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英国硕士分为授课型硕士和研究型硕士,授课型硕士学习时间为一年,主要以课堂讲授,内专题调论,考试及容延续性评估以及学位论文的方式来修学分,修满180个学分方可授予学位。而硕士阶段也会出现三种文凭,首先master degree 大家都知道的硕士研究生学位。这个是所有课程考试通过,论文也通过修满了180个学分的情况下拿到的,而diploma则是课程有少量挂科,论文通过了,或是课程考试通过了,论文少量挂科学分达到了120的情况拿到的,而diploma则只是研究生文凭并不是学位,回国后也不能认证成master degree。另外就是certificate,是考试出现挂科同时论文也挂科,或是考试挂科多,没有写论文的机会,但学分达到了90个学分。所以根据情况可以给到以下建议:如果想拿到研究生学位认证,也只有再出国留学,只有在国外顺利毕业之后回国学历认证才是真金不怕火炼。如果不想再出国留学,可以带着含有学位的留学回国证明和留信认证回国,辅助证明在国外顺利毕业,回国之后可以找一些普通单位的工作,另外回国证明也可以购买免税车。哎,我也不想再出国留学了,太累了,你看回国证明和留信认证怎么办理呢?这样你看我现在也只知道你本科没有毕业,其他情况也不了解,这样带我详细了解情况之后,具体回复你。




华威大学(University of Warwick)华威大学的供应链和物流管理(Msc in Supply Chain and Logistics Management )课程获得皇家采购与供应协会(CIPS)认证。该课程设置注重实战,课程主要研究企业如何利用物流供应管理来加强效率和减少成本,其核心课程包括财务分析和控制系统、物流和运营管理、人力和执行等。此外,学校还提供了丰富的选修课程,可以从采购、仓储技巧、供应链管理、统计方法、运输和管理技巧这几门课程中选择自己在物流业中希望着重学习的方向。该专业的课程设计与实践有着机密的联系卡迪夫大学(University of Cardiff)卡迪夫大学成立与1883年,是英国红砖大学之一;该校的物流相关课程均获得皇家采购与供应协会(CIPS)认证;其开设的专业有国际运输课程(MSc in International Transport)、运输和统筹安排课程(MSc in Transport and Planning)、港口和货运管理证书(Port and Shipping Administration Diploma)等物流课程。3年制专科学生如果有3-5年以上物流相关工作经验,可以直接申请研究生课程。卡迪夫大学物流专业课程门类清晰、学术性强纽卡斯尔大学(University of Newcastle)纽卡斯尔大学的声誉可追溯到于1834年在当地设立的医学院,是英国红砖大学之一。学校坐落在Tyne河畔的历史名城—纽卡斯尔市中心。作为一所享有国际声誉、在科研领域里地位领先的高校,纽卡斯尔大学专业齐全,开设物流专业有:物流与会计运营管理(Operations Management, Logistics and Accounting MSc)、运筹管理与物流(Operations Management and Logistics MSc)、海运管理(Marine Transport with Management MSc);其中海运管理需要相关专业背景才可申请。学校课程多样,适合应届毕业生和有工作经验人士。普利茅斯大学(University of Plymouth)普利茅斯大学是英国众多大学中最早开设物流专业的大学,值得一提的是该大学的海运方面的实习非常强,其中也有偏向于海运方面的物流专业。硕士阶段的专业如下:国际物流硕士学位(MSc International Logistics);核心课程包括:研究技巧和国际供应链经济、海事金融和经济建模、物流、供应链、系统和研究方法、国际物流与管理等。国际供应链管理硕士学(位MSc International Supply Chain Management);核心课程包括国际供应链、海事金融和经济建模、物流、供应链、国际供应链系统等。国际船运硕士学位(MSc International Shipping);核心课程包括:金融、船运操作与物流、国际贸易与法律、研究技巧、商业建模等。资格认证:此课程学位被特许船舶经纪人研究会和英国皇家物流与运输学会所认可与承认。克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)该校以航空航天、国防等学科见长,但其物流专业在英国乃至欧洲都享有盛誉。该校下设的物流和供应链管理中心,是全球供应链管理领域最大的研究和教育中心,此其毕业生广泛受到业界公司的青睐。克兰菲尔德大学开设有物流和供应链管理硕士全职和兼职课程(Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc)除了上述大学之外,帝国理工大学(IC)、艾克塞特(University of Exeter)、格林尼治大学(University of greenwich)、兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)、中英格兰大学(The University of Central England, Birmingham)、赫尔大学(University of Hull)萨福德大学(University of Salford)、赫瑞瓦特大学(Herriot-Watt University)等英国高校都开设有物流专业课程。


以下都是硕士专业的专业主326236要还是要看你所学的方向来决定。Accounting and Finance (MSc) Advanced Clinical Practice for Health Care Professionals (PGCert) Advanced Critical Care Practice Advanced Legal Studies (LLM, PG Diploma) Advanced Mechanical Engineering (MSc) Analytical and Polymer Science (MSc) Analytical Science: Methods and Instrumental Techniques AS:MIT (MSc, PG Diploma) Ancient Visual and Material Culture (MA) Arts, Enterprise and Development (MA) Behavioural and Economic Science (Science Track) (MSc) Behavioural and Economic Science (Economics Track) (MSc) Behavioural Finance (MSc) Big Data and Digital Futures (MSc/PG Diploma) Big Data & Quantitatve Methods, PAIS Biomedical Engineering (MSc) Biotechnology, Bioprocessing & Business Management (MSc) Business (MSc) Business