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读书去。多读读小说,别的办法没什么了。试试times的评论文章,读读你感兴趣的东西。然后读小说。但是比较耗时间。其他嘛,估计只有copy/paste了,国内不像国外很严格,我估计你改改不会太那什么的。但是告诉你,如果你的老师懂英语的 话,一看就能看出来是你写的还是抄的,抄的话很简单,找几个句子,网上一搜索就可以了。所以尽量改改。我们都是去网上搜索,读懂了,然后用自己的话说出来,但是我觉得你表达可能还有欠缺。所以看你了,是抄还是改。2、拓展模拟训练  在做拓展模拟训练之前,你需要熟悉一下真题的风格和难度。这有利于寻找与真题接近的模拟题。做模拟题的时间最好是按照考试正常时间进行,严格要求。因为接近于真题的模拟题都属于市面上模拟题中的精品,因此要好好珍惜,第一遍做的时候,最好用铅笔勾勒,以便日后再练。做模拟题的单位时间就像以上所说,要用考试时间约束自己,在时间间隔上,第一周是做两套阅读模拟题,同学们要注意这里说的一套题指的是四篇题材各异的阅读题目;第二周做三套,第三周时,争取每隔两天做一套阅读模拟题;第四周按照每隔一天做一套阅读题的速度进行。在复习时间有所跳跃且阅读模拟训练频率渐强的复习过程中,要有意识的不断强化对阅读题型的总结。每一次每一套题做完,对完答案后,不要太留意分数,而应该侧重于总结和思考。总结出符合自己思路、习惯的解题方法。


模板一:图画作文来源:考试大 This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving, with______________(补充说明). Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_____________(进一步阐释) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is ______________(进一步的说明). He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节). In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述). This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race). Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在). One the one hand, we must _________________(建议一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明). On the other hand, ________________(建议二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景). 模板二:图表作文来源:考试大 The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题). The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点). This means that as __________, _________________(进一步说明). We can see from the statistics given that _______________(图表细节一). After ving_________(细节一中的第一个变化), the _____Ved+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化). The figures also tells us that_________________________(图表细节二). (数据位置,如In the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述). Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出原因). / It is high time that we Ved(发出倡议) 模板三:利弊型作文 Recently the issue of whether or not______(讨论话题) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. There are two major arguments that can be made for_________. For one thing, __________can bring ____ to_____________(优点一). For another, it is widely hold that people usually ____when ________________________________(优点二). But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to__________, among which are ____________(列举缺点). For instance, it can be __________to _____________(举例说明). In addition, many people find it ________(形容词)to _______________(第二个缺点) When asked to __________, I tend to ____________. This is because I _______________(原因一). Furthermore, _______________________(原因二). Finally, ______________(原因三). 模板四:展望未来型 With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, ___has____________(引出现象). However, _______ has________________, as____________(提出问题). As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影响). The effects ___________ has proced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones. First , __________________(影响一). More importantly, ________________(影响二). Hence, I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望) There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. The first is that the more(比较级)_____, the more (比较级). In addition, we all agree that________________________(第二个原因)


