学术:作为一名布莱尔音乐学院的学生,我接受的是排名前20的研究型大学音乐学院式的教育。作为一个完善的本科院校,所有的表演机会,大师班课程,合奏,以及和教授一对一交流指导并不是由研究生带的。这里选修双专业也是相当容易,选修布莱尔学院之外是副修也可以。对于布莱尔学院的学生去医学院,法学院或者商学院学习,这都很常见,就像学习表演专业一样。所有这些都是在一个大约200名学生构成的大群体里。与其说布莱尔是一个学校不如说是一个大家庭。2.Academics: I have experience in both the humanities and sciences. Humanities are great: small classes, engaging discussion, and knowledgeable yet humane and understanding professors who are there for you and willing to work with you. They want you to succeed and get as high a grade as possible. Sciences, however, are hit or miss. Introctory weed-out class professors are ruthless and leave you to fend for yourselves against the hard material and even harder exams. This isn't bad per se, but you can definitely feel these classes packing heat and stress. I'm sure there are wonderful professors in the STEM departments, but I have yet to find one. The ones I've had experience with are very hard, unreasonable, apathetic, bad at teaching, or any combination of the four. It's not uncommon to study for more than 30 hours per week on a subject and still end up with a C or B- on an exam. At least my humanities professors were able to empathize with me and give me leniency. Perhaps that's why many science majors look down upon Peabody and humanities students who claim to have a hard time: it's the leniency and leeway they have compared to science majors. But all this difficulty prepares you to buckle down and have better study habits for next time. Vandy whips you into shape, and you have to slap a donkey in order to get it moving.学术:我有人文专业和自然科学专业这两方面的教育经验。人文方面的教育很棒:小班级,参与课堂讨论,又有知识丰富又理解学生的教授,他们总是乐于帮助你,并希望你能成功和尽可能的取得更高的分数。科学方面有点不如意,淘汰制班一开始,教授很严酷,让你自己对付难题甚至是更难的考试,这不是糟糕的一面,但你肯定能感受到那些课程的难度和压力。我确信STEM有很棒的教授,但我还没遇到。我经历的教授都要求很严格,有点不理智,冷漠,在教学方面做得不好。一周学习一个科目在30个小时以上也不是什么罕见的事,但考试时仍然只能得到C或者B-。至少我的人文科的教授能理解我,对我很仁慈。也许这就是许多自然科学专业的学生看不起皮博迪的缘由,另外,很多人文专业的学生抱怨说他们历经艰难的日子-是因为和自然科学专业的学生相比,自然科学专业的学生更宽松和闲暇吧。但是历经这些困难以后会让你全力以赴,养成更好的学习习惯,为以后做好准备。范德堡大学鞭策你不断前进,就像你得不停敲打驴子好让它拉磨一样。3.Academics: Vanderbilt is a very academically oriented school. The classes are hard, and the people around you are incredibly intelligent. It is different and hard for most people coming to a place where they are not top of the class but average, but in the end, that is what makes Vanderbilt such an incredible place to learn. The incredible variety of people and their backgrounds coupled with intelligence in every student, gives Vanderbilt a very intelligent and academic feel.学术:范德堡大学是一所学术导向性很强的大学。课程都很有难度,你四周的人都难以置信的聪明。对于很多学生来说很难,他们不再是班里的佼佼者,而成为了平庸者,这也就使范德堡大学是一个很好的学习地方。难以置信的各样的人群,以及他们各种不同的背景,和他们超群的智慧,赋予了范德堡大学一种很睿智的学术氛围。4.Academics: The academics are the main draw for the school, and for good reason. Vanderbilt's professors are incredible, and they are really willing to work with you. The registration process is easy, and as fair as it can be. The workload is tough, but that is to be expected.学术:对这个学校来说学术是它主要的方面也是这所大学有吸引力的原因!范德堡的教授都令人难以置信的优秀,他们真的很愿意和你一起工作。注册登记过程也不复杂,也很公平。学习压力很大,但那是预料之中的事儿。