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城市规划是一定时期内城市发展的目标和计划,是城市建设的综合间署,也是城市建设的管理依据,它与很多学科密切相关。近年来,由于环境保护规划没有与城市规划和城市建设同步落实,使城市环境遭到一定程度的破坏,环境污染日趋严重,城市环境不能进入良性发展的轨道。因此城市规划中的环境保护规划应该引起人们的重视。一、城市发展过程中所面临的环境问题城市是人类社会文明发展到一定历史时期的产物,它的产生和发展决定于经济的发展,同时也受上层建筑的影响,近几十年来,城市人口的迅速增长和经济的高速发展引起了一系列的环境关题:1.水体污染问题突出由于城市人口的急剧增长和工业的飞速发展,大量的污水没有得到妥善的处理而直接排入水体,致使水环境遭到严重的破球。我国的水体污染近期呈上升趋势,全国有监测资料的1200多条河流中,850多条受到污染,在七大水系中,以辽河、海河、淮河污染严重,在统计的138年城市河段中,有133个河段受到了不同程度的污染。全国范围内78%的河段不适宜作饮用水水源,50%的地下水受到污染,西安、北京等许多城市也出现了供水危机。据估计,我国每年因污染而造成的经济损失达400亿元。2.城市大气质量严重恶化工业和交通运输业迅速发展以及化石燃料的大量使用,将粉尘、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、碳氧化物、臭氧等物质排入大气层,使大气质量严重恶化。我国大气污染属“煤烟型”污染,全国城市空气中总悬浮微粒浓度普遍超标,平均浓度达309微克/立方米;二氧化硫浓度水平较高,部分城市污染相当严重,北方城市平均值达到83微克/立方米。我国的本溪市也曾经因烟雾弥漫而被 称为“卫星上看不到的城市”;而大气中硫化物、氮氧化物业重超标导致了全国大部分地区出现酸雨,宜宾、长沙等城市酸雨出现频率大于90%,长沙降雨的平均PH值已达到3.54,酸雨的降落不仅破坏生态环境,而且加剧建筑物,铁道、桥梁的腐蚀与破损,给工农业带来巨大的损失。而由大气污染引起的温室效应和臭氧层破坏更是直接地威胁到人类的生存。3.固体废物泛滥成灾、垃圾围城现象严重人类的生活和生产产生了大量的固体废物,目前我国每年产生的工业固体废物为6.6亿吨,其中有害废物为3000-4000万吨,累积量超过64亿吨,侵占5亿多平方米土地;每年的生活垃圾量为1吨并以每年7-8%的速度增长。由于我国的固体废物露天堆积,全国有三分之二的城市处于垃圾的包围之中。固体废物到处堆放,不仅有碍观瞻、侵占土地、传染疾病,而且在自身严重污染环境的同时加剧了水体、大气土壤的污染。4.噪声扰民现象普遍存在目前随着我国城市工业、交通运输和文化娱乐事业的快速发展,噪声扰民的现象愈发突出,据44个国控网络城市监测,全国三分之二以上的城市居民生活在\噪声超标的环境中,区域环境噪声等效声级分布在51.5-65.8d B(A),其中洛阳、大同、开封、海口和兰州五座城市噪声平均等效声级超过60d B(A);道路交通噪声等效声级范围为68.0-76.3d B(A)。二、城市环境保护规划及其主要内容正是基于上述的环境危机,近几十年来人们逐渐认识到了城市规划与城市发展之间的关系并开始运用科学的规划指导城市建设。城市规划的提出克服了以往城市发展的无序性、盲目性与随意性,为城市的健康发展提供了技术保证和法律保障。城市环境保护规划是城市规划的重要组成部分,它是在城市总体规划中城市的性质、规模、发展方向的基础上,依据对城市环境质量现状的调查分析所制定的以保护人类的生存环境、减少污染、节约资源为目标的规划体系。按照我国环境保护应“坚持经济建设、城乡建设与环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展,实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益协调统一”的总方针和总战略,城市环境保护规划应主要进行以下几个方面的工作:1.城市环境保护规划的前期准备这些准备工作是城市环境保护规划的基础,它包括城市的自然环境资料,例如地理位置、生态环境、气象、水文等;城市的社会与经济状况,如人口、国民生产总值等;环境状况的调查分析,如大气、水体、噪声的监测资料、固体废物的来源与历年累计量,对污染的治理状况等;城市生态环境现状分析与功能区划等。2.大气污染综合整治规划是根据城市大气质量现状与发展趋势进行功能区划并按拟定的环境目标计算各功能区最大允许排放量和削减量,从而制定污染治理方案。大气污染的治理应根据城市的能源结构与交通状况确定首要污染物即浓度高、范围广、危害大的污染物,便于治理时有的放矢、对症下药。当前我国大部分城市的大气污染主要是由采用落后燃烧方式燃煤和汽车尾气引起,由此而来的首要污染物是二氧化硫和总悬浮颗粒,因此规划的远景目标应该是改进落后的烯煤方式,提高燃烧效率,尽量使用气体燃料、型煤、太阳能、地热等无污染或少污染的能源,实行区域集中供热、消灭千家万户的小烟囱,提高道路硬化率,通过强化污染源治理和提高污染控制技术等手段创建无烟控制区。调整工业布局,根据大气自净规律科学便理的利用大气环境容量;强化污染源的治理,降低污染物的排放量;通过技术和行政的手段减少汽车尾气的污染;提高城市绿化率、选择抗污染性好的树种,大力发展植物净化。3.水污染综合整治规划水污染综合整治规划是在对水污染现状调查分析的基础上,根据受纳水体的环境容量计算最大允许排放量并确定最佳治理方案。当前我国七大水系的水质污染程度在加剧,范围在扩大,长江、黄河、淮河、松花江的污染水1996年全国工业废水排放量为502.9亿吨,含 化学需氧量704万吨、重金属1514吨,氰化物2457吨以及砷、酚类、油类等污染物数万吨;生活污水约占年排放总量24%,主要污染物是有机物。根据我国水污染的具体情况,水污染综合整治规划应该通过改革落后的生产方式,采用少废、无废工艺实现清洁生产,是高污水处理效果和资源化利用率,减少污水排放量,修建有效的污水处理设施,加强工业废水和生活污水的治理,最终达到有效保护水资源的目的。4.城市固体废物综合整治规划固体废物综合整 治规划是根据环境目标落实各类固体废物的综合利用率与处理、处置指标体系并制定最终治理对策。目前我国许多城市者处于固体废物包围之中,解决固体废物问题已到了刻不容缓的时刻,固体废物综合整 治规划的目的是依据城市的经济承受能力和城市固体这里是副标题借助具有像素级精度的表格绘制工具,能够更加快速方便地设计网页版面。使用与铅笔和橡皮功能相同的工具创建表格,可以直接在网页上设计任意大小和形状的表格。运用表格绘制工具可以灵活地设计高精度的页面版面,并使表格匹配与页面内容。表格中可以包含你喜欢的任何内容,包括图像,文本,多媒体文件,甚至有嵌套的表格。这些复杂的网页版面制作不需要任何手写HTML编码。这里是副标题借助具有像素级精度的表格绘制工具,能够更加快速方便地设计网页版面。使用与铅笔和橡皮功能相同的工具创建表格,可以直接在网页上设计任意大小和形状的表格。运用表格绘制工具可以灵活地设计高精度的页面版面,并使表格匹配与页面内容。表格中可以包含你喜欢的任何内容,包括图像,文本,多媒体文件,甚至有嵌套的表格。这些复杂的网页版面制作不需要任何手写HTML编码。


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跪求: 城市规划专业 的 外文论文

1 defers to "the State Council about To strengthen City and countryside To plan Management by supervision Notice" (country to send the [2002]13 number) and "the Ministry of construction <the State Council about Strengthens City and countryside about the Implementation Realization To plan Management by supervision Notice> Notice" (constructs the gauge [2002]204 number) the request, for the standard our province each kind of urban planning compulsory content, the basis ministry of construction "Urban planning Compulsory Content Temporary provisions", formulates this regulation. 1.1 establishes the urban planning compulsory content the guiding ideology is: The realization science development view, the implementation “four insistences”, namely the insistence economic development is a center, persisted serves for the most general populations, persisted the sustainable development, persisted realistic, emphasizes the actual effect, does what one can.Regulates and stops each kind effectively the construction development behavior which does not adapt with “four insistences”, guaranteed city each kind of resources the reasonable use, guides our province urbanization the healthy development.1.2 urban planning compulsory content, is refers to in the cities system plan, the city overall plan, the city detailed plan involves the region coordinated development, the resources use, the environmental protection, scenery scenic spot aspect and so on resource management, nature and cultural heritage protection, public benefit and public security contents. The urban planning compulsory content is the cities system plan, the city overall plan, the city detailed plan necessary content. 