波士顿大学GPA要求这所美国著名的世界级顶尖院校,波士顿大学的录取率在25%左右,所以,想要申请这所名校的同学们,大家面对的竞争压力还是不小的,因此,最好提前准备好各项申请材料:一.波士顿大学本科GPA要求You will apply to BU as a freshman if you are currently in your last year of high school, have completed high school, are a GED recipient, or have completed a high school equivalency exam.如果你已经高中毕竟或持续GED考试证书的高分成绩,大家都可以申请波士顿大学本科,但作为国际学生,大家需要注意的是:You are eligible to apply for admission to Boston University as an international undergraate student if you’ve completed the equivalent of a United States secondary school ecation (approximately 12 years of formal ecation starting at age six) or are a GED recipient or completed a secondary school equivalency exam.如果你已经完成12年的中学教育或者达到了美国高中毕业GED水平,那么作为非本土居民的你,可以申请波士顿大学BU。从波士顿大学官网录取要求来看,波士顿大学申请申请者需要提交以下材料:1.Secondary School Records高中成绩单(1)内陆学生提交的成绩单为高中毕业证书(2)中国香港地区的学生需要提交的成绩单为HKDSE、HK A-Levels、HKCEE and Lower Form VI transcript(3)中国台湾地区的学生需要提交的成绩单为Senior High School Diploma (高中文凭)2.Final Year Grades最后一年GPA成绩单一般来说,波士顿大学本科GPA平均成绩在3.59左右,所以,申请同学们的GPA最好不要低于3.59分:3.English Proficiency Testing Results英语成绩要求Students who are most competitive for admission will have a composite score of at least 90-100 and minimum scores of 20 in each section.In lieu of the TOEFL exam, you may submit the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A score of 7 or higher will also satisfy BU’s English Language proficiency requirement for all programs.(1)托福成绩不能低于90分,单科成绩不能低于20分(2)波士顿大学托福报考码是3087(3)雅思成绩不能低于7分;二、波士顿大学硕士GPA要求波士顿大学下设17个研究生院,包含从法学院School of Law到艺术学院College of Fine Arts、工程学院College of Engineering以及School of Social Work社会工作学院等的众多专业学院,不同学院不同专业GPA都有不同的要求,下面我们以波士顿大学法学院最新入学要求,为大家详细解析。BU School of Law Admissions波士顿大学法学院硕士申请条件作为美国TOP50的顶尖法学院之一,波士顿大学法学院连续18年为学生提供200多种专业课程,其中,LLM法学硕士的入学要求为:1、申请费:$85 Application fee2、本科官方成绩单:Official Transcripts.3、2封推荐信:Two Letters of Recommendation4、一份个人陈述PS:Personal Statement of Interest:5.LSAC成绩单: Complete official transcripts—or notarized, full-sized copies—of all colleges, universities, or graate schools from which you have earned a degree must be submitted to LSAC.6.托福、雅思成绩单:(1)托福成绩要求:100分以上,单项不能低于25分;(2)雅思成绩不能低于7分;7.GPA成绩要求:GPA不能低于3.0分,GPA分数越高,申请成功率越大;8.面试:具体的面试通知,会有波士顿大学专人通知大家