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去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:欣雅图表考研复试中文自我介绍范文以下是为大家整理的关于考研复试中文自我介绍范文的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!  我叫朱家得,今年22岁,是这所大学的应届毕业生,在今年考研的时候我报选了李铮老师的蛋白质组学。现在我在12层上完成本科毕业论文。  我从小就特别喜欢生物,并立志当一个生物学家。现在家里还有两阳台的花草鱼虫,书柜中更是摆满了生物类书籍。我还曾经在奥林匹克生物竞赛上获得全国第三名。  我在这个城市中长大,在家庭的熏陶下涉猎群书,学习自己喜欢的东西。忘我的程度总是让我喜欢专注于一件事情,不达目的誓不摆休。如果日后荣幸和老师们一起共事,你们便可以从我以前的生活中略见一斑。  我的性格十分随和,好交朋友。别人对我的评价是:和我在一起十分快乐。我的兴趣非常广泛,在大学期间除了对本专业内容产生浓厚兴趣并深得一些老师喜欢外,我还通过电脑学习了常用的软件,比如OFFICE系统,DREAMWEAR,FIREWORKS,FLASH,PHOTOSHOP以及近百种小型软件。  我已经在网上发表了50余万字的网络小说,并且准备在毕业的时候出版一本电子书,现在已经完成了20万字的创作。  除此以外,我特别喜欢旅游,从99年至今的每年暑假我都会外出。现在已经去过全国各地  如果我荣幸地上了研究生,我想我是会这样子的:每天勤勤恳恳,用微笑的表情面对每一个人,面对每一个新生的太阳。在完成学习与实验外,还要用业余时间继续深造西班牙语,并且学习数


以下仅做参考:根据自己做适当修改,谢谢!我叫XX,XX XX人,2009年本科毕业于xx学校XX专业,目前在上海汽车集团股份有限公司从事工程项目管理相关工作,至今工作刚满三年。 My name is XX, from XX ,XXprovince,I graated at the bachelor of thermal energy power engineering from HUST in the year of 2009,at present I work for SAIC MOTOR that I’m mainly in charge of proct engineering program management ,just for three years.经过多重考虑后下定决心考研,我克服了种种困难,在工作之余认真复习备考,终于取得了理想的成绩。 After the multiple thoughtfulness,the only decision is to have a try in GRE,then I conquer many difficulty in my sparetime after work just for preparing for the exam, and I get the perfect score finally.我出生在一普通农民家庭,深受父母的影响, 养成了勤劳朴素的生活习惯,面对贫苦的家境,我从小就萌生了改变这一切的夙愿,而我坚信唯有读书才能改变自己命运,现在我也正朝着这一步步的迈进。这其中我要万分感谢我的母亲,是她一贯的倾力支持,才让我获得高等教育的机会,让我感到惭愧的是,毕业至今也没能更好地回报她老人家。I was born in a common family as a farmer, and exerted an edifying influence on instrious and simplicity in my life,as the poor condition ,I got into one dream of changing this situation, and I still believe that the road to Roman always by pursuing advanced studies,now the way is nearer.Many thanks for my mother because of her support all along ,by which I can get the high ecation,but the only thing that I was ashamed of is that I couldn’t repay her rightly untill now.大学本科毕业后进入昆明一家国企工作,先在装配车间实习半年,基本上算是体力劳动了,在锻炼了身体素质的同时也锻炼的坚强的意志, 后提前调入科室,担任发动机质量管理相关工作,积累了一些柴油机专业知识的同时,也学会了质量管理的各种方法,为提高自己能力打下基础。After college graation, I entered a state of corporation in Kunming,just for physical labour,not only body but also volition , getting anneal,then I was promoted in quality control department,going on studying hard about the speciality knowledge and the whole bag of tricks in QM,for the advancement.2010年底,我辗转来到上海,进入上汽集团,参与了一个国内技术领先的项目——乘用车小型柴油机联合开发小组,该项目主要为上汽UK中心打造国内领先的轿车柴油机D19 EU5动力总成和为GMI(印度通用公司)研发搭载微型车的D09 EU4小型柴油机。我非常荣幸能加入这个团队参加研发,因为这项目拥有国内最先进的柴油机开发技术,在世界范围内处于前沿的地位,能够为国争光。In the year of 2010,I came to shanghai, adding the one-up diesel team in SAIC motor,this programe is mainly developing an small output volume diesel engine called D19 and D09 for MG,I’m so glad to join the team because all the technique is advanced at a preceding place in the world wide ,that is to say,I can win honour for my country.我主要负责整个工程开发过程的项目管理工作,对工程部门制定timing,并及时跟踪工程进展,也负责对开发过程中存在的问题TIR进行跟踪和落实,以及制定相应的试验计划,跟踪落实项目试验的开展。I was in charge of proct engineering for PM,such as working out the timing for developing and tracing the newest status,and also review the test incident report according every DRE(design release engineer),establishing the plan for the engine test and tracing the progress.在这工作的三年时间里,我遇到了不少的困难,面对着来自家庭、生活和工作各方面的压力,同时我也不断的总结,其中涉及到最多的是自己的学历和薪水,当然还有自己奋斗的终极目标。想来想去,要提高自己的收入,一方面可以靠提高学历,再想到现在大学本科生到处都是,再加上我的人生目标就是不断的学习,我想,真的是该到搏一搏的时候了,于是,我决定了考研,矢志不渝。经过搜寻资料和多方打听,贵校的XX专业成为了我不懈努力的动力。Between the three years of job, I encounter many difficulties, facing the stress from the family and life, at the same time ,I make a summary which involved mostly certificate and salary,and my dream for fighting ,then I think a lot, whatever improving my income ,whatever studying always,whatever reaching my goal ,now ,it’s the time to fight,that’s the reason trying for GRE, persisting in my ambition,according to the search and consultation,I struggle for one thing ——XX..