1.3 urban planning compulsory content must conform to the country, province each kind of related standard, the union local urban planning management technology stipulation research formulation. 1.4 cities system plan, the overall plan already authorized, had to supplement consummated the compulsory content.The new establishment plan, specially the detailed plan and the near future will construct the plan, will have to be clear about the compulsory content.Must have the accurate mark on the blueprint, has in the text is clear about, the standard indication. The urban planning compulsory content is carries on the surveillance inspection to the urban planning implementation the basic basis.The plan definite compulsory content needs to announce to the society. 2 cities system plan compulsory content: 2.1 needs to protect strictly region and control development region and control target.2.1.1 nature protection areas: Is clear about the nature protection area branching location, the protectorate rank and the main protection object, delimits the nature protection area scope demarcation line.The natural conservation regionalization divides into the core area, the buffer and the experimental plot, is clear about the limit and the prohibition development construction content, the plan control standard as well as the management measure correspondingly. In the core area the strict prohibition each kind of engineering construction and proction management which has nothing to do with with the resources conservation. In the buffer may be engaged in by the authorization, the non-destructive scientific research, the teaching practice and specimen gathering.Does not have to construct any proction facilities. In the experimental plot may be engaged in by the authorized scientific experiments, the teaching practice, the visit inspects, the traveling, as well as the domestication, the reproction rare and precious, is in imminent danger activities and so on wild animals and plants.Does not have to construct the pollution environment, the destruction resources and the landscape proction facilities. 2.1.2 scenery scenic spot area: Is clear about the scenery scenic spot area branching location, the nature, the main function and the scenery scenic spot area rank, delimits the scenery scenic spot area scope demarcation line.Delimits the core protectorate (including ecology protectorate, natural landscape protectorate and historical site protectorate) the extent of protection, is clear about the protection key and the protective measures.According to “the strict protection, the unification management, the reasonable development, continues forever uses” the principle, is clear about in the scenery scenic spot area the limit and the prohibition development construction content and the management request. In the core protectorate the strict prohibition each kind of engineering construction which has nothing to do with with the resources conservation.In the scenic area, the classical botanical garden and in the periphery control area, does not have to construct the instry and mining enterprise, the warehouse, the hospital and so on has nothing to do with and the destruction landscape with the scenery and the tour, the pollution environment, the hindrance tour project and the facility. Delimits in the scenic area scope and the plan in the natural environment retention region, does not have the newly built guesthouse, the boarding house, the country club, the sanatorium organization, the management structure, the quarters and other big-scale work facility. If any new items of basic construction nature, the layout, the building modelling, the amount of space occupied, highly and the color and so on, should locate the environment coordinates. 