学校为所有一年级学生提供校内住宿。通常第二年你就要搬出学校公寓,除非有特别的情况,比如说国际生或者JCR主管人员。当然根据不同的学院的住宿情况,有时候会有机会在二年级时候继续住校。很多学生在三年级的时候会住回学校。设施除了个别学院St Cuthbert’s Society和Josephine Butler,其他学院的公寓都是包办伙食的,供应一日三餐。Cuth是唯一提供多种选择的公寓:有全包伙食、半包伙食(可选择每周5餐或10餐)、外带伙食和自助伙食。Bulter是完全自助伙食的。那些全包伙食的学生公寓提供的烹饪设备有限,一般包括冰箱、微波炉和一些小电器(例如烤面包机)。被学院或协会录取的所有本科生,本校保证安排他们第一年的住宿。除了研究生协会外,达勒姆所有的学院都提供伙食全包的住宿,再加图书馆、计算机设施、洗衣装置和带电视的公用房间。绝大多数的学生都住在书房兼卧室单间内,但某些学院的学生在第一学年的至少一个学期中,有可能与人合住。Stockton校园的住宿为自己举炊,在合住的公寓内,学生合用厨房和公用场所。 住在伙食全包宿舍楼内的穆斯林学生,在斋月来临之前的几周内,要与学院的财务主管联系,讨论斋月期间的伙食安排。学校通常要求二年级学生选择住在私人住房内。住宿办公室人员在达勒姆校园的Dunelm大楼,和Stockton校园的Holliday大楼内办公,他们可以帮助学生找到合适的住房。许多最后一年的学生又回到包伙食的校园宿舍居住。 研究生如果早申请,则有可能保证得到伙食全包的宿舍。然而,大多数研究生喜欢住在研究生协会内自己举炊的宿舍。大约有600个自己举炊宿舍提供给研究生。想带家庭来的研究生,协会内还有少量的公寓。达勒姆市中心私人住宿数量有限,但学生仍可找到靠近市区、较为经济的自己举炊住宿。学校鼓励住在外边的学生与当地居民保持良好的关系,与此同时,维持与所在院校的活跃关系,他们仍可使用这些院校的设备。AccommodationWhile you are at Durham University you may live in a fully catered college, a self-catering college or you may 'live out' in privately rented accommodation. Everyone who becomes a student at Durham University becomes a member of one of the 16 Durham University Colleges.CollegesDurham University is a ‘collegiate’ university. The colleges are a major part of the Durham University experience and are one of the key reasons our students give for applying.A life-long communityDurham University’s college system is arguably the most distinctive feature of the University. Colleges are small enough to foster a strong sense of community, whilst still allowing students to enjoy all the academic and other benefits of a large University.Every student at the University belongs to a college. They remain a member of their college throughout their time at Durham and beyond.The colleges are not teaching bodies, but they are more than just places to eat and sleep. Instead, each college is a small community providing a wide range of activities and facilities for study, sports, the arts, socialising, relaxation and welfare.College of St Hild and St BedeCollingwood CollegeGrey CollegeHatfield CollegeJohn Snow College (Queen's Campus)Josephine Butler CollegeSt Aidan's CollegeSt Chad's CollegeSt Cuthbert's SocietySt John's CollegeSt Mary's CollegeStephenson College (Queen's Campus)Trevelyan CollegeUniversity CollegeUstinov College (postgraate only)Van Mildert CollegePrivateDuring their studies at the University, most students spend at least one year in non-University accommodation. A range of rental accommodation is available in Durham City and its neighbouring villages, and in Stockton and its surrounds.For many students this is a great opportunity to share a house or flat with friends made in their first year. Our Students' Union Accommodation Office offers an exclusive service to members of the University. It gives advice on renting properties and publishes lists and information about available accommodation.For further details please contact:Angela O'BrienAccommodation OfficeDurham Students' UnionNew ElvetDurham DH1 3ANTel: +44 (0)191 334 1770Fax: +44 (0)191 334 1778Email: accommodation@dsu.org.uk被学院或协会录取的所有本科生,杜伦大学保证安排他们第一年的住宿。除了研究生协会外,杜伦所有的学院都提供伙食全包的住宿,再加图书馆、计算机设施、洗衣装置和带电视的公用房间。绝大多数的学生都住在书房兼卧室单间内,但某些学院的学生在第一学年的至少一个学期中,有可能与人合住。在合住的公寓内,学生合用厨房和公用场所。住在伙食全包宿舍楼内的穆斯林学生,在斋月来临之前的几周内,要与学院的财务主管联系,讨论斋月期间的伙食安排。学校通常要求二年级学生选择住在私人住房内。住宿办公室人员在杜伦大学校园的Dunelm大楼,和Stockton校园的Holliday大楼内办公,他们可以帮助学生找到合适的住房。许多最后一年的学生又回到包伙食的校园宿舍居住。北京外国语大学出国人员培训部开设开设杜伦大学 1+3 直通班。