有的还需要提交作品之类的。


1)有相关学科的本科学位。2)英语水平考试成绩达到一定要求,如雅思成绩在6.5分以上。如果学生语言水平未达到入学标准,也可以先申请英国的学前语言课程,然后在英国参加语言考试,合格后再由学校发研究生录取通知。另外,一些英国高校也在开学前或开学初期,向海外学生提供一些免费的语言课程,帮助他们尽快克服语言障碍。3)如果学历不够(如两年制或三年制大专毕业生),可先申请硕士预科课程,进修一至两年,再攻读硕士学位。有相关工作经验的三年制大专毕业生经学院认可,也可申请 直接就读这一方面的硕士课程。4)对于想读MBA课程的学生,通常必须有至少3年以上的管理岗位的工作经验。1.开阔眼界和经验;2.学习与该国有关的语言、文化知识;3.追求更好的教育条件。在从发展中国家到发达国家留学的学生中,这个原因最为常见。4.外交原因。政府之间为了表示亲善合作,可能互派学生,官员或者军人到对方学校学习。5.与移民有关的原因;6.随父母暂时居住在外国的未成年人。7.以留学生身份申请学生签证,获得暂时定居权。8.熟悉该国社会,积累经验,为以后永久性定居作准备。9.为将来获得更好的工作环境打下基础。


MSc Finance 金融MSc Accounting and Finance 会计与金融MSc Finance and Economics 金融与经济学MSc Finance with Behavioural Science 金融行为学MSc Financial Mathematics 金融数学要求:雅思7.0 -7.5 金融 经济学 数学 统计学等理工科相关本科背景2011/12学费:22500英镑

你好 我现在想申请英国华威大学的研究生 不知道该从哪里入手?