5.Majors: The audition experience at Vanderbilt is incredible. The level of hospitality and genuine interest was something I just didn't find at other schools (even the big ones like Indiana and Northwestern). Expect interaction with professors, observing classes, students wanting to talk with you, dinner at the University Club, and a student concert.专业:在范德堡大学的试听体验是非常棒的经历。这里的热情友好以及真正的兴趣爱好是我在其他大学所没见过的(甚至是那些知名的学府比如印第安纳大学和西北大学)。和教授的互动,观察课堂,学生之间积极的想和你交谈,大学俱乐部里的会餐,学生音乐会这都是一个学生所能经历的。6.Majors: Blair is a unique place where you can receive a conservatory without having sacrifice top-twenty academics. Most students double major or minor, and students are given a lot of performance opportunities. As a voice major, I benefit from a revolutionary instruction in art song and lyric theatre not found in most music schools.专业:布莱尔学院是一个很独特的地方,在这你能接受音乐方面的教育,还能利用前20名的学术资源。很多学生选择修双专业或者副修,学生们也都有很多表演的机会。作为声乐专业的学生,我从艺术唱法到抒情剧的变革性说明中收益颇多,这是在很多其他音乐学校见不到的。7.Majors: I have not had an internship yet, but I am excited to be a physician's intern as the years progress so that I can gain the necessary experience to prepare myself for medical school and my future career. I don't believe finding an internship would be particularly difficult as long as keep faith and work my hardest in school. I have not had any professional training positions as of yet.专业:我还没实习过,但能成为一名实习医生让我很兴奋,通过几年的努力进步,我能学到一些必要的经验可以为我以后医学院的学习和职业生涯做好准备。我觉得找一个实习工作不是那么困难,只要有足够的信心并且在学校足够努力学习的话。虽然我还没有任何专业的岗位培训。8.Diversity: Vanderbilt is not diverse in the conventional sense. Yes there are people from all over the world of all different races and Vanderbilt, but it is the diversity of ideas and values that amazed me. It makes for extremely interesting conversation.多样性:范德堡大学不是那种传统意义上的多样性的学校。是的,这里有很多来自世界各地不同种族的人们,但是那种思想和价值观的多元化让我惊叹不已。可以进行非常有趣的谈话交流。9.Diversity: Diversity here is much greater than given credit for. People of all races, beliefs, religions etc. The geographical diversity is also amazing; people are from all over the map.多样性:这里的多样性要比人们认为的还要多!各种种族,各种信仰,各种宗教等等,地域的多样化也使人惊叹;人们来自世界各地。10.Athletics: Football is a very big deal, although the football team isn't that great. They still play other great teams in the conference and tailgating is a lot of fun. Basketball games are great as well and the Baseball team is awesome.体育:尽管校橄榄球队不是强队,但橄榄球是很有影响力的体育赛事活动。他们还是能和其他实力很强的球队在分区赛事里一较高下,赛后的大集会也充满了乐趣。篮球比赛也很棒,棒球队实力很强!11.Athletics: The athletic program is good considering the size of the school. I think they are working hard to improve Vanderbilt athletics overall. Club sports are great!体育:考虑到学校的规模,体育方面还是很好的。我觉得他们在整体改进范德堡大学的体育文化方面一直都非常努力。体育俱乐部活动都很棒。12.Guys & Girls: For a private school, lots of the guys are damn attractive. Not only do they have great physiques; they dress well, too. Girls, I heard, were even better and fall into either the southern beauty or california girl category.男生女生:对于一所私立大学而言,这里有很多特别有吸引力的男生。他们不仅是身材有型,衣着打扮也很出彩。据我所知,女生更棒!她们都排得上南方美女或者加州女生画报的行列。