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答: 考研学的英文比较难你若喜欢便是晴天


谈谈开展研究性学习前后你的学习情况的变化。 <要求:因为网上已有的作文过去>课前:老师讲解知识,学生听讲做笔记。课后:完成大量作业。 <现在>课


Research study研学、在荷兰莱顿大学研学国际法Studying International Law in Leiden University, Holland 学生自主研学和创新能力的培养&研究性课题式物理实验教学实践Development the ability of self-study and innovation in students practice of an investigation-oriented physics experiment teaching 着重介绍为了培养学生的自主研学和创新能力,近年来在研究性课题式物理实验教学实践中所采取的一些有效措施。On this background, the research is aimed at developing the school-based curriculum on the inquiry physics experiments based on DISLab and putting it into practice. 针对我国玉米脱粒机的现状,通过研学国外先进技术,改进设计了板齿式脱粒机,并在国内的种子加工企业得到了大量的应用。Nowadays, the improved plank-tooth corn shellers based on the models in the developed countries were applied widely in the seed processing companies in China. 企业学习型研学模式的理论和实践Theory and Practice of Learning Mode of Research and Study in Enterprises


English study subjects problem that the format of the report (Universal) As the report of the problem that is embodied in the text of the total concept papers, which do not have too much space, but should plan to study how to study the application of theory, and other major issues to make it clear that should include two parts: Overview, outline. 1 Overview The overall problem that the report should make reference to some of the topics and concise explanation of the purpose of topics, issues related to the current study, the application of theory, methodology, the necessary data and so on. 2 outline Problem that the report contains an outline of the paper can be a broad-brush, is a study of the idea of the basic framework. May be the whole sentence or the entire piece in the form of an outline. In the opening phase of the title, the outline aims to make clear the basic framework of the paper, there is no need to catalog as detailed as the paper. 3 References Problem that the report should include the relevant reference directory 4 request Problem that should be the cover page of the report, the total number of pages should not be less than 4. Page format should meet the following requirements. Open title report Students: First, subjects significance 1, the theoretical significance 2, the practical significance Second, the paper Summary 1, the theory of the origin and evolution 2, the study of foreign Summary 3, domestic research Summary 4, I summarized above assessment Third, the papers outline Preface, I. 1, 2, 3, Now, the city building is developing at very fast speed. Tower was stand in great numbers in the city. The modern building was shoulder and shoulder. At the same time, people not ignore the piazza building. The piazza of modern in people’s thinking already became that the mostly concourse of relax, lie fallow, amusement, shopping. And because the piazza’s importance is advance more and more and many people have more loftily request for piazza. So our group decided to investigate for piazza ‘s building in Ningbo. In the investigation, we knew about the shtick of piazza’s building in Ningbo. We tracked to investigate some piazza’s building of our country’s and overseas that we are balance between Ningbo’s and those. Because that we had farther cognition and we had some attitude and opinion about future of the piazza’s building in Ningbo. When the investigation was over for more than two month, we investigate and trim the data of we got and finished a bulletin.

高中生研究性学习论文,题目是中学生英语水平提高幅度与英文歌曲听唱的关系调查 我是组长,两天就交,急求

(2),对发音的帮助 歌曲时而快时而慢的节奏对发音的要求比较高,而歌词连读、略读、重读等现象的经常出现,对英语学习者的发音会有很大帮助,比如以下一段歌词: it takes a lot to know what is love it's not the big things, but the little things that can mean enough a lot of prayers to get me through and there is never a day that passes by i don't think of you you were always there for me pushing me and guiding me always to succeed you showed me when i was young just how to grow you showed me everything that i should know you showed me just how to walk without your hands 'cause mom you always were the perfect fan god has been so good blessing me with a family who did all they could and i've had many years of grace and it flatters me when i see a smile on your face i wanna thank you for what you've done in hopes i can give back to you and be the perfect son you showed me how to love you showed me how to care and you showed me that you would always be there i wanna thank you for that time and i'm proud to say you're mine 'cause mom you always were, mom you always were mom you always were, you know you always were 'cause mom you always were... the perfect fan i love you mom 这是一首不错的英文歌曲,是“后街男孩”唱给他们妈妈的,说她们才是自己最好的歌迷。 这段文字是在一段舒缓流畅的音乐中唱出的,发音标准饱满,而且极好模仿。从模仿这些歌曲开始,会对地道口语的培养有很大的帮助。 同时,这首歌的歌词写的也很有深意,像一首抒情诗。 下面就以这首歌曲中的一些口语要点的分析——它们同时也是地道英语中不可缺少的要素: “it's not the big things, but the little things”此句中的两个“THE”同是弱读。还有木有 哦 ==追答),对发音的帮助 歌曲时而快时而慢的节奏对发音的要求比较高,而歌词连读、略读、重读等现象的经常出现,对英语学习者的发音会有很大帮助,比如以下一段歌词: it takes a lot to know what is love it's not the big things, but the little things that can mean enough a lot of prayers to get me through and there is never a day that passes by i don't think of you you were always there for me pushing me and guiding me always to succeed you showed me when i was young just how to grow you showed me everything that i should know you showed me just how to walk without your hands 'cause mom you always were the perfect fan god has been so good blessing me with a family who did all they could and i've had many years of grace and it flatters me when i see a smile on your face i wanna thank you for what you've done in hopes i can give back to you and be the perfect son you showed me how to love you showed me how to care and you showed me that you would always be there i wanna thank you for that time and i'm proud to say you're mine 'cause mom you always were, mom you always were mom you always were, you know you always were 'cause mom you always were... the perfect fan i love you mom 这是一首不错的英文歌曲,是“后街男孩”唱给他们妈妈的,说她们才是自己最好的歌迷。 这段文字是在一段舒缓流畅的音乐中唱出的,发音标准饱满,而且极好模仿。从模仿这些歌曲开始,会对地道口语的培养有很大的帮助。 同时,这首歌的歌词写的也很有深意,像一首抒情诗。 下面就以这首歌曲中的一些口语要点的分析——它们同时也是地道英语中不可缺少的要素: “it's not the big things, but the little things”此句中的两个“THE”同是弱读。