2.1.3 other ecology sensitive areas: Is clear about the large-scale lake, the wetland, the water source protectorate, divides the flood detention area, takes back from agriculture also the forest (also grass, also lake) the area, the basic farmland protectorate, the underground mineral resource distributes the area and so on each kind of protection and controls the region the position and the scope.Is clear about the related local protection and the government goal, the control target, the limit and the prohibition development construction content. In the region development, avoids the ecology sensitive area as far as possible, reces to the wild animals and plants destruction, completes the conservation of water and soil work, enhances the afforested coverage fraction, guaranteed certain water surface rate, the enhancement wetland protection, does not have to rece the ecology sensitive area the area. Should take the protection measure to the water resources, the control shore water district construction, carries out aspect the strictly and so on water pollution preventing and controlling and water source water quality protection stipulations. Does not have to destroy the ecology sensitive area the flood prevention, drains waterlogged land ability and from only ability, does not have to destroy the biological resources and the ecological environment. In ecology sensitive area any construction, must control severely, maintains the natural style environment, the maintenance ecological equilibrium. 2.2 regional characteristic significant infrastructure layout: Is clear about the regional characteristic significant infrastructure the position and moves towards, the corresponding control standard. The regional characteristic significant infrastructure must be clear about the coordinated request with each related city relation, controls the correlation to use.2.2.1 is clear about the highway, the level road, the second-class road, the region track transportation (city border railroad, region passenger transportation track transportation) the trend; Is clear about the harbor, the airport, the physical distribution center position. 2.2.2 is clear about the large-scale hydro-junction project, the region flood prevention, the flood detention backbone project position, the region water supply, the accent water project trend; Is clear about position which the regional power plant, 500KV (or 300KV) the transformer substation, the natural tire valve stand, 500KV (or 300KV) high tension grid and natural gas branch tube trend; Is clear about the regional information key position the position, the communication line trend. 2.2.3 is clear about the neighboring city to be connected the waters the water environment function control request and the related target; Is clear about the city intake, the city sewage discharge outlet controls the waters scope, the regional characteristic altogether constructs the water works, the sewage treatment plant, the large-scale garbage disposal plant position; Is clear about the regional characteristic each kind of infrastructure the protection request. 3 city overall plan compulsory content: 3.1 is clear about the limits to have to protect and the control development region strictly.Including: Scenery ecology sensitive areas and so on scenic spot area, large-scale lake, wetland, water source protectorate, basic farmland protectorate, underground mineral resource distributed area. 3.2 urban constructions use: 3.2.1 is clear about in the plan time the urban construction with the place development scale, the development direction, in the limits plan time the urban construction uses the place the scope; 3.2.2 uses according to the construction to appraise the determination land use restrictive regulations, delimits the land use restrictive district demarcation line; 3.2.3 is clear about city each kind of park and the green space position, the scope and the index of correlation and the plan request. 3.3 city infrastructure and public service facilities: 3.3.1 is clear about the city primary and secondary yang or male principle trend, the city track transportation line trend; Is clear about the railroad and the station yard, the harbor, the airport, the mass transit key position, the large-scale parking lot position.3.3.2 is clear about the city intake and the protectorate scope, the power plant, the 110KV above transformer substation, the natural tire valve stands, the large-scale fuel gas gas storage stands as well as facility and so on trash and sewage treatment positions; Is clear about for the water and the draining water branch tube, the natural gas branch tube trend, the position, the underground utilities common ditch moves towards and the influence scope, the high-pressured power line corridor, the microwave channel and receives the sending a letter area extent of protection. 