如果下面这个网址你打不开的话,你需要找人帮帮忙按理说,各个大学的网站在内地还是可以打开的,有时慢点而已http://www28.polyu.e.hk/aseprospectus/jsp/home.jsp?listby=pg&deadlineType=nonHKApplicants&websiteId=1&schemeId=201014&langId=1硕士招生截止日期为3月31号,如果你能进去的话可以看见,各专业的具体介绍、报名申请流程也有你说的两个专业,帮你看了一下entrance requirementMaster of Arts in Translating and Interpreting 翻译与传译文学硕士学位Entrance Requirements•A Bachelor's degree from a recognised institution. •Applicants who are not native speakers of English are expected to fulfil the following English language requirements:◦A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 590 for the paper-based test; or a TOEFL score of at least 243 for the computer-based test; or a TOEFL score of at least 96 for the Internet-based test; OR◦A score of at least 7.0 on listening and reading sections with no sub-score below 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); OR ◦Chinese mainland Test for English Major (TEM) Level 8; OR ◦A Competence level in English that is equivalent to those that would satisfy any of the above requirements. Candidates without a Bachelor's degree, but who have other qualifications and substantial relevant professional experience, will be considered on an indivial basis. Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 对外汉语教学文学硕士学位Entrance Requirements•A Bachelor's degree from a recognised institution; •Preference will be given to applicants with two years of experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language; •College level of Chinese proficiency for non-native speaking applicants.还是抽空去考考雅思的的比专八那些靠谱点,现在考的话也来得及,很快出成绩了,我也是今年申请,不过我比你高一届,去年已经自己DIY申请了一次,但是被人鄙视了。专八很背,去年没过,2011又要重考了,这次申请 我找了中介,所以你还是去找他们问下比较好,毕竟人家是专业的,但是有些中介也挺不负责任的,我就遇到那种随便敷衍你的。不管怎样都需要有个国际认证的英文成绩啦,双语的话雅思至少都要7分才有竞争力。申请我都已经递交了,至于你的我是很清楚为什么会进不去网站,加油吧!希望我们都能进。啰嗦一句,我现在也在深圳呢,呵呵 。PS就是避重就轻吧,努力彰显自己的优点,屏蔽自己的缺点,你觉得自己那点比别人更又竞争力,就着重把那方面写好了,字数控制在1000字就可以了,推荐信什么的也不能缺,还有简历什么的,虽然他网站上都没有要求要那些,但是人家发了过去而你没有,那就是……你懂的。本回答被网友采纳