On independence To be independent means to deal with all the personal things in the most effective and objective way, including the most trivial, and the most crucial life decisions you have to make. That's all right you may consult other's suggestions but it is never others but yourself to meet all the problems. You don't escape no matter how hard the difficulties you will encounter. There are some troubles or pains in this life that you will have no other choices but to face them all by your own when they come to you some day. To be independent means to show your maturity from within. Sometimes you have to hide or even ignore your personal feelings and emotions in order to have a good observation about the situation, to comfort others, and finally to find the right solutions. Though you are unhappy, angry or there are even worse feelings inside you, you have to pretend (sometimes it is to pretend)to be the calmest one on the scene, and also to be relied on. To be independent requires you managing yourself well. It also means a good arrangement of your whole life, which involves time arranging, friends making, and how to face different people around you. Always to think independently, always have your own opinions and not easily be distracted by others' subjective views. To be a real independent one, it is necessary to know what you are good at and what your shortcomings are by which you can draw up yourself a good life plan. Don't go extremes. There are a lot of things in this world unfair and can never be perfect. We should be tolerant that allows us to have a broad view towards life. Another important element to make an independent one is to live an independent life.To learn more fundamental living skills is always good for everyone, such as to be a good cook, to know how to make the daily food or dishes more balanced in nutrition, to learn to be a wise shopper ( till today I am still not one. It is such a large field requiring many kinds of knowledge.) Then, try our best to assure ourselves of a good body, an independently-thinking mind, a good manner, and a real independent one both mentally and physically. Being independent is really a great thing to do.