3.3.3 is clear about the culture, the information, the ecation, the health, the sports and so on each kind of public service key facility scale, the position and the related technical specification and the plan request. 3.4 historical city protection: 3.4.1 determination historical city protection general goals and protection key.Overall considered the old city the protection, manifests specifically in the historical river lake river system, the traditional spool thread, the old city city gallery, the building highly, city aspect and so on landscape line, old tree famous wood protection requests and the concrete control target, the stipulation. 3.4.2 is clear about all levels of key cultural relic preservation organ, the historical culture protectorate, the historical architectural complex, the important underground cultural relic disposal area concrete position, the demarcation line.Delimits the extent of protection, the construction control region, is clear about the protective measures, the control target and the stipulation. 3.5 city disaster prevention project: 3.5.1 is clear about the city flood control standard, the flood-dam trend. 3.5.2 is clear about the city earthquake resistance and the fire prevention disperses the backbone channel. 3.5.3 city main civil air defense facility, fire facility position. 3.5.4 is clear about the geological disaster to protect the stipulation. 3.6 cities will construct the plan in the near future: 3.6.1 will be clear about the city to construct key and the development in the near future uses the scale. 3.6.2 will be clear about the near future to construct uses the place the concrete position and the scope. 3.6.3 is clear about controls and guides the urban development the stipulation. 3.6.4 delimits the land use restrictive district demarcation line and historical control areas and so on culture protectorate, scenery scenic spot area, is clear about the corresponding plan measure.4 city detailed plan compulsory content: 4.1 controllability detailed plans is clear about the division to be possible to use in developing the construction directly the land parcel, stipulated various land parcels use the nature, the building density, the building control highly, the volume fraction, the green areas coverage rate, the parking berth and other need disposition targets and so on public utility; Carries out the city “four” the plan control content, proposes maintenance main public space aspect and so on environment quality, visual landscape control as well as historical culture protection in view of the specific land sector plan requests. 4.2 construction detailed plan concrete determination plan construction, green space, path, square, parking lot, river lake water surface position and scope; Is clear about the road junction coordinates, the elevation, each kind of municipal administration public facility pipeline position, caliber, major control point elevation, as well as related facility and construction position. 5 plan planning board when establishes various levels urban planning must rest on the ministry of construction "Urban planning Compulsory Content Temporary provisions", the standard compulsory content, and to plans the achievement to take the comprehensive technical responsibility. 6 urban planning administration department responsible for the work provides the plan design conditions, the examination items of basic construction, the no violation whatsoever will permitted urban planning compulsory content.7 adjusts the urban planning compulsory content, must organize to prove, the adjustment necessity to the plan examination and approval institution proposed the report on a special topic, in which involves the public rights and interests, must carry on male shows, only then carries on the adjustment after the examination authorization.After the adjustment plan must defer to the stipulated procere to examine and approve.中文版他们要钱.....对不住了

论题:城市规划与房地产开发的协调发展 毕业论文答辩会问什么??