去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:教育资料库复试自我介绍技巧  通过自我介绍或得到对方的认识甚至认可,一种非常重要的职场技术。以下是小编收集的复试自我介绍技巧,欢迎查看!  复试自我介绍三大原则  自我介绍有重点  在考研复试中,一般自我介绍环节必不可少。老师们想了解大家的综合信息,这些信息不光是学习能力和学术成果,还包括言行举止,思想政治以及待人接物等这些方面。一般来说,自我介绍都要遵从:  1.开门见山,简明扼要,一般最好不要超过三分钟  2.实事求是,不可吹得天花乱坠  3.突出长处,但也不隐瞒短处  4.所突出的长处要与从事所考专业方向的研究相关  5.善于用具体生动的实例来证明自已,不要泛泛而谈  大家要根据自己在大学期间获得的最能表现自己特长的部分展现给老师,让老师能够最直接的感受到自己优秀的部分,如:  你在本科期间是"学霸",那就着重介绍学习成绩,学术情况等;  如果有省级或者国家竞赛的奖励,那就更要着重介绍,会成为加分项;  若是党员身份,那么着重突出自己的党员身份,这样在之后提问环节,老师自然会问你一些关于你入党当中的相关事宜。  在谈到自己的优点时,保持低调。也就是轻描淡写、语气平静,只谈事实,别用自己的主观评论。同时也要注意适可而止,重要的、关键的,要谈,与面试无关的特长最好别谈。特别指出的是,不要夸大自己。


一般都是包括姓名 学校 专业 家乡 兴趣爱好 优点 报考专业等等,然后加上一些积极极向上的话, 比如说如果考上了以后要如何,或者研究生期间规划,说完之后 老师会再根据你说的相关内容提几个问题的。心态保持好!


Good morning, my dear professors. It's my pleasure to be given a chance for your interview. My name is XXX,I am XXX years old. I come from XXX, a very beautiful city. My undergraate period will be accomplished in XXX university in July, 2009, and now, I am striving for obtaining a key to your prestigious universuty. In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraate examination for it has been my dream to be a postgraate. I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of XXX .In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters and I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is..I like reading books, especially those about XXX.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition, I am a person with great perseverance. During my college years, I found web sign very interesting, so I learned it very hard. Therefore, I have a comparative good command of network application and I am skillful in searching for information on Internet. Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English, and write compositions to improve my written ability. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study XXX in this famous University, I will concentrate on my study and make great efforts to master a good command of advance XXX. Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention.