13.Guys & Girls: Every girl here is beautiful. Seriously every single one to the point where I think they stalked Facebook to decide who to let in and who to deny (I'm joking....maybe). Every girl here is extremely hard working and smart and wants to succeed, and also party on the side. Most people here dress up really nicely, lots of sundresses and no one wears sweats to class. Freshmen usually wear some form of high brand pants skirts sweaters boots sandals to class whereas upper class men girls wear their sorority clothes pretty much everywhere.男生女生:这里的每一个女生都很漂亮。说真的,每个人都是,我想过他们或许是在Facebook上直接看外表来决定录取谁淘汰谁吧(哈我在开玩笑..或许是)。每个女生都非常努力,也特别聪明,都想取得成功,另一方面她们也参与晚会。这里的很多人都很会打扮,有很多人穿吊带裙,但没人满头大汗的去上课。新生通常穿高品牌的裤子,裙子,毛衣,长靴,或者凉鞋去上课;而高年级的男女生们大都穿他们联谊会的衣服,这很普遍。14.Administration: Admin has its problems,(There was an issue with salting completely frozen over sidewalks this winter) but overall they listen to students and encourage activism on many issues, especially in sexual assault, race, religion, and safe sex. When it comes to drugs and alcohol, it's pretty easy to be discreet.校园管理:管理方面有它自己的问题,(有一个问题就是今年冬天路边融雪的盐都冻上了)但是总的来说,学校管理部门总能倾听学生的意见,在一些问题上也鼓励行动派,尤其是在性骚扰,种族问题,宗教信仰以及性犯罪这些方面。在涉毒涉酒方面,小心谨慎的话就不会出什么问题。15. Administration: In my experience Vanderbilt is not all that strict. They aren't going to search your room randomly and as long as you aren't on the freshman side of campus they aren't going to care if you have alcohol in your room. As long as you aren't destroying property or greatly offending another group on campus with your actions the administration isn't going to get involved.校园管理:依我的经验,范德堡大学管理不是那么的严厉。他们不会时不时检查你的房间,只要你不是新生的话。你房间里有没有酒他们也不太在意。只要你在学校里不破坏财产,或者你的行为不对他人造成重大影响,校管理方就不会找你麻烦。16.Campus Food: Vandy dining is excellent when it comes to variety of food, location, and their ability to make some really incredible meals. However, quite often your own scheles make it hard to take advantage of these options. I have most of my classes in the Blair School of Music, and I often have to choose between Susie's and Quiznos. It definitely gets old.校园饮食:当说到食物的多样性,餐厅的位置,以及他们高超厨艺水平烧出的一些真的很可口的饭菜来说,范德堡大学的餐厅是非常不错的。但是,很多时候由于你自己的日程规划的缘故,使得你不能充分的享受这些美食。我的大部分课程都在布莱尔音乐学院,所以我不得不经常在Susie's 和 Quiznos这两个餐厅之中就餐。都吃腻了。17.Campus Food: Overall, very good. I haven't been disappointed with my options and there's plenty of food to go around. I just wish there weren't any specific times to use your meal plan. You can only use your meal plan once between 4:30-midnight as the "dinner" swipe, for example. If you want to use another swipe, you have to wait until after midnight or else use flex meals or meal money. I just wish there were more options besides Commons ring Fall and Spring breaks.校园饮食:总的来说,非常好!我从没对我的选择的食物失望过,总是有很多的食物我可以去尝试。我只是希望你享受美食的时间不要被别的时间所占用。你只能在4:30——午夜之间能刷卡吃饭。例如,如果你想再刷一次卡,你得等到午夜以后或者使用flex买饭或拿钱买饭。我只是希望除了春秋季普通时间段之外能有是时间选择。18.Campus Housing: Because the majority of students live on campus, it's a great community experience, and with the exception of the worst dorms, they are pretty nice. There are lots of options for suites or houses for upperclassmen, and the Commons (freshman) housing is one of the best options.校园住宿:因为大多数学生都住校,这是很棒的社区生活经历,除了最糟的宿舍之外,其他的都很棒。