你好,墨尔本大学城市规划专业是很棒的专业了。下面是有关于墨尔本城市大学的一些介绍,希望对你有帮助。墨尔本大学城市规划专业解析所属国家:澳洲大学:墨尔本大学课程学制:2年开学时间:2月,7月用户口碑:(0)条口碑就业率:N/A专业排名:18学费:39520.00澳币/年02墨尔本大学城市规划专业介绍当人们明白全球化给城市带来越来越多的影响的时候,规划在人们生活中扮演的角色就越来越重要;本专业侧重于探索如何应对澳大利亚以及国际上的人口和环境问题;学生在本专业课程中将研究人与人之间的互动以及人们的居住地;本专业课程旨在培养学生研究如何为人们塑造经济上可行、社会公正、环境可持续的、安全的、健康的社区;本专业课程将培养学生的批判性思维,专业技能和创造性地应对城市规划问题的能力;本专业课程知识为学生以后的职业生涯打下了坚实的基础。03墨尔本大学城市规划专业世界排名2017    2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    18    15    15    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    N/A    推荐阅读:2018澳洲城市规划专业QS世界排名大全04墨尔本大学城市规划专业课程核心课程Planning Theory and HistoryLand Use and Urban DesignMSD Minor ThesisPlanning Law and Statutory PlaningPlanning Urban SustainabilityRequired Specialisation SubjectAnalystical MethodsStrategic Planning StudioThe Economies of Cities and RegionsUrban Governance    核心课程规划理论和历史土地利用和城市设计MSD-小论文规划法律和法定规划规划城市可持续发展需要专业化主题分析方法战略规划工作室城市和地区的经济城市管理            选修课程Building Resilient SettlementsCities Without SlumsClimate AffairsClimate Change Politics and PolicyEnvironmental Impact AssessmentGIS In Planning, Design & DevelopmentHealthy CommunitiesHousing, Markets, Policy and PlanningInclusive CitiesInternational Property Development BManaging Global City RegionsParticipation and NegotiationPlanning Asia Pacific Cities StudioProperty DevelopmentPublic Transport Network PlanningSocial Impact Assessment and evaluationSustainability Policy and ManagementSustainable Transport and Public PolicyTransportation, Land Use and Urban FormTransport SystemsBushfire & ClimateBushfire Planning & ManagementInternational Real Estate EconomicsBushfire Urban PlanningBuilding Behaviour in Bushfires    选修课程有弹性的定居点建设城市没有贫民窟气候事务气候变化政治和政策环境影响评估GIS在规划、设计与开发              健康的社区住房、市场、政策和规划包容的城市国际房地产开发B管理全球城市区域参与和协商亚太城市规划工作室房地产开发公共交通网络规划社会影响评估和评价可持续发展政策与管理可持续交通和公共政策交通、土地利用和城市形态运输系统森林大火和气候森林大火规划与管理国际房地产经济学森林大火城市规划山火建设行为    05墨尔本大学城市规划专业入学要求1.