拜托,你要我们帮忙也行,不过要求给得具体点行不行,起码得有个大致的中文提纲吧。我们又不了解武汉,怎么知道能不能在那里开宠物店。况且我们怎么知道写多长,什么水准,大致要写什么呀! The early investment on a pet shop will be greater than simply opening a restaurant. Since various animals need unique shelters and environments to survive, the design of pet shop must consider all the needs of animals. The commercial building for pet shop is not necessary to be at business center. So the cost is relative low, but the large need in area still make the cost considerable. Plus the cost of commercial buildings, the cost of animals and decoration of shop, the minimum early investment is ¥200000. Pet shops also need relatively more employees to maintain the animals healthy and attractive. The employees should be paid with higher salaries than food court attendants since their job require knowledge on animals.The sanitary is absolutely important, but it also costs money to keep the air free of animal stinks. Chemical cleaning proct alone will cost great amount of money each month. Also, at least one work is needed to look after one section of animals. Fulltime cleaners also need to be hired. Also the cost of utility also need to be counted. To maintain the shop, I believe ¥15000 must be spend each month.Now, let's have a look at the market. There is currently (我不知道武汉有多少宠物商店)pet shops in Wuhan City. The average sale each month is (我也估计不出来他们生意怎么样)。(真的抱歉,我对市场没什么研究,所以估计不出来生意能怎么样。前面两段说的数据也都是猜的,没什么根据,所以这段还请你自己想想办法)。 (接下来说利润分配)The early investment may come from a group people. They will all be the directors of the pet shop. An agreement must be made on how to operate the pet shop. A portion of the net income should be give to employees as bonus to encourage the employees to work hard. The owners need to arrange an agreement on how the income is shared. Obviously, the director own the most stock should take the most. Also, a certain amount should be used on investment as well to develop the scale of business. 就这样吧,有些可能不符合实际,没办法,我没研究过市场。(对了,你一直没说是英语的还是中文的,既然发到英语翻译这里来了,我就自动当成要英语的了)