对高年级的学生有很多房间和套间,新生的普通的大房间是最好的选择了。19.Campus Housing: The housing at Vanderbilt isn't cheap and it isn't huge, but the atmosphere of the dorms is great. I met my best friends on my floor, and have a great relationship with people in my house. You won't get you own bathroom, and you won't get tons of space, but the housing is great because of the people.校园住宿:范德堡大学的宿舍房间不便宜也不是很大,但是宿舍氛围很棒。我在同层遇见了最好的朋友,也和同宿舍的人相处的都很好。你不会有自己的洗澡间,你也不会有很宽敞的空间,但是因为有那些人,校园住宿是很美妙的经历。20.Health & Safety: Buildings are only accessible with staff or student ID badge after hours and video cameras are present in the lobbies and halls and most classrooms. Anytime a crime happens on campus a notice is sent out with pictures of suspects from security cameras and suspects are apprehended quickly through sittings by students or staff.健康与安全:很晚以后只有持学生证的学生或者校园工作人员才能进入校内建筑。大厅,教室等很多房间都安装有摄像机和监控器。任何时候校园内若有犯罪事件发生的话,嫌疑人的照片会第一时间被监控相机发布出来,学生和工作人员会很快了解嫌疑人的基本信息。21.Health & Safety: I have never felt in danger ON CAMPUS, because I walk to and from work at student dining frequently at night. I'm not worried about walking alone, and there are many emergency call buttons. I don't get out much, and am not faced with the possibility of sexual assault very often, but it has happened a few times on campus. Vanderbilt is actually under review by the government for the handlings of sexual assault cases, but I am not sure what the implications are of this review.健康与安全:我在校园里从没感觉到危险,因为夜里我得来回去校园餐厅上班。我不担心一个人走路,校园有很多紧急呼叫按钮。我不常出去,也没遇到过潜在的性骚扰,但这在校园里也偶有发生。范德堡大学实际是在政府部门的监管之下处理性骚扰案件的,但我不清楚这种监管的意义何在。22. Transportation: The Vandy Vans run 5pm to 5am. Freshmen have a 10 minute walk to main campus classes, but the Vandy Vans are convenient for clubs meetings or attending greek events.交通:每天早上五点到下午五点都有范德堡通勤车。新生去主楼教室上课要步行10分钟,但是乘坐通勤车去参加俱乐部活动的时候非常方便。23.Transportation: Vandy Vans run from 5pm to 5am so students don't need to walk around campus after dark if they don't feel secure. Also, all students get free access to the Nashville Bus System (MTA). However, the MTA isn't as big as transportation systems in bigger cities, so the buses may or may not be a practical solution for all transportation needs (takes a long time to get from one place to another.)交通:早上五点到晚上五点学校有通勤车运营,如果学生感觉不安全那么在天黑后他们就不会在校园周围走动。另外,所有学生乘坐MTA一律免费。但是MTA不像大城市的交通系统那样庞大,因此对于所有的交通需求来说,公交或许不是一种实用的解决方式(从一个地方到另一个地方要花费很长的时间)。24.Local Area: Nashville is a great city. There is always a lot going on downtown but I will say some things will be off limits if you are not 21. I came from a smaller southern city so Nashville seems exciting and big but if you are coming from New York or San Francisco, Nashville will seem like a suburb to you. Public Transportation isn't great so bring a car is highly recommended if you are looking to really explore the city.本地概况:纳什维尔是个很棒的城市。市区那里总是会有很多事情在发生,但我得说如果你没有21岁的话,有些事对你还是有限制的。我来自一个很小的南方城市,所以纳什维尔市对我来说是个令人兴奋的大城市。但是如果你来自纽约或者圣弗朗西斯科,纳什维尔就像是郊区了。公共交通不是那么发达,如果你想深度了解这个城市的话,强烈建议你开车去。接下来的几天,美小诺会采访多个从美诺客走出去的学生,由他们为你带来真实的美国大学留学体验!敬请期待!相关阅读:跨专业零背景=范德堡大学文书出彩=纽约大学跨专业申请=宾夕法尼亚大学GPA成绩不高=哥伦比亚大学无相关背景=杜克大学