期刊论文[1] Huang, J., Newell, S., Huang J S, and Pan SL (2013) “Site-shifting as the Practice of Ambidexterity: Empirical Insights from the Field of Ticketing”.Journal of Strategic Information Systems(forthcoming)(SSCI)[2] Sun, Chuan, Song Su andJinsong Huang(2013), “Cultural Value, Perceived Value, and Consumer Decision-Making Style in China: A Comparison Based on an Urbanization Dimension,”Nankai Business Review International, 4(3), 248-262.[3] Zheng Wang, Jinsong Huang, Barney Tan(2013), Managing Organisational Identity ine-commerce instry: An Ambidexterity Perspective Information &Management, 50, 673-683. (SSCI, ,5年IF>2)[4] Huang, Jinsong, Song Su, Lining Zhou and Xi Liu (2013), “Attitude Toward the Viral Ad: Expanding Traditional Advertising Models to Interactive Advertising,”Journal of Interactive Marketing, 27(1), 36-46.(SSCI,5年IF>2)[5] Huang, Jin-Songand Xi Chen (2013), “The effect of consumer’s purchase plan on reference price choice,”African Journal of Business Management, 7(6), 424-431. (ESI)[6] Chen,Rong,Jinsong Huang, Song Su and Feng He (2012), “A Comparison of Probabilistic Prize Promotion Schemes,”Social Behavior and Personality, 40(7), 1183-1194.(SSCI)[7] Huang, Jinsong, Rong Chen and Xia Wang (2012), “Factors Influencing Internet Short Video Forward Intention,”Social Behavior and Personality, 40(1), 5-14. (SSCI)[8] Huang, Jinsong, Xia Wang and Rong Chen (2011), “Regional Differences in Customer Satisfaction: A Study in China, ”Social Behavior and Personality, 39(10), 1403-1412.(SSCI)[9] 苏凇,黄劲松(2013), “关于逆营销的效果研究:基于CLT理论的视角,”管理世界, 11, 118-129.[10] 苏凇, 陈荣,黄劲松(2013), “不作为惰性的调节:基于“向前看”的多参照点视角,”心理学报, 45(12), 1-18.[11] 苏凇,黄劲松(2013), “参照价格的来源、不确定性和多重性:参照价格理论研究最新进展,”经济学动态, 3, 148-157.[12] 黄劲松, 王铮, 郑晓明, 欧阳桃花, “基于意念构建和动态服务属性管理的服务质量提升:一项案例研究,”管理学报(录用)[13] 苏凇,黄劲松(2013), “品牌延伸还是子品牌?———基于品牌态度、广告说服和购买意愿的比较,”管理评论, 25(2), 98-107.[14] 黄劲松(2013), “基于二元价值容介态视角的消费者新产品决策行为评述,”广义虚拟经济研究, 2.[15] 黄劲松, 王高 (2010). 品牌忠诚对参考价格形成的影响.营销科学学报, 6(3). 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The Relationship between Regional Economic Condition and Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from China. JMS营销科学年会[3] Huang Jinsong and Liu Chang (2010). An Empirical Comparison of Exponential-Gamma with ‘Never Triers’ Model, Welbull-Gamma with ‘Never Triers’ model and Bass Model for New Automobiles Trial Calibration and Forcasting in Chinese Market. 2010 3rd International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Instrial Engineering.[4] Qi, Dan, Huang Jinsong and Chen Rong (2009). The Measurement Model of the Customer Value for B to C Website. International Conference on e-Business and Information System Security (EBISS 2009)[5] Huang Jinsong, Chen Rong (2009). Could Satisfaction Be Compared Across Customers? Some Opposite Evidences From China. The 6 International conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’ 09)[6] Huang Jinsong and Li Huiming (2009). Applications of Finite Mixture Weibull-Gamma Model for New Automobiles Trail Calibration and Forecasting in Chinese Market. Proceedings of the 4 International Conference on Proct Innovation Management.[7] 陈荣, 林崇平, 黄劲松 (2009). 概率有奖促销活动中不同概率和奖励水平比较研究. JMS营销科学年会(优秀论文奖)[8] 黄劲松 (2008). 购买计划对参考价格效应的作用. JMS营销科学年会.[9] Huang, J. S., P. Zhao, Raymond Liu (2007). The Effect of Brand Familiarity on Brand Attitude Change of Well-known Brands. Advances in Consumer Research, 909-910.[10] Huang, Jinsong, Chen Rong and Wang gao (2007). An Empirical Comparison of Weibull and Its Extended Models for New Proct Trial Calibration and Forecasting. International Conference on Engineering Management, Services Management and Knowledge Management (IEEE WiCOM ).[11] 黄劲松, 王高 (2007). 基于BB拓展模型的营销传播效果评价.中国管理科学(专辑).[12] 王高, 黄劲松 (2006). 混合韦布伽玛模型在新产品市场渗透研究中的应用.中国管理科学.(专辑)[13] 黄劲松, 赵平(2006). 品牌熟悉和信息涉入对成熟品牌广告说服的影响. JMS营销科学年会(优秀论文奖)