office of the for human resource management certification 发信人 人力资源管理办公室证件to whom it may conern : 致:有关人士this is to certify that MRS.ROWENA M.BANDOLA was an employee of st.paul University philippines form tune 2003 to october 2005 as a tutor. 兹 证明MRS.ROWENA M.BANDOLA (班朵娜夫人)曾在3003六月致2005十月担任菲律宾圣保罗大学讲师一职this certification was issued to mrs.bandola this is 14th day of november 2005 for general purposes 此证书发给MRS.ROWENA M.BANDOLA (班朵娜夫人), 做为一般的用途lucrina r.tamayao,ph.d. Tamayao(签发人)Tamayao哲学博士director,human resource management人力资源管理哲人