y graate life planning Einstein said: "love is the best teacher." As has been the professional very interested, whichgave me a great driving force, in order to meet the strong desire for knowledge and better study, I chose to read a graate student. In the graate student stage I will work hard, study of heart, to read more literature, to lay the foundation for a phd. "The ideal is the beacon, without ideal,there is no secure direction, without direction, there is no life."Three - year graate study time has a great influence on thedevelopment of human life. " for this reason I made apreliminary plan, what are the shortcomings, hope the teacherto give advice.The profound understanding to graate students anniversity is different, both in life and learning will be of greatchanges and discomfort. In order to better and faster to adapt to life as a graate student, devoted to scientific research andstudy, I will as soon as possible to adjust, arrange their ownlearning and living habits. By accepting the knowledge tocreate new knowledge, is being a graate student the biggest characteristic. The times of college students is to try to create their own to accept anything but at the masters and doctoral students are no longer for a variety of novel class accept according to the order, but to pay attention to the problems oforientation arrangement, focus all your energy, all courses andread the book should be a concern, must there is a problem oriented learning, and have their own point of view. As soon as possible from the passive recipients into an active explorer,and learn to swim in the academic field. The graate three years life quickly, the key is my life. More important to improve our ability (1) to improve the capability of programming,application software 2 learning ability to analyze and solve problems with 3 people, skills, contacts circle the first semester: understand the subject, course of study first, postgraatecourses study earnestly, must each door to achieve excellent,and timely review more doctrine thinking training; by searching the literature, written literature review and reading reports, in order to further improve the inction, analysis, comprehensive ability, to understand the development of dynamic task and actively to the teachers and students to ask, have a preliminary idea on the study of their future, with a faster access to scientific research activities; at the same time, efforts to improve the foreign language, the computer knowledge, with period with the social requirements of compound talentsconsistent. Second semester: access to research, to determine the appropriate topic, familiar with the experiment, learningcourses have a profound understanding of the research topic,and then determine the research topic. Some preliminary experiments, a preliminary understanding about theexperiment, from the whole of his experimental difficulties have experience. Then is formulated in accordance with thecomprehensive plan to start research. Third semester: began to study thoroughly familiar with in the research stage,personally think that we must develop a good habit, every dayto summarizes the experimental condition, and preliminaryanalysis; design and processing experiment is correct, if you want to use a short time to do experiments or more experiments to do a good job, we must use the method of experiment designokay, so before the experiment design of multiple options,select the best. A preliminary to write a paper, write the paperas a goal, continue to improve, continue to progress,constantly improve. Fourth semester: the beginning ofpublished papers, the main experiment preliminary began towrite a paper, write the paper as a goal, continue to improve,continue to progress, constantly improve; supplementary documents in time, the world is changing every day, to continue to add new document, difference of the experiment is likely andimagine himself great, therefore we need to refer to some literature to study, sometimes to make great changes to his plan! Pay attention to the exchange of ideas, usually more and students, teachers, teacher exchanges, learn from each have the advantage of people. Fifth semester: the final experimentsupplement, published research papers by the two semester ofin-depth study and exploration of the subject, has been very familiar with understanding, then a comprehensive inspection,on the experimental analysis, and further improve, targetedresearch; know well to the research field of books, the formation of the tree of the knowledge of their own;interdisciplinary learning, learn to other areas of uptake ofsome concepts, proce a different kind of inspiration for itselfconcerns, expand their knowledge, their thinking is more active,write papers more sensation; the sixth semester: write a thesis defense began to write research papers, one must first understand the format according to the test requirements, draw up an outline, and then step by stepTo draft, note paper creatively, stay time, delicate thoughts!Thesis writing and knowledge deposition process, the respondent and the explanation of knowledge, declarative,翻译;爱因斯坦说:“爱是最好的老师。“由于一直对这个专业很感兴趣,这给了我很大的动力,为了满足对知识和更好学习的强烈渴望,我选择了读研究生。在研究生阶段我会努力学习,用心学习,多读文学,为博士学位打下基础。“理想是灯塔,没有理想,就没有安全的方向,没有方向,就没有生命。“三年的研究生学习时间对人类生活的发展有很大的影响。“为此,我制定了一个初步的计划,有什么缺点,希望老师能给出建议。对研究生和大学的深刻理解是不同的,无论是在生活上还是在学习上都会有很大的变化和不适。为了更好更快地适应研究生的生活,致力于科学研究和学习,我会尽快调整、安排自己的学习和生活习惯。通过接受知识创造新知识,是研究生最大的特点。时代的大学生是要努力创造自己接受的任何东西,但在硕士生和博士生中却不再是按顺序接受各种新奇的课程,而是要注意问题的定向安排,集中全部精力,所有课程和书籍都要有所关注,必须有问题导向的学习,并有自己的观点。尽快从被动接受者变成主动探索者,并学会在学术领域游泳。毕业三年的生活很快,关键是我的生活。本回答被网友采纳


英语作文其实很简单的,大作文只要看懂图上的寓意写起来就很简单了,网上很多英语模板,只要把模板被下来,到时候直接引用模板,加上自己的话就可以写出一篇中上等的作文,背范文的话也要选着背,背那些代表性强的,每年的看图作文大多是和当年的 热点话题相关的,多收集热点话题相关的题材进行背诵。祝你成功。盖浇饭如果湖人哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈




考研英语写作复习毕竟是一个需要长期积累的过程,平时可以多阅读一些英文原版的文章,每周写上一两篇作文,看见好的句子,好的模版就顺手积累下来,聚沙成塔,积累的多了,考试时心中自然就有数。  如果要买辅导书,可以看看红宝书的写作180篇,是图画+话题形式,而且书里面强调的“三段式写法”,我个人觉得比较有用。考研英语写作我用的是《红宝书考研英语写作180篇》好多同学都在用,感觉很不错