  资料方面似乎没有专门的这方面的资料,但我觉得这一块你可以在学校的英语老师中做一个调查,问问他们对于“看英文电影中提高口语能力”的看法,以及怎样做能够比较快速的取得进步,你可以做一个小的调查表发给办公室的英语老师。  研究或调查方面我觉得你也可以做个调查表,复印50份左右,发给别的班级的同学(你可以给某个班的班长,让他来发表,收齐了你再去拿),收回表后再做个统计,分析一下最后做个总结。  调查表不用做得太复杂,几个问题,十分钟以内就可以填完的那种,问题太多没人给你填,最好是选择题,我给你大概想了几个问题:  1、你是否经常看英文电影?  是 否  2、看电影是一般是原声的吗?  是 否  3、你是只看中文字幕还是直接听英语对话?  中文字幕 听英语对话  4、你认为看英文电影是否能提高口语能力?  5、你觉得怎样看英文电影才能提高口语能力?  6、你在学习过程中怎样来提高口语能力?  做这样一个调查表,在报告时你可以对你们的调查做个报告,然后根据统计作分析(如,大部分同学认为…… 百分之xx的同学通常用xxx的方式来提高口语能力…… 对于用“看英文电影来提高口语能力”的方式大部分同学认为…… )  然后你可以让下面的同学发表一下自己的意见,最后用老师的建议来做个大总结,我们应该怎么着怎么着做来提高口语能力等等。  总之,我们在学校一般都用这种形式来做研究性学习,一个小组分工好,谁来打调查表,谁来发调查表,谁来统计,谁来分析分配好 很快就可以完成。1·《千钧一发(Gattaca)》9几年的电影,可是还是那么经典,是科幻片,关于未来的基因问题,想一想当一个人一出生,他/她的人生路径就已基本确定,除非有一些意想不到的非基因因素出现。自然分娩(没有进行基因筛选)的孩子被称为“自然人”,并会遭到“常人”的歧视... 这部片子静下心来看好有感触啊2·《断头谷》蒂姆伯顿导演,德普男一号 非常好看 跟《格林兄弟》的感觉好像3·《大鱼小爸》蒂姆伯顿拍的很好看,里面那个一个身体两个头的中国女的印象很深4·《海上钢琴师》——欧韵三部曲的一部,我最喜欢的电影,一位大师孤独而又特别的一生5·《楚门的世界》——真人秀节目的极致,发人深省!电视剧: 英语老师推荐我们看《Friends(老友记)》说很有帮助参考资料:http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=305494&tid=2711902604820083362


由以上分析可知abcd-dcba=2997,也就是□应该是2. 故答案为:2.


回答和翻译如下:Red research base.


如果生活是一首乐曲,那么微笑便是其中一个个跳跃的音符;如果生活是一幅画,那么微笑便是画上一笔笔绚烂的色彩;如果生活是一棵大树,那么微笑便是树上一片片嫩绿的树叶。生活离不开微笑,带着微笑出发,我们将发现生活中的许多美好风景。 带着微笑出发,我们将发现朋友见(间)的友谊。于(与)朋友闹别扭后,每天回家,看着夕阳缓缓西落,心中忽然涌出悲凉之感,没有朋友的陪伴,这路上少了不少欢声笑语,连路边的小草也变得颓废不振。这时路上出现了一个熟悉的身影,我犹豫了,最终两人相视一笑。那个微笑,似一盏明灯,融化了心中朔起的冰墙,点亮了灰暗的心房,让我找到阔别已久的友谊。 带着微笑出发,我们将架起陌生人之间的桥梁。红灯亮了,我一个急刹车,可车子却没有及时停下来,一下子撞上了前一辆车。那人“啊”地叫了一声,我以为那人准会回头大骂一顿,没想到那人回头看了一眼,淡淡地一笑。那浅浅的一笑,似一条纽带,连接陌生人彼此间的心灵,让我有了和陌生人交流的桥梁。 带着微笑出发,我们将感悟残疾人生命的坚强于伟大。忘不了春晚的《千手观音》,纤纤玉手,甜甜笑颜,绚烂的灯光,柔和的音乐,仿佛将观众带进了神话境界。他们是特殊的演员,听不到音乐,却将一个个音符幻化成决美的舞资。他们做到了,她们凭借生命顽强的力量战胜了命运的安排。台下的观众西中席中爆发出经久不息的掌声,我也为之震撼于动容。观众的一个个微笑似一面面明镜,照射出残疾人的坚强,反射出生命的伟大。 微笑是明灯,微笑是桥梁,微笑是明镜,她让我们发现友谊,架起桥梁,感悟生命。 带着微笑出发,生活的乐曲将更加的悦耳,生活的画卷将更加绚烂,生活的大树将更加的茁壮。 让我们带着微笑出发,前方的微笑等待着你。 望采纳!!!^-^