Analytics (MSc) Business Master's - Distance Learning (MBA) Business Master's - Executive (MBA) Business Master's - Full-time (MBA) Career Development and Coaching Studies (CDCS) (MA/PG Dip/PG Cert) Career Ecation, Information and Guidance in Higher Ecation (CEIGHE) (MA/PG Dip/PG Cert) Chemistry with Scientific Writing (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Clinical Applications of Psychology (MSc) Clinical Psychology with Coventry University (DClinPsych) Coaching (MA) Communications and Information Engineering (MSc) Computer Science (MSc) Continental Philosophy (MA) Creative and Media Enterprises (MA) Culture of the European Renaissance (MA) Cyber Security Engineering (MSc) Cyber Security and Management (CSM) (MSc) Data Analytics (MSc) Diabetes (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Diabetes, Peadiatrics (MSc, PGDip, PGCert or PGA) Diamond Science and Technology (MSc)Diamond Science and Technology 1+3 (MSc to PhD) Digital Media and Culture (MA) Drama and Theatre Ecation (MA) Drama Ecation and English Language Teaching (MA) e-Business Management (e-BM) (MSc) Early Modern History (MA) Early Years Initial Teacher Training Economics (MSc) Economics (Diploma/Diploma + MSc) Economics and International Financial Economics (MSc) Ecation (FE and Skills Sector) (PG Dip) Ecational Innovation (MA) Ecational Leadership and Management (MA) Ecational Studies (MA) Endodontics (MSc) Energy and Power Engineering (MSc) Engineering Business Management (EBM)(MSc) English Language Teaching (MA/PG Dip) English Literature (MA, POG Dip) Environmental Bioscience in a Changing Climate (MSc) Film and Television Studies (MA) Finance (MSc) Finance and Economics (MSc) Financial Mathematics (MSc) Food Security (MSc) French and Francophone Studies (MAR) Gender and International Development (MA, PG Dip) German Studies (MAR) Global History (MA) Global Media and Communication (MA) Global Shakespeare (MA) Health Research (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Healthcare Operational Management (MSc) Hispanic Studies (MAR) History of Art (Diploma) History of Art (MA) History of Medicine (MA) Human Resource Management and Employment Relations (MSc) Information Systems Management & Innovation (MSc) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE) (MSc) Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions (MSc/PG Dip) Interdisciplary Biomedical Research (MSc) Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MSc, PG Dip) International Business (MSc) International Commercial Law (LLM/PG Dip) International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation (LLM/PG Dip) International Cultural Policy and Management (MA) International Development (MA) International Development Law and Human Rights (LLM/PG Dip) International Economic Law (LLM/PG Dip) International Political Economy (MA) International Politics and East Asia (MA) International Politics and Europe (MA) International Relations (MA) International Security (MA) International Technology Management (INT) (MSc) International Trade, Strategy and Operations (ITSO) (MSc) Italian Studies (MAR) Leadership for Healthcare (PG Cert) Management (MSc) Management for Business Excellence (MBE) (MSc) Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE) (MSc) Marketing and Strategy (MSc) Mathematical Sciences (MASt) Mathematics (MSc, PG Dip) Mathematics and Statistics (MSc + PhD) Mathematics of Systems (Mathematics Institute) (MSc + PhD) Mathematics of Systems (MathSys) (MSc + PhD) Mathematics of Systems (MSc) Mathematics: Interdisciplinary (MSc, PG Dip) MBA (distance-learning, full-time, Executive, Global Energy) MB ChB (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery) Medical Biotechnology and Business Management (MSc) Medical Ecation (MMedEd, PG Dip, PG Cert) Modern History (MA) Molecular Analytical Science (MSc) Molecular Analytical Sciences (MSc, PG Diploma, PG Certificate) MSc + PhD (1+3) in Molecular Analytical Sciences Orthodontics (part-time) (MSc) Pan-Romanticisms (MA) PGCE Early Years PGCE Primary PGCE Secondary Philosophy (MA) Philosophy (Taught/Research) 2+2 (MPhil) Philosophy and the Arts (MA) Political and Legal Theory (MA) Politics and International Studies (PAIS) Double Masters programme Politics and International Studies (MA in Research) Polymer Chemistry (MSc) Polymer Science (MSc) Programme And Project Management (PPM) (MSc) Psychological Research (MSc) Psychology and Ecation (MA) Public Health (MPH, PG Diploma) Public Policy (MA) Quantitative Social Research (MSc) Religions and Ecation by distance learning (MA) Renaissance, European (MA) - See The Culture of the European RenaissanceResearch in Film and Television Studies (MA)Research in Politics & International Studies (MA) Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry (MSc) Scientific Computing (MSc) Scientific Research and Communication (MSc, PG Dip, PG Cert) Service Management and Design (SMD) (MSc) Social and Political Thought (MA, PG Dip) Social Research (MA, PG Dip) Social Work (MASW) (MA) Sociology (MA, PG Dip) Statistics (MSc, PG Dip) Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM) (MSc) Sustainable Automotive Engineering (MSc) Sustainable Crop Proction: Agronomy for the 21st Century (MSc) Sustainable Automotive Engineering (SAE) (MSc) Sustainable Energy Technologies (MSc) Theatre Consultancy (MA/PG Dip) Theatre and Performance Research (MA) Translation and Transcultural Studies (MA) Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference (MA) Tunnelling and Underground Space (MSc) United States Foreign Policy (MA) Urban Informatics and Analytics (MSc) Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece (MA) Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome (MA) World Literature (MA) Writing (MA) 大概就这些祝你成功↖(^ω^)↗




华威大学研究生申请条件① 雅思要求:Band A:总分6.5分;各项成绩不低于6.0分且听说读写中任意两项不低于6.5分Band B:总分7.0分;各项成绩不低于6.0分且听说读写中任意两项不低于7.0分Band C:总分7.5分;各项成绩不低于6.5分且听说读写中任意两项不低于7.5分Band D:总分8.0分;各项成绩不低于7.0分且听说读写中任意两项不低于8.0分② 成绩标准硕士(Postgraate):商学院(WBS)要求国内985,或部分211重点大学毕业,大学四年均分82%以上;IELTS 7.0分;商学院部分专业会要求IELTS 7.5分,Finance以及部分相关专业要求在校成绩为均分85%以上。工程制造学院(WMG)开设商科与工程相结合的专业,国内985/211本科毕业要求均分75%-80%以上,并且只招收中国排名前200大学的学生,双非要求均分82%-85%以上,IELTS 6.5分。其他学院通常不强制限制本科院校背景,要求大学四年均分80%-85%以上。MBA:获得有国内外重点大学本科学士学位,在校均分至少80%,并且至少3年相关行业优秀的工作经验,必须提供GMAT考试成绩(通常680分予以接受),同时需提交IELTS 7.0分成绩。