本科专业推荐:动画、社交媒体、传媒设计、工业设计、交互设计、创新文化实践、综合媒体、创意写作、室内艺术、插画、摄影、视觉艺术、制陶、绘画、油画、印刷媒体、雕塑、素描、电影制作、电视制作Undergraate professional recommendation: animation, social media, media design, instrial design, interaction design, innovative culture practice, integrated media, creative writing, indoor art, illustration, photography and visual arts, ceramics, sculpture, painting, oil painting, print media, drawings, film and television proction4.安大略艺术与设计学院安大略艺术设计学院是一所公立大学,学校坐落于加拿大安大略省多伦多市。学校毗邻Grange Park,横穿安大略艺术馆(Art Gallery of Ontario)。The Ontario college of art and design is a public university located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The school is next to Grange Park, across the Art Gallery of Ontario.安大略艺术设计学院是加拿大历史最悠久、规模最大的艺术与设计教育机构,在北美40多所同类大学中高居前三名,长时间以来培养出了大量的艺术家和设计师,被誉为加拿大的“想象大学”。Ontario college of art design is Canada's oldest and largest of art and design ecation, university of its kind in North America more than 40 ranked the top three, for a long time to create a large number of artists and designers, is known as Canada's university of "imagination".本科专业推荐:广告设计,美术设计,插图设计,环境设计,工业设计,材料艺术与设计、绘画、综合媒体,摄影,版画,雕刻。Undergraate professional recommendation: advertisement design, graphic design, illustration design, environmental design, instrial design, material art and design, painting, comprehensive media, photography, engraving, engraving.以上内容就是小编今天介绍的加拿大艺术学院排名,同学们可以参考哦!以上院校也是加拿大四大艺术院校,它们是加拿大艺术专业的摇篮,是世界领先的艺术设计院校,培养了学生的艺术想象力和创造力。