学术要求:本科任何专业,985/211大学:加权73分; 双非大学:78分需要500字的个人陈述(说明之前的学习,工作经历以及申请动机)2.语言要求:雅思:总分6.5,单项:6托福:总分79,单项:写作21,口语18,其他单项133.课程描述文件要求:无4.PS要求:500字的个人陈述(说明之前的学习,工作经历以及申请动机)5.推荐信要求:推荐信06墨尔本大学城市规划专业移民相关移民专业: 否07墨尔本大学城市规划专业如何申请申请费: 100澳币申请周期: 6-30周,墨尔本大学申请周期相对较长,商科审核周期最长墨尔本大学是澳洲八大名校之一,2017的世界排名为41名;墨尔本大学大学基本的申请信息为:1 申请费100澳币2 申请周期为6-30周(商科审核周期最长)3 录取原则为:合格择优录取录取;08.墨尔本大学城市规划专业就业前景可从事的工作:建筑师 景观建筑师 工程师 环境科学家 经济学家 房地产评估 房地产开发商 律师 社会学家职业发展通道:价工程师也是一个越资深薪水越高的专业职位。只会摘工程量、套定额、查市场价、算个概预算的,那就是赚个辛苦钱的造价员。如果你兼备土建和机电的基本经验,具备一定的宏观眼光和经验,能拍出较准的估算指标,能做投资进度计划,能根据项目特点,做各切块的造价控制方案,还熟悉市场行情,那么你就能胜任投资总监;薪资待遇(澳洲):60000澳币/每年薪资待遇(中国):8000~20000人民币/每月就业数据分析:最新预计,到2020年,城市和区域规划师的岗位将达到9300人。工作时间:35.9小时每周,其他所有行业平均是40小时每周行业分布:公共管理和安全占59.6%,专业、科学和技术服务占23.8%,其他行业7.5%,电力、天然气、水和废物服务5.8%州分布:新南威尔士州占43.5%,维多利亚州27.9%,昆士兰州13.4%。平均年龄:34岁(其他所有职业平均是40岁)男女比例:男性48.8%,女性51.2%学历水平:高学历的专业,本科占66.4%,硕士33.6%。09.墨尔本大学城市规划专业学生评价评价:我是澳洲的城规专业。现在澳洲干城市规划。我最终的理想是回国建设国内的整个规划体系,当然了, 我不认为这件事在十年二十年内能实现。国内的城市规划偏设计,可以说是为开发商服务的,作为城市规划砖家,却很难有自己的思想,事事要听领导的,听开发商的,很是可惜。 而在澳洲或其他的国家(比如英国美国加拿大新西兰等),城市规划专业则是一道坎,切断了 “权”(政府)和 ”钱“(开发商)之间的利益关系,所以通过政策,能做到更为理性的发展。10.2018年墨尔本大学大学热门专业推荐墨尔本大学会计和金融(管理)专业墨尔本大学幼儿教育/学前教育专业墨尔本大学信息系统专业墨尔本大学景观建筑(园林设计)专业墨尔本大学国际传媒交流专业墨尔本大学管理(金融)专业墨尔本大学TESOL专业墨尔本大学管理(会计)专业墨尔本大学法学博士专业墨尔本大学营销传播专业11.2018澳洲留学城市规划专业学费,排名,申请要求汇总(本科及硕士)悉尼大学城市设计(城市设计和规划)专业悉尼大学城市设计专业已在澳大利亚享有声誉,本专业毕业生也在各大洲担任设计,管理和教学的角色;本专业课程为学生提供关于城市设计,都市生活的可持续性的课程;通过本专业核心课程的学习,...新南威尔士大学城市规划专业新南威尔士大学城市规划专业影响着城市和农村地区日常生活的许多方面;规划是为城市、郊区和地区发展规划目标,旨在改善并保护环境以及对城市和农村的综合管理;事实上,规划涉及到了很多领域...墨尔本大学城市设计专业墨尔本城市设计专业是艺术的一种表达方式;本专业课程旨在培养学生制定和设计城市环境的能力;本专业涉及了建筑物设计,群建筑,空间和景观,框架和流程的建立等知识和技能;本专业学生将学习城...悉尼大学城市和区域规划专业悉尼大学城市和区域规划专业为学生提供了成为领域专业人士的途径;本专业课程受澳大利亚规划研究所的认证;这确保了本专业学生的就业机会;课程将由本领域的专家亲自授课,同时本专业也与本行业...LZ可以参考留学志愿参考系统https://www.douban.com/group/topic/105575602/,输入个人基本情况,比如专业,学校,GPA,语言成绩,意向国家等等,系统会自动匹配出与你情况类似的同学案例,看他们申请到了哪些院校和专业。也可以按照留学目标来筛选,看看你的目标院校和专业都哪些背景的学生申请了,也从而对比自身情况,选择适合的院校和专业。