Good afternoon, professors:It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today. Now i will introce myself briefly, My name is***,**years old,born in ****. My major is Applied physics,and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graation in june. In the past 3 years,i spend most of my time on study, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.Whats more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates.In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is basketball. playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion.All in all, i choose the major in order to broad my view inphysics,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraate study.OK,That’s all.Thankyou everyone!拓展补充:一、自我介绍:自我介绍是每所学校在英语口试时必考的问题,同学们一定要提前准备好,因为如果一个人在介绍自己的时候都很嗑巴,那老师就会认为他的口语很差。在准备自我介绍时要注意两大原则:第一,符合自身,实事求是。我们无需贬低自己,但也不能过分夸大自己,千万不能无中生有地编写自己的经历,因为老师会针对你的自我介绍随机挑选出他感兴趣的地方对你进行提问,如果你是虚构的,就很难说明白了。第二,把握时间,贴合主题。复试中每个人的英语口试时间也就两分钟左右,有些学校甚至限时一分钟,所以我们的自我介绍不能长篇大论,只介绍一下自身基本情况,再讲一下和考试相关的实践经历就可以了。二、专业话题:口语测试时老师有可能要求你就本专业展开话题,考查你用英语讲解陌生概念的能力。因此熟悉本专业常用的英语词汇,适当阅读最新的专业外文期刊是必要的。对有可能问到并展开的专业话题要有所准备。同学们可以事先阅读一些相关文章,积累一些专业上的词汇。当然提问的问题不可能难度太高,比如经管专业,老师可能就会问What is business management?In your opinion, what is the most important element in business management这样的一些简单问题。三、热点问题:很多学校会就当前发生的社会热点、行政热点等于考生进行讨论。所以同学们要适当关注一下身边发生的新闻,不用了解太深入,但至少要知道新闻的大体内容,英语老师在复试时不会像政治老师那样给你设定一个标准答案,但是如果你答不上来,老师会认为你口语表达不流利,或者觉得你是个书呆子。


要点:我们的首要诉求就是不踩雷,不要刚开场就自曝缺点,同时要提前组好充分的准备,不配不抗,从容淡定的表达,给自己开个好头。考研复试对英语的考察一般有以下几张形式:英语自我介绍,英语问答,口译文献,英语听力答题等。大多数学校都有英文自我介绍这一环节,但这也只是复试中的一环,一般在整个面试的开端,处于开局的位置。最后是否录取取决于多方面因素,好的自我介绍不能保证录取无忧,但是糟糕的自我介绍会让考官对考生的第一印象大打折扣。正文:Dear teachers:I am very honored to participate in this interview, and I am eager to further grow under the guidance of all teachers.My name is XXX, XXX people, XXX University XXX professional undergraate, University four-year undergraate courses to XXX as the core. I am responsible, hardworking, passionate about life, hobbies: writing, basketball, badminton and travel. In order to feel the prosperity of the East, the summer vacation of 2008 experienced the eastern tours of Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen and Shenzhen. Why I choose XXX:1、XXX university is a school with a long history and strong academic atmosphere. As the most famous university in China, it can provide broad development space for students to further grow. Students are famous at home and abroad for seeking truth and innovation. XXX School Department was founded in 1936. It has become the top XXX department in China through the inheritance and development of the old generation such as XXX and the generations of teachers present.2、 I have a strong interest in XX research. I am eager to further study, deepen theory, practice and realize my own value. If I am lucky enough to be admitted, I will go all out to study.First of all, I lay a good foundation, learn English well, and read a lot of original English textbooks. Secondly, I will try to strengthen practice and combine theory with practice. Finally, I focus on teamwork. I believe that after two years of study, I will realize my ideal. Thank you teachers!翻译:各位老师:我很荣幸能参加这次面试,我渴望在所有老师的指导下进一步成长。我叫XXX,XXX人,XXX大学XXX专业本科,大学四年制本科以XXX为核心。我有责任心,勤奋,热爱生活,爱好:写作,篮球,羽毛球和旅游。为了感受东方的繁荣,2008年暑假体验了南京、上海、杭州、厦门和深圳的东方之旅。为什么选择XXX:1、 XXX大学是一所历史悠久、学术氛围浓厚的学校。作为中国最著名的大学,它可以为学生的进一步成长提供广阔的发展空间。学生以求真创新闻名海内外。XXX学校系成立于1936年。经过XXX等老一代和在座几代教师的继承和发展,已成为中国顶尖的XXX系。2、 我对XX研究很感兴趣。我渴望进一步学习,深化理论、实践,实现自己的价值。如果我有幸被录取,我将全力以赴学习。首先,我打好了基础,学好英语,并阅读了大量的原版英语教材。第二,加强实践,理论联系实际。最后,我注重团队合作。我相信经过两年的学习,我会实现我的理想。谢谢老师们!

