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去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:三一素材  【篇一】  本人在国内长期从事计算机以及相关领域的教学工作,此次申请出国留学,准备继续从事与我的教学背景相关的研究工作。初步计划选择研究课题为“开源操作系统在嵌入式系统中的应用”。  目前,嵌入式技术的发展方兴未艾,智能电子产品不断涌现,开源操作系统作为其研究方向之一,具有良好的发展前景,目前我国在此领域尚且处于起步阶段,而同类项目研究和设计在国外已趋于成熟,开源产品和开源代码资源丰富,研究方向处于前沿地位。  本次申请选择挪威为留学目的地,基于以下原因:地处北欧的挪威是欧洲的发达国家之一,其高等教育发达,全国有20余所高校,在信息领域具有发展优势,挪威是世界上大力支持开源软件的国家之一,其第二大城市卑尔根是挪威最有名的使用开源软件的城市之一。  本人已经从事嵌入式技术相关课程的教学工作三年之久,此次申请公派留学,选择的学校是######college,该校已经有多年嵌入式技术教学的成功经验,尤其在机器人领域有丰富的设计成果,与我目前的研究方向非常相符。目前我校尚无与挪威高校的合作基础及业务联系,如果留学成功,希望我可以作为开拓者,与国外同行进行广泛的交流,提高科研与教学能力。  本次留学申请,选择前往挪威的作为期


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:三一试题库      三一文库(www.31doc.com)/工作计划访问学者研修计划范文    【篇一】  本人在国内长期从事计算机以及相关领域的教学工作,此次申请出国留学,准备继续从事与我的教学背景相关的研究工作。初步计划选择研究课题为“开源操作系统在嵌入式系统中的应用”。  目前,嵌入式技术的发展方兴未艾,智能电子产品不断涌现,开源操作系统作为其研究方向之一,具有良好的发展前景,目前我国在此领域尚且处于起步阶段,而同类项目研究和设计在国外已趋于成熟,开源产品和开源代码资源丰富,研究方向处于前沿地位。  本次申请选择挪威为留学目的地,基于以下原因:地处北欧的挪威是欧洲的发达国家之一,其高等教育发达,全国有20余所高校,在信息领域具有发展优势,挪威是世界上大力支持开源软件的国家之一,其第二大城市卑尔根是挪威最有名的使用开源软件的城市之一。  本人已经从事嵌入式技术相关课程的教学工作三年之久,此次申请公派留学,选择的学校是######college,该校已经有多年嵌入式技术教学的成功经验,尤其在机器人领域有丰富的设计成果,与我目前的研究方向非常相符。目前我校尚无与挪威高校的合作基础及业务联系,如果留学成功,希望我可以作为开拓者,与国外同行进行广泛的交流,提高科研与教学能力。  一、指导思想  (六)  (三)被留学基金委录取人员应在  【篇三】  




你好,厚谱教育(访问学者申请领跑者)资深顾问为你解答。Topic:  This research proposal suggests research on how the level of self-disclosure effects the degree of relationship satisfaction.  Review of Literature:  Guerrero & Afifi (1995) concted a study to examine topic avoidance and self-disclosure in family relationships. They found that males reported avoiding discussion of relationship issues more than females did. As Martin&Anderson(1995)sought to examine the motives behind self-disclosure in father-young alt relationships and the resulting level of relationship satisfaction, their study found that young alts seem to model their self-disclosure after their fathers' self-disclosure. Pegalis, Shaffer, Bazzini, & Greenier (1994) examined the generality of the opener effect to males and females across different situational contexts. They found that both genders disclosed more and longer to high openers than to low openers across the different contexts, Leaper, Carson, Baker, Holliday, & Myers (1995) used both same- and opposite-sex dyads in order to examine the relationship between listener verbal support and self-disclosure among friends. They found that females tended to be more responsive and supportive than males ring discussions in both same- and cross-gender friendships. However, it was also found that men made more disclosing comments than did women, indicating that it is possible for males to disclose as much as females. They also found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship dissatisfaction.  Drawing on these findings, it could be possible to anticipate that indivials who have similar patterns of self-disclosure would have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction. Continued research may further explore what other factors affect the degree of relationship satisfaction.  Research Question:  What effect does the level of self-disclosure have on the degree of relationship satisfaction?  Hypothesis: Indivials who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will be more likely to have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.  Method:  In congruence with the previous study concted by Martin & Anderson (I 995), a design involving approximately 200 undergraate students, I 00 male and I 00 female will be used. They will complete questionnaires consisting of measures of self-disclosure and communication satisfaction. They will also be given a questionnaire to have their significant others complete. This questionnaire will include the same measures. Participants will be informed that this research study focuses on self-disclosure and levels of relationship satisfaction, participation is voluntary, and their responses will be kept confidential. A self-addressed envelope will be enclosed to assist in confidentiality.  Participants will complete the Self-Disclosure Scale (SDS) and the Communication Satisfaction Scale (CSS). Their responses will be compared with those of their partner's in order to assess the similarities between the pair's levels of self-disclosure to each other and their degree of relationship satisfaction.  Participants will also be given a second questionnaire, which will ask them to assess what they believe to be their partners' level of self-disclosure and degree of relationship satisfaction. These responses will also be compared to examine whether indivials' self-reports of their levels of disclosure and satisfaction match up with what their partners believe their levels to be.  Predictions:  In response to the study done by Martin & Anderson (I 995), it should become clear that the amount of self-disclosure that occurs between indivials affects the relational satisfaction that is felt by both parties. Leaper et al. (1995) found that imbalances in self-disclosure and verbal support are related to relationship dissatisfaction. This would seem to indicate that the opposite would be true, as well. So, it may be found that indivials who experience similar levels of self-disclosure will have higher degrees of relationship satisfaction.  A possible problem using the methods chosen is that self-report may not be entirely accurate. People may not truthfully portray their levels of self-disclosure and relational satisfaction. However, through the use of confidentiality and the second questionnaire that asks the partners to assess each other's levels, it is hoped that the potential for this problem may be decreased.  References  Guerrero, L., & Afifi, W. (Summer 1995). Some things are better left unsaid: Topic avoidance in family relationships. Communication Quarterly, 43, 276-296.  Leaper, C., Carson, M., Baker, C., Holliday, H., & Myers, S. (1995). Self-disclosure and listener verbal support in same-gender and cross-gender friends' conversations. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 33. 3 8 7-405.  Martin, M., & Anderson, M- (Spring 1995). The father-young alt relationship: Interpersonal motives, self-disclosure, and satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 43, 119-130.  Pegalis, L., Shaffer, D., Bazzini, D., & Greenier, K. (1994). On the ability to elicit self disclosure: Are there gender-based and contextual limitations on the opener effect? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20, 412-420.以上回答希望对你有帮助。