我 觉 得 《 万 能 作 文 》 这 本 书 还 可 以 , 里 面 有 很 多 模 板 可 以 借 鉴 , 但 是 要 花 很 多 时 间 和 精 力 去 整 合 梳 理 , 要 保 证 句 子 不 和 别 人 的 重 复 还 要 适 用 大 多 数 的 话 题 或 者 素 材 , 这 个 需 要 很 好 的 英 语 基 础 , 也 不 一 定 能 保 证 自 己 写 出 好 的 句 子 , 可 以 考 虑 现 成 的 模 板 套 用 , T B 里 面 省 省 清 华 还 不 错 , 我 妹 妹 去 年 就 是 找 的 这 个 弄 的 。完整是MBA英语写作中好句子的第一要点。一个完整的句子表达单一的完整的意思。它不包含并不紧密相关的意思,也不表达本身不完整的意思。因而考生在写句子的时候一定要注意意思的完整性,不写废话,也不写让阅卷老师理解不了的话。从语法角度而言,连贯是指句子各部分之间清楚而合理的联系。句子中的词语和部分应恰当地衔接,它们之间的关系应十分清楚。不连贯的句子通常有以下几种毛病:平行结构有缺点,最为典型的是两个完整的句子之间缺乏连词的衔接,造成明显的语法错误,代词指代不清楚,修饰语和被修饰语的关系不明确,在人称、数、语态、时态或语气上有混乱之处。简洁句中不应有任何不必要的词。只要意思充分地表达了,用词越少越好。用词过多只会使意思模糊不清,而不是更加明晰,有时甚至会造成语法上的错误。人们常常用不必要的词,所以最好在写完一篇文章之后,仔细检查一两遍,看看有没有一些词可以删去而又不影响意思的表达。强调凡是重要的意思都应在表达时予以强调。为此说话时人们可用各种方法,如提高声音、放慢语速、使用短句或加上手势。写文章时,也可以使用倒装、感叹、重复、反问等方法对应该强调的词语和句子加重语气。多样句型的多样化,对好的文章来说是必不可少的。好几句长短相同、结构相似的句子连在一起,如又用同一个名词或代词作主语,必然会显得很单调。为多样化起见,短句和长句,简单句、并列句和复合句,圆周句和松散句都应错杂使用。也可偶尔用一个问句、祈使句或感叹句。但是不要只是为了多样化而频频变换句型。句子的结构和长度首先要由所要表达的思想来决定。只有恰当地表达思想时多样化才可取。


您好!考研英语二的大小作文平均分在15分左右,小作文是书信类作文,大作文是图表作文。考研英语一的小作文也是书信类作文,大作文是图画作文。以下是考研英语写作评分标准:  1)评分原则和方法  (1)A节应用文的评分侧重点在于信息点的覆盖和内容的组织、语言的准确性、格式和语域的恰当。对语法结构和词汇多样性的要求将根据具体试题做调整。允许在作文中使用提示语中出现的关键词,但使用提示语中出现过的词组或句子将被扣分。  B节作文的评分重点在于内容的完整性、文章的组织连贯性、语法结构和词汇的多样性及语言的准确性。  (2)评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来给分。评分人员在档内有1~3分的调节分。  (3)A节作文的字数要求是100词左右。B节作文的字数要求是160~200词。文章长度不符合要求的,酌情扣分。  (4)拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。  (5)如书写较差,以致影响理解,将分数降低一个档次。  2)一般评分标准  (1)第五档: A节(9~10分), B节(17~20分)  很好地完成了试题规定的任务:  ——包含所有内容要点;  ——使用丰富的语法结构和词汇;  ——语言自然流畅,语法错误极少;  ——有效地采用了多种衔接手法,文字连贯,层次清晰;  ——格式和语域恰当贴切。  对目标读者完全产生了预期的效果。  (2)第四档: A节(7~8分), B节(13~16分)  较好地完成了试题规定的任务:  ——包含所有内容要点,允许漏掉1、2个次重点;  ——使用较丰富的语法结构和词汇;  ——语言基本准确,只有在试图使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇时才有个别语法错误;  ——采用了适当的衔接手法,层次清晰,组织较严密;  ——格式和语域较恰当。  对目标读者完全产生了预期的效果。  (3)第三档: A节(5~6分), B节(9~12分)  基本完成了试题规定的任务:  ——虽漏掉一些内容,但包含多数内容要点;  ——应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的需求;  ——有一些语法及词汇错误,但不影响理解;  ——采用了简单的衔接手法,内容较连贯,层次较清晰;  ——格式和语域基本合理。  对目标读者基本完全产生了预期的效果。  (4)第二档: A节(3~4分), B节(5~8分)  未能按要求完成试题规定的任务:  ——漏掉或未能有效阐述一些内容要点,写了一些无关内容;  ——语法结构单调、词汇项目有限;  ——有较多语法结构及词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解;  ——未采用恰当的衔接手法,内容缺少连贯性;  ——格式和语域不恰当。  未能清楚地传达信息给读者。  (5)第一档: A节(1~2分), B节(1~4分)  未完成试题规定的任务:  ——明显遗漏主要内容,且有许多不相关的内容;  ——语法项目和词汇的使用单调、重复;  ——语言错误多,有碍读者对内容的理解,语言运用能力差;  ——未采用任何衔接手法,内容不连贯,缺少组织、分段;  ——无格式和语域概念。  未能传达信息给读者。  (6)零档 (0分)  所传达的信息或所使用语言太少,无法评价;内容与要求无关或无法辨认。望采纳~