美国访问学者研究计划怎么写 有什么要领

申请国外访问学者,多数学校要求申请者提交访问学者研究计划。访问学者研究计划严格来说,形式类似与研究生开题报告,用于了解申请者的研究水平与学习计划。金东方访问学者项目咨询顾问周雅淇老师在此分享一篇关于访问学者研究计划写作要领的文章,供准备出国做访问学者的申请者参考! Research Proposal就是我们通常说的研究计划,申请者一般简称为RP。是申请香港,英国一些学校时需要提交的一份申请材料。研究计划(Research Proposal)是纯学术的,无须加入诸如个人经历、感情这些东西。它要求申请者要有一个明确的研究方案并对此有较好的掌握。这个计划必须是非常具体的,不能太宽泛。研究计划一般包括以下几点:1) 研究对象(Topic),即你想要解决的问题2) 研究此问题的意义3) 前人的研究状况即遗留的问题4) 你的研究方法(Methodology)5) 参考文献(Bibliography)具体的要求每个大学都略有不同,但基本上是依照这个格式。首先,你要根据你想申请的或者你比较熟悉的研究方向来提出一个设想,然后再把相关的背景,你设想的研究方法,以及你所预期的得到的结果都写进去。这就类似于研究生的开题报告。在这些内容中,又以研究计划课题选取最为重要,因为导师最看重的还是你的研修课题。在选择研究计划的课题时,要关注国外导师目前正在研究的方向,选取导师感兴趣的课题。课题选取角度要面向全球,不要拘泥国内的热点问题,要关注研究课题的国内国外研究情况和水平,以及该项目的应用情况。课题选取切忌过于宏观或宽泛。如果选取课题过于宏观和宽泛,国外导师就很难搞清楚你的研究重点,也不会认为你的课题值得进一步研究。在研究计划中,要实事求是地陈述个人擅长的研究领域和已经完成的科研成果,展现个人创新观点和研究亮点,说明通过留学预计达到的研究目标,切忌夸大其词。课题选取的内容要有意义。要将个人赴国外研究此课题的意义重点突出,使国外导师认可此项课题在国外进行进一步研究的必要性。让导师看到你们合作研究的意义所在。希望对答主有所帮助!



申请国外访问学者,“describe the research activities during your year”这里是要写研究计划吗?怎么写

您的具体情况我不太清楚,字数要求格式要求详细内容要求有么?我估计应该跟写research proposal差不多吧,如果比较正式的话。关于research proposal网上的资料还蛮多的。简单总结就是:是什么为什么怎么办^_^ 加油一个优秀的Research Proposal对你访问学者申请有重要作用,也几乎决定了你在交流学校内工作量的多少;Research Proposal的写作格式和模板可以在这里找到:http://researchproposal.blog.163.com/




你好申请国外访问学者需要提交如申请信、个人简历、推荐信、研修计划等材料,其中访问学者研修计划书尤为重要。只有你申请的教授对你的研究课题感兴趣了,才能够顺利的拿到访问学者邀请函。那么访问学者研修计划该怎么写,怎么样的研修计划书才算是好的研修计划书呢?金东方留学奠基石()提醒您访问学者研修计划书应包含以下内容:1.选择申请该导师进行访学的原因; 2.出国访学目的、预期目标、计划、实施方法及所需时间; 3.研究课题在国内外研究情况及水平和应用情况; 4.达到本次出国访学预期目标的可行性; 5.学成归国后的工作和学习计划。 在这些内容中,又以研修计划课题选取最为重要,因为导师最看重的还是你的研修课题。 在选择研修计划的课题时,要关注国外导师目前正在研究的方向,选取导师感兴趣的课题。课题选取角度要面向全球,不要拘泥国内的热点问题,要关注研究课题的国内国外研究情况和水平,以及该项目的应用情况。 课题选取切忌过于宏观或宽泛。如果选取课题过于宏观和宽泛,国外导师就很难搞清楚你的研究重点,也不会认为你的课题值得进一步研究。 在研修计划中,要实事求是地陈述个人擅长的研究领域和已经完成的科研成果,展现个人创新观点和研究亮点,说明通过留学预计达到的研究目标,切忌夸大其词。 课题选取的内容要有意义。要将个人赴国外研究此课题的意义重点突出,使国外导师认可此项课题在国外进行进一步研究的必要性。让导师看到你们合作研究的意义所在。本回答被网友采纳